Net neutrality and zero-rating
Could COVID-19 disrupt the Internet?
24 Mar 20 - Online
Diplo & GIP at EuroDIG 2018
05 Jun 18 - 06 Jun 18Tbilisi, Georgia
[Webinar] Net neutrality in Europe: The BEREC guidelines and beyond
06 Oct 16 - Online
DiploFoundation and Geneva Internet Platform at 10th IGF in Brazil
10 Nov 15 - 13 Nov 15João Pessoa, Brazil, and online
Introduction to Digital Politics 2015: online course for Geneva-based diplomats
27 Apr 15 - 22 Jun 15Online
[Webinar] Internet governance in November 2014: a bubbling cauldron
02 Dec 14 - Online and WMO building, Geneva
[Webinar] The fight for Net Neutrality
29 Jun 14 - Online
[Webinar] Developments and outcomes of WCIT12 – what happens next?
18 Dec 12 - Online
Internet governance in 2012: What can we expect?
12 Jan 12 - Online
[Webinar] The (remaining) challenges of Network Neutrality
05 Jul 11 - Online
Webinar Digest: Net neutrality in Europe – The BEREC guidelines and beyond
The webinar discussed the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC) guidelines on net neutrality in Europe, issued almost nine months after the legal rules were adopted. These [...]
12 Oct, 2016
[Briefing #19] Internet governance in October 2015
In October 2015, various digital policy areas gained significance, impacting Internet governance processes. Key topics like cybersecurity, privacy, data protection, and net neutrality were discussed, [...]
01 Nov, 2015
Internet governance in July and August
The Barometer for July and August highlighted cybersecurity, internet governance transition, and privacy as key topics. Major events included UN sessions, internet governance forums, and cybersecurity[...]
27 Aug, 2015
[Briefing #15] Internet governance in May 2015
Internet governance developments in May 2015 highlighted the connection between digital policy and sustainable development, as well as the increasing securitisation of digital policy. Cybersecurity an[...]
01 Jun, 2015
[Briefing #14] Internet governance in April 2015
The April briefing highlighted global cybersecurity being at the forefront, with a focus on the Global Conference on Cyberspace 2015. Discussions also touched upon topics like the Budapest Convention,[...]
29 Apr, 2015
Internet governance developments in March
Internet governance developments in March were diverse and included discussions on online privacy, data protection, net neutrality, and jurisdiction. Notable events in March included the Human Rights [...]
09 Apr, 2015
Ensuring user-centred privacy in a connected world
The message highlights discussions on user-centered privacy at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona. It addresses the challenges of legal regulations not keeping pace with technological advancements[...]
02 Mar, 2015
Internet governance developments in February
February saw significant developments in Internet governance, with a focus on cybersecurity, net neutrality, and the stewardship transition process. The White House Summit on Cybersecurity, FCC's net [...]
02 Mar, 2015
Internet governance forecast for 2015: Unsettled weather, fresh winds, stormy at times
The Internet governance forecast for 2015 predicts unsettled weather with fresh winds and some stormy periods. Dr. Jovan Kurbalija highlights key issues, including cybersecurity, global architecture, [...]
28 Jan, 2015
Day 2 of the 9th IGF in Istanbul
The second day of the 9th IGF in Istanbul featured discussions on net neutrality, human rights, and mapping initiatives. Topics included zero rating, human rights as user-led demands, and the role of [...]
04 Sep, 2014
The fight for net neutrality (webinar digest and video)
The text discusses a webinar on net neutrality revisiting the topic after three years, focusing on emerging challenges like new infrastructure and policy developments. It covers various perspectives f[...]
17 Jul, 2014
Day 1 at NETmundial: Rejecting mass surveillance, fostering net neutrality
The first day at NETmundial emphasized rejecting mass surveillance and promoting net neutrality, with a consensus-based approach favored. Discussions and negotiations continued late into the night, se[...]
24 Apr, 2014
The Hypocrisy Threatening the Future of the Internet
The message highlights the threat of hypocrisy to the future of the internet, raising concerns about the negative impact of inconsistent actions and s... Read more
Net neutrality in Europe
The European Union upholds net neutrality, ensuring that all internet traffic is treated equally, without discrimination or interference from internet... Read more
The network neutrality debate and development
This study focuses ont he Net Neutrality controversy. It aims to answer a number of questions including - If Net Neutrality deserves protection, the q... Read more
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Diplo is a non-profit foundation established by the governments of Malta and Switzerland. Diplo works to increase the role of small and developing states, and to improve global governance and international policy development.