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Author: Kishan S Rana

Diplomatic culture and its domestic context


Is there a specific, distinctive diplomatic culture? Given the fact that the conduct of diplomacy is regulated by international law and by custom, and since the structures through which states conduct their external relations, both bilateral and multilateral, are standardized, it is fair to say that both the institutions and the process form a pattern of their own, unique to this profession. The professional diplomatist actors on the international stage, and their institutions, display certain shared characteristics.

Is there a specific, distinctive diplomatic culture? Given the fact that the conduct of diplomacy is regulated by international law and by custom, and since the structures through which states conduct their external relations, both bilateral and multilateral, are standardized, it is fair to say that both the institutions and the process form a pattern of their own, unique to this profession. The professional diplomatist actors on the international stage, and their institutions, display certain shared characteristics. Empirical evidence shows that at different times in history, diplomatic culture has varied, adapting itself to circumstance and needs. We are concerned here with the current scene, not the history or the evolution of this professional culture.


What are the current circumstances that shape this culture? The following elements are relevant.

A. The number of sovereign state actors on the international stage has grown dramatically. Member-states of the UN number 192, in contrast to the 50 founder-states that signed the San Francisco Treaty of 1945. At that time, national individuality was even suppressed by non-Western diplomats. Today we celebrate diversity, in diplomatic attire, working languages, and styles of conduct, in contrast to the recent past. The working diplomats one encounters, in bilateral, regional, and global settings are much more uninhibited and prone to express their individuality. One incidental effect is that cross-culture studies for diplomats are more important than in the past.

B. At the same time, shared values lie beneath the surface. Professional and personal integrity and an ability to win trust from interlocutors are foremost, regardless of a diplomat’s country of origin. Surface diversity and a measure of underlying homogeneity is one way of describing the situation. If we are candid, we might acknowledge that some countries of the global South have tended to be less serious or professionally committed to their work, especially in bilateral diplomacy, in places of medium or relatively low interest to the home country. Some observers might assert that such situations are under evolution and one should not generalize excessively.

C. The entry of multiple players in international affairs has led to a culture that perforce has to be more open and accessible than before. The activities and relatively autonomous stature of these state and “private” or civil society stakeholders in the diplomatic process have forced relearning of skills for the professional diplomats. In order to distinguish the latter from the “para-diplomats,” one is tempted to go back to the old term “diplomatist” to describe the full-time professionals; we should also acknowledge that we have in view mainly the professional “diplomatists.”

D. Regional diplomacy, be it in the shape of the unification process of the European Union or the intensifying dialogue within the Organization of American States or the Association of Southeast Asian Countries, is producing multiple encounters among diplomats of different regions, as well as, perhaps, some degree of mutual emulation and a kind of “regional” diplomatic style, or at the very least, cross-influences.

E. In describing diplomatic culture, we need to be aware of a normative element in our narration. We tend to describe an ideal that may exist but imperfectly, in the world of practicing diplomats.

What are the contours of a shared, generalized diplomatic culture? We may broadly distinguish between the culture of individuals and institutional culture. Both are shaped by national characteristics, but beyond their distinctiveness are some common elements typical of both the people and the structures of foreign ministries and their diplomatic services. This paper focuses on the commonalities while noting also the national context that must be taken into account when we look at particular countries.

  1. It is a culture that flows from its function, namely, managing external relations in a foreign environment that ranges from the bilateral to regional and global. The ability to handle the cross-cultural interface is central to the professional tasks, as is language and area expertise, besides other functional skills.
  2. It is a culture of outreach, advocacy, communication, and negotiation. These are among the core professional skills. By its very nature, diplomacy is pragmatic, working for the possible, even while ideals and principles may provide a frame of reference. Its focus is on the possible, generally within a spirit of mutual accommodation with foreign partners. This means a focus on compromise, and on pragmatic solutions that bridge differences.
  3. Our interdependent world is dominated by globalization, subject complexity (and technicality), plus multi-level dialogue among states, with varied actors, state and private. A central task of diplomacy is to find synthesis and cross-connections between issues, to produce linkage and leverage. This changes the work description of the professional from that of the generalist of the past, to the “generalist-specialist,” or someone akin to a systems engineer, who is not the master of each element of the international dialogue, but can find the interconnections between disparate subjects, in pursuit of national interest.
  4. It is a culture of gradualism, of working slowly towards objectives, mainly focused on incremental results. Each individual participant in the diplomatic process is a cog in a continuum, indebted to predecessors and aware that others will carry forward the dossiers on which he or she has worked.
  5. Public service reform is widespread, even a national priority in many states. A culture of accountability and user-friendliness is beginning to emerge, though this is a new notion in diplomacy. Foreign ministries in countries as far apart as France, Thailand, and the UK are today guided by public management concepts such as good governance, delivery of value, and customer satisfaction. Corporate culture norms like ISO 9000 certification are creeping into diplomacy networks.
  6. Concepts of domestic public diplomacy or public communication are also reshaping this diplomatic culture. This entails two-way dialogue with the publics, and institutionalized dialogue with civil society, based on accepting them as legitimate stakeholders in foreign policy and the diplomatic process. China offers an interesting example of recent conversion to public diplomacy.
  7. The diplomatic corps has always acted as a unifying influence on professional diplomats posted abroad, reflecting shared values. A new trend is a heavy focus on bilateral interactions between countries that keep embassy personnel pre-occupied; accordingly, social interaction among diplomats is reduced and, when it takes place, all too often it is in a regional framework, in terms of clusters of African, Arab or EU envoys. In the capitals that are home to a large diplomatic community, much of the socialization takes place in the regional frame. This strengthens the regional values and styles and slightly reduces the cross-connection within the diplomatic corps as an entity.

The above list is illustrative, not exhaustive. Other elements that are distinctive to individual countries should be added to the list as we consider particular states and regions.

Domestic Interactions

Let us consider the way this professional culture interacts with the domestic environment. The first issue this raises is the manner in which diplomats and the foreign ministry apparatus are perceived at home.

