China condemns G7 over criticism of its ‘coercive’ maritime actions
Related topics: China diplomacy Coercive diplomacy Maritime diplomacy Multilateral diplomacy
China has strongly criticised the Group of 7 (G7) nations for their recent joint statement condemning its actions in maritime regions, labelling the G7’s accusations as “filled with arrogance, prejudice, and malicious intentions.”
The G7’s statement reproached China for its provocative and coercive actions in the South China Sea, including land reclamations and militarisation of outposts, asserting that such activities disrupt regional stability. They also reaffirmed the importance of peace across the Taiwan Strait. In response, China rejected these claims, accusing the G7 of interfering in its internal affairs and vowed to make their opposition known to Canada, where the meeting was held.
Despite China’s dismissal of an unfavourable UN court ruling about its claims to the South China Sea, it insists on the legitimacy of its claims over Taiwan. It continues to conduct military operations in the region, straining relations with neighbouring countries.
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