From our blog

An ambassador’s personal reflections on his time at the UN (2013-2015)

Asoke Mukerji

Two major processes dominated my assignment as India’s Ambassador to the United Nations in New York between April 2013 and December 2015. One was a growing momentum for reform of the UN Security Council (UNSC) in th...

Accelerating action: SDGs need ‘digital steroids’

Jovan Kurbalija

The most recent Report on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) estimates that 6% of the world’s population is likely to continue living in extreme poverty by 2030, and least developing countrie...

High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development


Frequency of reference to digital technology during the High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development Statistics show that 821 million people were undernourished in 2017 and over half of schools in Sub-Saharan...

Hosting UNCTAD in 2020: Small countries and big stakes

Rawl Prescott

Barbados will host the 15th United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) quadrennial meeting in October 2020.  It will be the first small state to host the conference. According to the Prime Minister o...

Training and courses


Start of contemporary diplomacy courses

05 Oct 20 - 05 Oct 20


Diplo at STI Forum 2019, New York

14 May 19 - 15 May 19

United States

The UN World Data Forum 2018

22 Oct 18 - 24 Oct 18

United Arab Emirates

Diplo & GIP at WSIS Forum 2017

12 Jun 17 - 16 Jun 17


Diplo at IGMENA Summit

30 Sep 16 - 02 Oct 16

Tunisia, Africa

Global Conference on Cyberspace 2015

16 Apr 15 - 17 Apr 15




Sustainable Capacity Building: Internet Governance in Africa – An Action Plan

Enhancing sustainable capacity building on internet governance (IG) would have positive consequences within and beyond the African context. Considering the importance of the issues that fall under the framework of IG – ranging from providing access to infrastructure... Read more...


The EU’s New Commission: Digital Policy in the Limelight (Briefing Paper #13)

In this briefing paper, Dr Stephanie Borg Psaila analyses Ursula von der Leyen's new EU Commission's emphasis on digital policy for 2019–2024.... Read more...

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Developing Community-level Capacity Assessment Tools: Perspectives and Practical Applications in the Context of Rural Africa (Briefing Paper #11)

The message provides an overview of developing community-level capacity assessment tools relevant to rural Africa to improve local development strategies.... Read more...

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Leaving No One Behind in the Data Revolution (Briefing Paper #5)

The text offers policy recommendations and insights on cybersecurity, focusing on building resilience, fostering cooperation, and addressing challenges in the digital domain.... Read more...

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In search of the most sustainable and coherent diplomatic approaches to addressing the fundamental challenges Small States (including Small Island States or SIDS) perennially face in an uncertain world of hegemonic giants

Small states, in every sphere of natural and human activity, are negatively and disproportionately impacted by crises, when compared to their hegemonic, larger and stronger counterparts.... Read more...

Food, Ketchup, Logo, Armor


Namibia’s Digital Foreign Policy and Diplomacy (Briefing Paper #3)

This briefing paper emerged from Diplo's participation in Namibia's Foreign Policy Review Conference (July 2016). In this paper, Dr Katharina E. Höne suggests a three-pronged approach to Namibia's digital foreign policy and diplomacy, and looks at the discourse on inf... Read more...

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Information and communications technologies for development

The text discusses the role of information and communications technologies (ICTs) in development.... Read more...

Logo, Emblem, Symbol, Food, Ketchup


Pricing the right to education: The cost of reaching new targets by 2030

This paper shows there is an annual nancing gap of US$39 billion over 2015-2030 for reaching universal pre-primary, primary and secondary education of good quality in low and lower middle income countries. ... Read more...

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