In many countries, foreign ministries currently face criticism, even a sizable image deficit. An Asian foreign ministry official that attended a conference held at Wilton Park, UK in January 2003 on the theme “Diplomacy Today” remarked: “Everywhere, diplomatic services feel themselves to be under siege.”1Informal conversation with the author, November 2003. In countries such as Japan and Thailand, where the foreign ministry and its embassies enjoyed a high reputation until the recent past, financial scandal and other lapses uncovered in their domestic media in the last two years have led to a loss of public trust. In Denmark, a TV documentary series titled “Our Expensive Diplomacy” found popular reception in 2002. In India, where the print media has seldom viewed its diplomats with favor, a leading daily carried an editorial page critique titled “The Indian Fossil Service”2Indian Express, June 2003. and some months later the leading economic daily carried a lead editorial blaming foreign ministry officials for the country’s low brand equity abroad.3The Economic Times, November 2003. An Internet-based poll in July 2004, during the kidnapping of three Indians working in Iraq (at a time when many foreigners had been kidnapped and even killed) showed that 74% of Indians felt that the Indian government had not done enough to ensure the release of the hostages.4Times of India, July 31, 2004. One may identify several reasons for such public disenchantment.

First, domestic publics that have progressively become interested in foreign affairs have often found the foreign ministry establishment not responding fast enough to this new development. A quick survey today in different capitals would show countries in early stages of implementing their domestic outreach strategies. Inflated expectations may also be behind this loud media criticism of diplomatic services. Second, in some countries the foreign ministry was earlier perceived as exempt from corruption and other wrongdoing, perhaps because it was insulated from extensive public contact. The breaking of the sharp division between domestic and external work has placed the foreign ministry closer into the home context. Expansion in economic diplomacy has also exposed working diplomats to new temptations.5Kishan Rana, The 21st Century Ambassador: Plenipotentiary to Chief Executive (Malta: DiploBooks, 2004), 180. Third, standards of public accountability and good governance have risen for all agencies of the government, and the foreign ministry is not insulated from this trend. At the same time, public expectations have also risen, led by changes in the manner in which all government ministries are expected to be accountable. Witness, for instance, the new notions of performance targets and “outcomes,” pioneered in the UK in the late 1980s under the inspiration of Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher,6This transparency is exemplified in the biennial document of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office under the banal title, “FCO Expenditure Plans.” Similar material on the US State Department’s narration of performance target fulfillment, available in its annual report ‘‘Fiscal Year Performance and Accountability Report,” is thorough and exceptionally lucid. These documents are available on the websites of the two institutions. that apply in Australia, France, and New Zealand, among others.7See Kishan Rana, “Performance Management in Foreign Ministries: Corporate Techniques in the Diplomatic Services,” Discussion Papers in Diplomacy (The Hague: Netherlands Institute of International Relations “Clingendael,” July 2004), available online at ?id=5500. Fourth, in many countries diplomatic services have often been seen as elites that are too insulated from domestic circumstances. This produces envy among the other branches of public services, and the situation is compounded when the foreign ministry appears to function in isolation, or practices poor coordination with the functional ministries. South Asia has witnessed this over the years, especially India.

The situation described above does not, of course, obtain everywhere. But the loss of insulation from domestic publics or, to put it more positively, the necessity for the foreign ministry to integrate and work more closely with state and non-state actors at home, is part of the wider dimension of the diplomat-home interaction. For instance, Canada’s Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade regards the building of better understanding of the country’s foreign policy and support for its diplomatic service as a legitimate goal of its internal public diplomacy. Other countries may not say this openly but are motivated by the same calculation. Let us consider this further.

  1. The foreign ministry has evolved from its earlier role as the exclusive channel – that is, the “gatekeeper” – to external contacts by other branches of government to the role of coordinator.

The track record of different foreign ministries in implementing openness and gaining domestic trust is uneven. It is interesting that the transition states of East and Central Europe and Central Asia have shown greater flexibility and willingness to communicate with internal stakeholders than a number of the older developing countries of Africa and Asia. This may well be since the post-communist regimes have a more urgent necessity for change, and a keener urge to sweep away the cobwebs of the past. For instance, many of them have sections within the MFA charged with dialogue with domestic and international NGOs and civil society, while in many developing countries this is yet to happen, in part because of reserve in accepting them as partners.

  • A more advanced model of internal communication occurs where the MFA has moved from coordination to “networking,” as a proactive form of multi-level dialogue with the entire foreign affairs community within the country. On the face of it, communication should come easily to diplomats, since this is one of the core skills of the profession. In the UK, the networking model works well with the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO), not only in dealings with different home partners, but even in the shape of economic diplomacy structures – “Export Britain” and “Invest Britain” that are located in the FCO and jointly managed with another ministerial department, the Board of Trade. Contrast this with the situation of unending turf battle characteristic of the management of economic diplomacy in countries such as India and Thailand. Within the EU we witness more advanced forms of cooperation, mandated by the unification process and the fact that EU affairs are no longer “external,” but a kind of hybrid “domestic-external” zone in which all branches of government have equal competence. While the response of each EU MFA is far from uniform, new models of indispensable networking have developed.
  • The foreign ministry is one agency that has no sectoral agenda of its own, but is a harmonizer of varied, sometimes clashing, functional interests of all the other agencies as they relate to external affairs. The only permanent interest of the MFA is in the advancement of national interests abroad, in their totality. This should give it a “natural” centrality and an honest broker status, in cases of differences between different agencies on the policy or tactics on some foreign issue. For instance, to counter the threat from terrorism, an internal affairs ministry may demand strong visa controls on the entry of foreigners; a tourism ministry concerned with stepping up the inflow of foreign tourists may prefer a more liberal regime. The civil aviation ministry may be more concerned with the profitability of national airlines than an open-skies policy that gives more flights that bring in business visitors and tourists.
  • MFAs are traditionally attuned to secrecy and “managing” information. The new dictum of openness sits heavily with them, especially those that have a strong history and self-image. While it is customary today to have a unit at the foreign ministry to handle interface with civil society and NGOs, not just in Western ministries but also in the transition states – the latter having shown themselves to be fast learners of the structures and jargon of contemporary diplomacy – that is not the case with many developing countries. India, for instance, does not have a unit to handle civil society dialogue; nor a designated agency for public diplomacy, which is still handled in compartmental fashion by at least three different agencies, with no coordination between them.

The Change Process

Opinions may diverge on whether a distinctive diplomatic culture is a good thing, as seen from the home perspective. The position one takes on this perhaps depends on whether we see the principal attributes of diplomatic culture in a positive or negative light. Supporters of diplomatic culture may affirm that it is always good to have an agency of government that understands and is responsive to the external environment and, in effect, acts as a translator or intermediary between the home and abroad. Critics of diplomatic culture see the foreign ministry establishment too remote from the real situation within the country, and failing to deliver value for its rather high cost. Further, they may want the foreign ministry establishment to be less concerned with good relations abroad for their own sake, and also not to act as a disseminator of other people’s values.8In March 1982, during a British parliamentary debate on the Falklands War, former Foreign Secretary Lord Carrington charged the Foreign Office with having forgotten the distinction between diplomacy and foreign policy, because in working to safeguard relations with Argentina it had distanced itself from the advocacy of real British interests.Whatever the truth of the matter, clearly diplomatic culture cannot afford to be out of rapport with the domestic context, nor be perceived as providing too much of its “leadership” to unreceptive home agencies.

Underscoring the above is the notion that the MFA is much more equal to the home agencies on foreign affairs than before, and needs to earn their respect, rather than demand it as a matter of right. This involves adaptation of the institutional culture of the diplomatic establishment, especially in the tradition-bound agencies.

One revealing indicator of the way the establishment deals with the publics is the degree of openness that is practiced in relation to the official archives. Democracies recognize the right to information enjoyed by their citizens and usually open up even the most confidential of documentation after about 30 years, when the balance is deemed to tilt from secrecy of inter-government exchanges to historical accountability to the publics. However, many democracies do not practice this, on the false premise that state secrets must be guarded over a much longer term. Such attitudes fly in the face of accountability.9This is true of a large number of developing countries that are practicing democracies, including India, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka.

Training is a key element in helping foreign ministry personnel to relate better to the domestic players. Mid-career training is especially useful, ideally where MFA officials are blended with those in the home establishments, including the armed forces, to stretch and balance the perspectives of all the participants and to learn to integrate foreign and domestic affairs. No less vital is training for ambassadors and senior officials, something that is addressed by just a few countries as yet. These exceptions are Canada, with an obligatory two-week program that all ambassadors are required to attend before proceeding abroad, regardless of seniority, and China, with a two-month program that seems in part attuned to language training. India sends two officials each year to the National Defense College for its one-year course for higher leadership, and a similar practice is followed in a fair number of other countries. But this does not substitute for in-house training for senior officials, where new diplomacy techniques, corporate management techniques, and public diplomacy outreach are among the issues addressed, to a blend of MFA and home administration personnel.

The other device is annual or periodic meetings of envoys, ideally held in the home capital. An increasing number of countries are adopting this practice, expensive as it is, as an essential way of integrating the diplomatic process more closely with the home country objectives and hierarchy systems. Within the past decade, China and Germany are two instances of states that hold annual conferences of all their ambassadors. (The other alternative, regional gatherings of envoys held in a foreign capital, usually coinciding with a foreign tour by the president or foreign minister, are a very poor cousin, missing the home establishment dimension.) Smaller countries, such as Namibia, hold ad hoc gatherings, again aimed at improved integration of the external and the home public service process.

A more sustained way of integration is an exchange of personnel between home and diplomatic services. In Western countries this is standard practice. In developing and transition states, the application is limited, often inhibited by the “trade union instincts” of the diplomatic service. One can point to a number of MFAs in these states where officials of other home services are not accepted as yet, or where some small openings have been made, but considerable resistance remains. It is forgotten that a “closed-shop” foreign ministry conveys images of aloofness and elitism that it can ill-afford.

Diplomatic culture remains a distinctive entity, in comparison with the national or civil service culture of most countries. Commonalities among all diplomatic establishments persist, but are less of a unifying force than before. The subject deserves closer empirical study, looking to different regions and continents.

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Twentieth-Century Diplomacy: A Case Study of British Practice, 1963-1976

Some years ago, John Young, Professor of International History at the University of Nottingham and long-serving Chair of the British International History Group, turned his thoughts and research in the direction of diplomatic procedure. This is the first monograph to be the product of his shift in direction and it is to be most warmly welcomed. It is original in focus, impeccably researched (private papers and oral history transcripts have been sifted as well official documents in The National Archives), crisply written, and altogether a major contribution to the contemporary history of diplom...


Preventive Diplomacy: Stopping Wars Before they Start

The text discusses the concept of preventive diplomacy as a proactive approach to preventing wars before they begin.


Diplomacy and Journalism in the Victorian era: Charles Dickens, the Roving Englishman and the “white gloved cousinocracy”

The Victorian era saw the convergence of diplomacy and journalism, with figures like Charles Dickens embodying this relationship. Dickens, known as the Roving Englishman, navigated political and social landscapes, shedding light on the "white gloved cousinocracy" of the time.


Journeying Far and Wide: A Political and Diplomatic Memoir

Kaiser was an active Democrat and 'noncareer officer' in the US Foreign Service under three Democratic presidents: Kennedy, Johnson, and Carter. His memoir, which is uncluttered with the trivial detail sometimes found in this genre and written with great verve, will be valued by diplomatic historians of the whole period since the Second World War. (Kaiser had served earlier as Assistant Secretary of Labor for International Affairs in the Truman administration.)


The Diplomatic Corps as an Institution of International Society

The Diplomatic Corps is an institution that plays a crucial role in international society by facilitating communication and negotiation between different countries. It serves as a bridge between nations, fostering peaceful resolutions to conflicts and promoting cooperation on global issues. Diplomats are trained professionals who represent their countries' interests abroad and work to build relationships based on mutual respect and understanding. Through their diplomatic efforts, the Diplomatic Corps helps maintain stability and promote diplomacy in the international arena.


Embassies and Foreign Courts

The text explores the role and functioning of diplomatic missions and interactions between foreign powers, offering insights into the complexities and nuances of international relations during the time it was written.


A practitioner’s view

Part of Language and Diplomacy (2001): With examples from a detailed case study of the historical New Zealand Treaty of Waitangi, Aldo Matteucci shows us that the diplomat's job is to decode language. Matteucci writes that all language comes with "hidden baggage": hidden meanings and intentions, historical and political context, legal precedents, etc. In order to find these hidden meanings the diplomat needs a broad understanding of the context of a situation.


Pragmatics in diplomatic exchanges

Part of Language and Diplomacy (2001): Edmond Pascual interprets diplomatic communication with the linguistic tools of pragmatics. He begins by reminding us that while the diplomat is a "man of action," the particular nature of the diplomat's action is that it consists of speech. Pascual applies three concepts of pragmatics to diplomatic discourse: speech as an intentional act; the effects of the act of speech; and the role of the unsaid in the act of speech.


DiploDialogue – Metaphors for Diplomats

On Diplo’s blog, in Diplo’s classrooms, and at Diplo’s events, dialogues stretch over a series of entries, comments, and exchanges and may even linger. DiploDialogue summarises. It’s like in sports events: DiploDialogue aims to bring focus by deleting what, in hindsight, is less relevant. In this first DiploDialogue, Katharina Höne and Aldo Matteucci discuss the usefulness of analogies and metaphors for understanding international relations and diplomacy.


DC Confidential: The controversial memoirs of Britain’s ambassador to the U.S. at the time of 9/11 and the Iraq War

DC Confidential: The controversial memoirs of Britain's ambassador to the U.S. at the time of 9/11 and the Iraq War.


British Envoys to Germany 1816-1866

The text discusses the role and activities of British envoys in Germany from 1816 to 1866.


A Diplomat in Siam (introduced and edited by Nigel Brailey)

Nigel Brailey, a University of Bristol historian who is well known to students of Sir Ernest Satow, is to be congratulated on bringing out a revised edition of this work, the fruit of Satow's period as British minister-resident in Bangkok from 1885 until 1888. It is the journal which Satow, later the author of the famous Guide to Diplomatic Practice, kept on his long boat journey from Bangkok to the northern city of Chiangmai and back again, which took from the beginning of December 1885 until the end of the following February.


Reforming Diplomacy: Clear Choices, New Emphases

The text discusses the need for reform in diplomacy, emphasizing clear choices and new focal points.


The Queen’s Ambassador to the Sultan: Memoirs of Sir Henry A. Layard’s Constantinople Embassy, 1877-1880

Once more students of Ottoman diplomatic history are in debt to the scholar-publisher, Sinan Kuneralp, for Sir Henry Layard was one of the most remarkable and controversial of British ambassadors to Turkey in the nineteenth century and served there during the Russo-Turkish War of 1877-8 – and yet the volumes of his memoirs dealing with this period have hitherto languished unpublished in the British Library, in part perhaps because of their size. (Layard admits himself to having been ‘somewhat minute, perhaps a great deal too much so’, p. 692.)They are here published almost in their entir...


The Practice of Diplomacy, 2nd ed

The importance of public diplomacy as a means to communicate with foreign publics is underscored in the text. Diplomats need to understand local cultures and values to effectively engage with foreign populations and build trust and cooperation.


Diplomacy and Global Governance: The Diplomatic Service in an Age of Worldwide Interdependence

The text discusses the role of the diplomatic service in a time of global interdependence. Diplomacy plays a crucial role in ensuring cooperation and effective governance on a global scale, emphasizing the need for diplomatic efforts in maintaining peace and fostering international relations.


Getting Our Way: 500 Years of Adventure and Intrigue: The Inside Story of British Diplomacy

The message summarizes the book "Getting Our Way: 500 Years of Adventure and Intrigue: The Inside Story of British Diplomacy.


Under the Wire: How the Telegraph Changed Diplomacy

Review by Geoff Berridge


Foreign Ministries: Managing Diplomatic Networks and Optimizing Value

This is a collection of papers presented at the 2006 Conference on Foreign Ministries hosted by DiploFoundation in May 2006, in Geneva. The overarching theme is the adaptation and reform that these ministries have undertaken, in the shape of country experiences and the transformation implemented in specific areas such as the application of information technology for outreach to domestic publics, adaptation in consular services and outsourcing options. Some of the challenging issues addressed cover relations between civil servants and politicians, the role of sub-state entities in diplomacy, an...


Bilateral Diplomacy: A Practitioner Perspective (Briefing Paper #15)

The text outlines the evolution and significance of bilateral diplomacy as the foundation of international relations, detailing its historical roots, key tasks defined by the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, and the contemporary challenges and complexities it faces in a globalized world.


Enhancing Global Governance: Towards a New Diplomacy

The text is about the importance of improving global governance through a new approach to diplomacy.


Mediation in International Relations

The practice of mediation in international relations involves third-party intervention to facilitate conflict resolution between parties. Mediators act as neutral facilitators, assisting in communication, negotiation, and finding common ground to reach a peaceful resolution. It is a diplomatic tool used to de-escalate tensions, prevent conflicts, and promote cooperation among nations. Mediation often requires skilled mediators with expertise in conflict resolution and international affairs to navigate complex political dynamics and foster dialogue between conflicting parties.


Ottoman Diplomacy

In tne text "Ottoman Diplomacy," the Ottoman Empire's diplomatic practices are explored, focusing on their use of ambassadors, gifts, and protocol to maintain relationships with other powers. This diplomacy was essential to the empire's survival and success throughout its history.


Diplomatic culture and its domestic context

Is there a specific, distinctive diplomatic culture? Given the fact that the conduct of diplomacy is regulated by international law and by custom, and since the structures through which states conduct their external relations, both bilateral and multilateral, are standardized, it is fair to say that both the institutions and the process form a pattern of their own, unique to this profession. The professional diplomatist actors on the international stage, and their institutions, display certain shared characteristics.


The Foreign Office

This book contains a comprehensive description of the British Foreign Office and the Foreign Service since the important Eden reforms of 1943.

Diplomacy and domestic politics: The logic of two-level games

The text discusses the concept of two-level games, which examines how international negotiations are influenced by both domestic and international factors. Diplomats must navigate these complexities to reach agreements that satisfy both international partners and domestic constituencies, balancing the demands of two levels of negotiation.


A Dictionary of Diplomacy, Second Edition

Like all professions, diplomacy has spawned its own specialized terminology, and it is this lexicon which provides A Dictionary of Diplomacy 's thematic spine.


The Palgrave Macmillan Dictionary of Diplomacy

Book by Geoff Berridge


Bilateral Diplomacy

Bilateral Diplomacy is the first of the DiploHandbooks, a new series on practical diplomacy. The book breaks new ground in the role ascribed to bilateral diplomacy, and its importance in international affairs today. It also covers the de facto “empowerment” of the embassy that flows from its new responsibility for relationship management.


English Medieval Diplomacy

The text discusses English Medieval Diplomacy.


The Summer Capitals of Europe, 1814-1919

This is an original work, meticulously researched, rich in detail, and written in a clear and – here and there – refreshingly pungent style. Soroka is a Russian scholar but at ease in English.


The Blair Years: Extracts from the Alastair Campbell Diaries

Reveiw by Geoff Berridge


Innovation in Diplomatic Practice

The text discusses the need for innovation in diplomatic practice to address modern challenges effectively. Diplomats must adapt to changing dynamics, such as digital diplomacy and non-state actors, to achieve diplomatic objectives successfully. Traditional diplomatic methods may need to be revised or replaced to meet the demands of contemporary international relations. Innovation and creativity are essential for diplomats to navigate complex global issues and promote peace and cooperation among nations.


Diplomatic Notebooks 1, 1958-1960: The view from Ankara

Zeki Kuneralp (1914-1998) was one of Turkey’s most gifted, well-liked and influential diplomats of the second half of the twentieth century. This book, dispassionately edited, introduced and annotated by his son, the scholar-publisher Sinan Kuneralp, is the first of a promised series of six volumes. Beginning in January 1958 and ending in August 1960, when Zeki Kuneralp became ambassador to Switzerland, it covers all but the first seven or eight months of the period when he was assistant secretary-general for political affairs in the Turkish foreign ministry in Ankara (in May 1960 he was ele...


DC Confidential: The controversial memoirs of Britain’s ambassador to the U.S. at the time of 9/11 and the Iraq War

The publication of these memoirs in autumn 2005 caused a public furore in Britain so I shall not waste time giving any background on Sir Christopher Meyer. (Just punch his name into Google, which will enable you in the blink of an eye even to find out from the BBC website which records he chose when he appeared on Desert Island Discs.)


Diplomacy: Theory and Practice, 2nd edn

Diplomacy: Theory and Practice, 2nd edn" provides an in-depth exploration of the principles and application of diplomacy in international relations. It covers key concepts such as negotiation, communication, and conflict resolution, offering practical insights for diplomats and policymakers. The book emphasizes the role of diplomacy in promoting peace and cooperation among nations, making it a valuable resource for students and professionals in the field of international affairs.


Ever the Diplomat

The message reflects a calm and diplomatic approach to communication.


The British Diplomatic Service 1815-1914

The British Diplomatic Service from 1815 to 1914 showcases the evolution of a prestigious institution that adapted to the changing political landscape of the 19th century. This period saw the service expand its reach globally, employing both traditional aristocratic diplomats and a growing number of professionals. The diplomatic corps played a vital role in maintaining British interests abroad, while facing challenges such as increased international competition and demands for specialized knowledge. The period also witnessed the professionalization of diplomatic practices and the development o...



The essence of effective statecraft lies in the ability to navigate complex political landscapes with skill and insight. A proficient statesman must possess a keen understanding of power dynamics, diplomacy, and strategy to achieve their goals. By mastering the art of statecraft, leaders can successfully steer their nations through challenges and conflicts, securing their interests and promoting stability and prosperity.


Brian Barder’s Diplomatic Diary

Sir Brian Barder, the senior British diplomat and author of the always sage and sometimes gripping What Diplomats Do, died in 2017 but, courtesy of the professional editorial hand of his daughter Louise, has left us another treat. This is what he called a diary and which for the most part has the form of a diary (dated daily entries), although originally it was a series of letters sent to friends from foreign parts. Compared to diplomatic memoirs, diplomatic diaries are a rarity. And since this one is the product of an acute observer who loved the English language and used it in a vigorous and...


Diplomacy and the American Democracy

The text discusses the connection between diplomacy and American democracy. Diplomacy is essential for promoting American values, interests, and security worldwide. It highlights the importance of diplomacy in advancing democracy, human rights, and peace. Diplomatic efforts help address global challenges and conflicts, contributing to a more stable and prosperous world. Diplomacy is a key tool in shaping international relations and ensuring America's leadership on the global stage. It emphasizes the need for strategic and effective diplomacy in advancing American interests and promoting democr...


FDR’s Ambassadors and the Diplomacy of Crisis: From the rise of Hitler to the end of World War II

What effect did personality and circumstance have on US foreign policy during World War II? This incisive account of US envoys residing in the major belligerent countries – Japan, Germany, Italy, China, France, Great Britain, USSR – highlights the fascinating role played by such diplomats as Joseph Grew, William Dodd, William Bullitt, Joseph Kennedy and W. Averell Harriman. Between Hitler's 1933 ascent to power and the 1945 bombing of Nagasaki, US ambassadors sculpted formal policy – occasionally deliberately, other times inadvertently – giving shape and meaning not always intended by ...


Diplomats as cultural bridge builders

Diplomats are people who are on the fringe somewhere, because they are either permanently living in or at least dealing with alien cultures, cultures with different values. The success of a diplomat depends on this brinkmanship because, on the one hand, they must remain credible with their superiors back home and, on the other hand, they must have access to the leaders in the country where they are posted. This paper discusses the role of diplomats as cultural bridge-builders.


Embassies under Siege

The article discusses recent attacks on embassies around the world, highlighting the increasing frequency of such incidents and the challenges faced by diplomats in maintaining security. Diplomatic missions have become targets for various groups due to political tensions and conflicts, putting staff and facilities at risk. Governments are working to enhance security measures and protect their embassies in response to these threats.


Diplomats on Twitter: The good, the bad and the ugly

The article discusses how diplomats are using Twitter, highlighting both the positive and negative aspects of their presence on the platform.


A Selection of New diplomatic memoirs

I have just written a review article on these six books of British diplomatic memoirs for the English Historical Journal, so here I shall just provide some notes on those that I believe to be most valuable to students of diplomacy.


Diplomatic Theory from Machiavelli to Kissinger

The discussion in the text centers on the evolution of diplomatic theory from Machiavelli's emphasis on power politics to Kissinger's approach of balancing power and morality in international relations. It explores how these different perspectives have influenced diplomatic strategies throughout history, ultimately shaping the field of diplomacy.


Diplomacy and Power: Studies in Modern Diplomatic Practice

The text explores the complex relationship between diplomacy and power, analysing their interconnectedness and interactions on the global stage.


The Office of Ambassador in the Middle Ages

The text discusses the role and responsibilities of an ambassador in the Middle Ages. It touches upon the importance of diplomatic skills, cultural awareness, and the power dynamics involved in representing a kingdom or ruler in foreign territories. The text emphasizes the ambassador's role in negotiation, communication, and fostering positive relationships to advance their country's interests.


The Rise of Modern Diplomacy, 1450-1919

The text discusses how modern diplomacy evolved between 1450 and 1919, highlighting the changes in diplomatic practices, the emergence of new diplomatic actors, and the impact of historical events on diplomacy during this period.


21st Century Diplomacy: A practitioner’s guide

Kishan Rana is a man of lengthy and varied experience in the Indian Foreign Service, ending his career as ambassador to Germany. Since then he has spent many years as a globe-trotting trainer of junior diplomats on behalf of DiploFoundation. Few people, therefore, are as well placed to write a practitioners’ guide to the diplomatic craft; and, insofar as concerns the content of his book, which can be found described here, he has not disappointed.

Diplomacy by other means

Diplomacy by other means


Multistakeholder diplomacy at the OECD

In his paper John West outlines multistakeholder diplomacy at the OECD. West first explores the main points and facts of the OECD before going into the emergence of globalising stakeholder societies. Finally he gives his remarks on multistakeholder diplomacy at the OECD.



A must-have for German-speaking students of Swiss diplomacy (and diplomacy generally) since the Second World War is Dr. Max Schweizer’s recently published Diplomatenleben.


The Beijing-Washington Back-Channel and Henry Kissinger’s Secret Trip to China

The text discusses the Beijing-Washington back-channel and Henry Kissinger's covert visit to China.


Performance Management in Foreign Ministries: Corporate Techniques in the Diplomatic Service

The text discusses the implementation of corporate performance management techniques within foreign ministries to improve efficiency and effectiveness in diplomatic services.


Positive Diplomacy

The message details how positive diplomacy serves as an effective tool in building relationships and resolving conflicts between nations. It emphasizes the importance of mutual respect, cooperation, and understanding in diplomatic interactions for achieving peaceful resolutions and fostering international cooperation. Using positive communication and dialogue, countries can work together to address common challenges and build a more stable and prosperous global community.


Twentieth Century Diplomacy: A case study of British practice, 1963-1976

The book review discusses a case study of British diplomacy from 1963 to 1976. It delves into various diplomatic methods employed during this period, such as resident embassies, special missions, summitry, state visits, and dealing with unfriendly governments. The study highlights the importance of traditional diplomatic practices alongside newer forms, showing how they complement rather than compete with each other. The review praises the book's thorough research and insightful analysis, suggesting it as a model for enhancing understanding of diplomatic practices in different contexts.


In Confidence: Moscow’s Ambassador to Six Cold War Presidents

The book "In Confidence: Moscow's Ambassador to Six Cold War Presidents" gives an inside look at diplomatic relations during the Cold War by sharing the experiences of Moscow's ambassador to the United States.


The Practice of Diplomacy: Its evolution, theory and administration

First published in 1995, the long-awaited second edition of this valuable textbook on the history of diplomacy has at last appeared. The first chapter has been expanded to include non-European traditions, and a wholly new chapter has been added to take account of developments over the last 15 years. It is for the main part a work of relaxed authority, clearly written, and – unusually for an introductory work – full of intriguing detail which it would be difficult if not impossible to find in other secondary sources.


The Oxford Handbook of Modern Diplomacy

The message provides information on modern diplomacy from The Oxford Handbook of Modern Diplomacy.


British Heads of Mission at Constantinople, 1583-1922

British Heads of Mission at Constantinople from 1583 to 1922 is a detailed account of the diplomatic representatives representing Britain in the capital of the Ottoman Empire over a span of over three centuries. The book delves into the challenges, successes, and significant events faced by these diplomats during this time period, shedding light on the political dynamics and diplomatic relations between the two nations.


Lessons from two fields

A conversation between a diplomat and an interculturalist, combining real-life examples from the diplomatic field with intercultural theory.


International Regimes

The text analyzes the formation, function, and effectiveness of international regimes in regulating global issues and facilitating cooperation among states.


Theatre of Power: The Art of Signaling

Theatre of Power: The Art of Signaling discusses how strategic signaling plays a vital role in navigating power dynamics. Leaders can use various techniques to convey strength and influence, such as body language, attire, and other symbols. Mastering the art of signaling can help individuals assert dominance and command respect in various settings.


Leaders’ rhetoric and preventive diplomacy – issues we are ignorant about

In this paper, Drazen Pehar analyses the argumentation made by George Lakoff of the University of California at Berkeley in his seminal paper on ‘Metaphor and War’, in which he tried to deconstruct the rhetoric U.S. president George Bush used to justify the war in the Gulf. He also analyses a reading by psycho-historian Lloyd deMause, whose theory differs from Lakoff’s. Throughout his analysis, Pehar describes the role of rhetoric in diplomatic prevention of armed conflicts, and its several functions, and concludes that the methods of preventive diplomacy depend heavily on the theory of...


Multi-Track Diplomacy: A systems approach to peace

Multi-Track Diplomacy" outlines a holistic approach to resolving conflicts through the involvement of multiple sectors in society, including government, business, and civil society. By recognizing the interconnectedness of these sectors and their influence on peacebuilding efforts, this systems approach aims to create sustainable and effective solutions to complex issues.


Diplomacy: Theory and Practice, 3rd edn

The text essentially discusses the concept of diplomacy, exploring both its theoretical underpinnings and practical applications. Diplomacy involves negotiation, communication, and relationship-building between different states to achieve common goals and resolve conflicts peacefully. It emphasizes the importance of understanding cultural contexts, utilizing soft power strategies, and maintaining open dialogue to navigate international relations effectively. Diplomacy is viewed as a key tool in promoting cooperation, preventing conflicts, and fostering mutual understanding among nations.


The idea of diplomatic culture and its sources

To what extent does an independent diplomatic culture exist which permits diplomats to exert their own influence on the conduct of international relations? Insofar as such a culture exists, what does it look like, is it a good thing and, if it is, how is it to be sustained? This paper explores what we generally mean when we talk about culture and how we see culture operating in contemporary international relations. It sketches the basic elements of a diplomatic culture and discusses different accounts of its origins.

Diplomatic Persuasion: An Under-Investigated Process

The under-investigation in diplomatic studies of processes of persuasion in explaining diplomatic outcomes needs to be addressed in the interests of better scholarly explanations and diplomatic practice. Although such processes are implicit in nearly all concepts and practice of diplomacy, neither scholars nor practitioners explicitly investigate them. Yet other related fields of study and disciplines examine persuasion and demonstrate its explanatory value.


Last Man Standing: Memoirs of a political survivor

Jack Straw was the ablest and wisest of Tony Blair’s foreign secretaries and served in this capacity from 2001 until he was ungratefully dumped without warning by his leader in 2006. Afterwards he hit the headlines by courageously publishing his dislike of the full veil worn my some Muslim women, on the grounds that this was such a visible statement of separation and difference that it complicated community relations and was, in any case, a cultural preference rather than a religious obligation. (Straw was then and still is the Labour MP for a Bradford constituency with a large Muslim popula...


Modern Diplomacy: Dialectics and Dimensions

The message ""Modern Diplomacy: Dialectics and Dimensions"" discusses the intricacies of diplomacy in the contemporary world, examining its complexities and various aspects. It sheds light on the evolving nature of diplomacy, the key role of communication, and the importance of understanding different perspectives and approaches in diplomatic relations. The message delves into the essence of diplomacy in the present-day context, emphasizing the need for adaptability, strategic thinking, and effective communication in navigating the ever-changing international landscape.


The origins, use and development of hot line diplomacy

The text is about the history, usage, and evolution of hot line diplomacy.


Diplomacy: The world of the honest spy

In a world of diplomacy, honesty is key even for spies.


Building relations through multi-dialogue formats: Trends in bilateral diplomacy

The text discusses the importance of building relationships through various dialogue formats in bilateral diplomacy.


The Blair Years: Extracts from the Alastair Campbell diaries

Until his resignation amid huge controversy in August 2003, Alastair Campbell was Tony Blair’s official spokesman and director of communications and strategy – ace spin doctor, closest confidante, and constant travelling companion. His diaries have probably been mined chiefly for their astonishing revelations about the internal machinations of his government and the run-up to the invasion of Iraq in 2003. However, they should also be read for the sharp and often amusing light they throw on certain aspects of diplomacy.


The Diplomats, 1939-1979

The message provides a brief overview of a diplomatic history spanning the years from 1939 to 1979.


The Work of Diplomacy

The message explores the importance and intricacies of the diplomatic process, emphasizing its pivotal role in negotiating peace, resolving conflicts, and fostering international relationships. Diplomacy requires skill, tact, and strategy to navigate complex political landscapes effectively, ultimately aiming to promote stability and cooperation between nations.


Guerrilla Diplomacy: Rethinking International Relations

In a previous book review for DiploFoundation, Petru Dumitriu described G. R. Berridge’s Diplomacy: Theory and Practice as 'a Robinson Crusoe’s book on diplomacy'. Suppose one is left on a deserted island and allowed only one book to study diplomacy; in that case, Dumitriu recommends Diplomacy: Theory and Practice. Without doubt, I wholeheartedly support this recommendation.


Quick Diplomatic Response

In the increasingly interdependent world, diplomacy is our only alternative. Wars do not provide solutions for modern problems, whether these are regional crises, environmental challenges, such as climate change, or the risk of global pandemics. Compromise and consensus are not only the most ethical approach, but necessity. This interesting comic presents one day in life of an e-diplomat.


Twitter for Diplomats

Twitter for Diplomats is not a manual, or a list of what to do or not to do. It is rather a collection of information, anecdotes, and experiences. It recounts a few episodes involving foreign ministers and ambassadors, as well as their ways of interacting with the tool and exploring its great potential. It wants to inspire ambassadors and diplomats to open and nurture their accounts – and it wants to inspire all of us to use Twitter to also listen and open our minds.


British Diplomacy and the Descent into Chaos: The career of Jack Garnett, 1902-19

I am in favour of biographies of relatively obscure individuals like Jack Garnett because there are plenty of them on the famous; moreover, studies of this kind often turn up interesting details (including how the famous were seen from the foothills) and stimulate thought on bigger questions. John Fisher’s well written and thoroughly researched study of this early twentieth century British diplomat, into which contextual detail is expertly woven, is no exception.


The Craft of Diplomacy: How to Run a Diplomatic Service

The text discusses the key aspects of diplomacy and how to effectively manage a diplomatic service.


The Consular Dimension of Diplomacy

The Consular Dimension of Diplomacy discusses the crucial role consular officials play in protecting the interests of their respective countries and citizens abroad. Consular work includes providing assistance to citizens in distress, issuing visas, promoting trade and cultural exchanges, and handling legal matters. This aspect of diplomacy is often overlooked but is vital in maintaining relationships and safeguarding the welfare of citizens outside their home countries.


Just a Diplomat

Close students of the new, Conservative Party Mayor of London, the at once engaging and alarming Boris Johnson, will know that he has Turkish cousins. One of these is Sinan Kuneralp, a son of the late Zeki Kuneralp, probably the most distinguished and well liked Turkish diplomat of his generation. Sinan Kuneralp is a scholar-publisher and runs The Isis Press in Istanbul, a house at the forefront of publishing scholarly works and original documents on the Ottoman Empire, chiefly in English and French. The three works noticed here are all its products and reflect the publisher’s own special in...


The Art of Diplomacy: The American Experience

The text explores the practice of diplomacy within the context of American history, examining the strategies, challenges, and outcomes of diplomatic efforts throughout the nation's experience.


Persuasion, trust, and personal credibility

Ambassador Kishan Rana indicates the cultivation of relations and the credibility of diplomats as the basis for persuasion in diplomacy. He provides an initial taxonomy of the type of relations that diplomats should cultivate. When it comes to credibility, Ambassador Rana presents the main ways of developing and maintaining credibility in diplomatic relations. The more credible the diplomat, the more likely it is that their persuasion with local interlocutors will be successful.


On the manner of practising the new diplomacy

The traditional model of diplomacy, founded on the principles of national sovereignty and of statecraft, is becoming less relevant as a field of new, influential actors enter the international system.


To joke or not to joke: A diplomatic dilemma in the age of internet

Part of Language and Diplomacy (2001): The first paper, presented by Prof. Peter Serracino-Inglott as the keynote address at the 2001 conference, examines the serious issue of diplomatic communication in a playful manner, through one of the most paradigmatic and creative examples of language use: joking.


Manuel de droit diplomatique

This text is the first chapter of the "Manuel de droit diplomatique," a comprehensive guide on diplomatic law.


Inside Diplomacy

This is a book on diplomacy in general and the Indian Foreign Service (IFS) in particular. It is also a gem, and a large gem. It breathes life, wisdom, and good humour, and is full of rich detail. I found it thoroughly absorbing. Students of diplomacy at all stages of their careers will find it immensely useful, while those in a position to influence the future shape of the IFS will discover a whole raft of constructive suggestions for reform fearlessly advanced.


Reflections on Persuasion in Diplomacy by Ambassador Joseph Cassar

In our families, in our jobs, in our political dynamic at a national level, we always try to persuade others, first and foremost. Since, diplomacy is part of the global human existence, it is natural that persuasion is an essential part and an essential tool of diplomacy … as much it is in your family life, in my family life, when you try to sort out trouble within your family, between your brothers and sisters, between your children and between your grandchildren at my age.


Internet Guide for Diplomats

The Internet Guide for Diplomats is the first guide specifically conceived and realised to assist diplomats and others involved in international affairs to use the Internet in their work. The book includes both basic technical information about the Internet and specific issues related to the use of the Internet in diplomacy. Examples and illustrations address many common questions including web-management for diplomatic services, knowledge management and distance learning.


American Negotiating Behaviour: Wheeler-Dealers, Legal Eagles, Bullies, and Preachers

The text discusses various negotiating behaviors commonly observed in Americans, categorizing them as wheeler-dealers, legal eagles, bullies, and preachers.


Japanese middle-power diplomacy

In the realm of international relations, Japan engages in middle-power diplomacy, showcasing its influence and capabilities while fostering beneficial relationships on the global stage.


Diplomatic Classics: Selected texts from Commynes to Vattel

The message will focus on highlighting the importance of classic diplomatic texts from Commynes to Vattel in understanding diplomatic history and principles, fostering a deeper comprehension of international relations.


What Diplomats Do: The Life and Work of Diplomats

Sir Brian Barder’s book What Diplomats Do offers comprehensive insight into the life and work of diplomats. It deserves to be read by practitioners and aspiring practitioners of diplomacy, by students and teachers of diplomacy, and by anyone interested in what diplomats actually do. It crosses genres as easily as it addresses and holds the attention of a broad audience.


A weak diplomatic hybrid: U.S. Special Mission Benghazi, 2011-12

In the widespread coverage of the brutal murder of US Ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens and others in the US mission in Benghazi on 11 September 2012, there has been much confusion over the character of the post. It has been repeatedly described in the media as the American ‘consulate’ but the official position, recently stated emphatically by the Report of the Accountability Review Board for Benghazi (ARB) convened by secretary of state Hillary Clinton, is that ‘the U.S. Special Mission in Benghazi was never a consulate and never formally notified [in any character] to the Libyan ...


Curing the Sick Man: Sir Henry Bulwer and the Ottoman Empire, 1858-1865

This is the first book of a very promising young historian. Laurence Guymer, who is head of the Department of History at Winchester College and a research associate in the School of History at the University of East Anglia, has produced a biography of Sir Henry Bulwer that successfully challenges the conventional account of this colourful mid-Victorian figure. It also raises the question of how ‘diplomatic success’ is judged.


Persuasion: bad practices and … others

Persuasion is a very relative concept. Like beauty, persuasion is the eye of the beholder. Admittedly, persuasion does not exist in the absence of results. One can say that persuasion can be defined as such, if and only if it is effective and reaches its goals. If we accept this prerequisite, we may find persuasion where we least expect it.


Backstabbing for Beginners: My Crash Course in International Diplomacy

On 21 April 2004, the Security Council adopted resolution 1538(2004), the most embarrassing resolution in the history of the United Nations. The resolution appointed an independent high-level inquiry whose mandate was to 'collect and examine information relating to the administration and management of the Oil-for-Food Programme, including allegations of fraud and corruption on the part of United Nations officials, personnel and agents, as well as contractors, including entities that have entered into contracts with the United Nations or with Iraq under the Programme.'


Why Persuasion? Reflections after 50 years of practising, teaching and studying diplomacy

From the faraway days when representatives of fighting tribes tried to arrange for a truce, thereby risking their head, to the often derided endless discussions within present day international frameworks, the common aim of diplomacy has remained persuasion. The better a diplomat is at persuading, the more successful he will be in furthering the cause he represents.


Inside the U.S. Embassy: How the Foreign Service Works for America

The U.S. Embassy and Foreign Service play essential roles in representing America's interests abroad and fostering diplomacy. The Foreign Service officers work diligently to promote American values, protect U.S. citizens, and advance global partnerships. Through collaboration with local governments and international organizations, they address complex challenges and work towards peaceful resolutions. The embassy serves as a hub for diplomatic efforts, supporting American citizens, businesses, and promoting cultural exchange. The Foreign Service's commitment to diplomacy, security, and humanita...


Essence of Diplomacy

Christer Jönsson is Professor of Political Science at Lund University in Sweden, where Martin Hall is a Researcher. Their book is described as an exercise in ‘theorizing’ diplomacy, that is, an attempt to provide a general account of its causes and consequences. (The authors are thus severe in denying the title of ‘theory’ to the ‘prescriptive tracts’ which scholar-diplomats have written about their art over hundreds of years, though I notice that they are more indulgent to the use of the term ‘political theory’ as in, for example, ‘liberal political theory’.)


Diplomats at War: British and Commonwealth diplomacy in wartime

In their Preface, the editors of Diplomats at War say that the two world wars in the twentieth century had a “catalytic impact upon the practice of diplomacy”; among other things, they continue, this produced “an unprecedented revolution” in the way heads of mission conducted their business.


The impact of the Internet on diplomatic reporting: how diplomacy training needs to be adjusted to keep pace

Over the last 20 years, the Internet has changed the ways in which we work, how we socialise and network, and how we interact with knowledge and information.


Language and Diplomacy: Preface

Part of Language and Diplomacy (2001): In the preface below, Jovan Kurbalija and Hannah Slavik introduce the chapters in the book, and extract the general themes covered by the various authors.


The Turkish Embassy Letters

In "The Turkish Embassy Letters," the author describes her experiences during her stay in Turkey. She shares her observations on the culture, customs, and traditions of the Turkish people. Through her letters, she provides insight into the societal norms and interactions she encounters, offering a unique perspective on life in Turkey.


Diplomacy for the New Century

The text discusses the importance of diplomacy in the modern era, emphasizing the need for updated approaches and strategies in international relations. Diplomacy plays a crucial role in addressing global challenges and fostering cooperation among nations in the 21st century.


True Brits: Inside the Foreign Office

True Brits: Inside the Foreign Office" offers an in-depth look into the workings of the British Foreign Office, shedding light on the complexities of international relations and diplomacy.


Lucky George: Memoirs of an Anti-Politician

This is a belated and less than comprehensive note on this book, which I stumbled upon in a second-hand bookshop while on holiday. It is one of the most lively, shrewd, and brilliantly written diplomatic and political memoirs that I have ever come across.


Diplomacy: Theory and Practice, 4th ed

Diplomacy: Theory and Practice, 4th ed. examines the complexities of international relations, emphasizing the importance of diplomacy in maintaining peace and navigating conflicts. The book offers insights into both historical and contemporary diplomatic strategies, highlighting the role of communication, negotiation, and compromise in addressing global challenges effectively. Readers will gain a comprehensive understanding of the principles and practical applications of diplomacy, essential for promoting cooperation and resolving disputes on the international stage.

The School for Ambassadors

The School for Ambassadors" is a fictional story about a school that trains individuals to become diplomats and navigate international relations. The main character, Simona, faces challenges and grows through her experiences, learning valuable lessons about diplomacy and personal growth. The story highlights the importance of communication, cultural awareness, and adapting to new environments in the field of diplomacy.

The Limits of Neorealism

The Limits of Neorealism

The Visa Dimension of Diplomacy

The text provides an overview of how visas play a crucial role in diplomatic relations between countries. It discusses the importance of visa policies in shaping international interactions, fostering bilateral relationships, and promoting various diplomatic objectives. The article emphasizes the significance of understanding the visa dimension in diplomacy for effective communication and cooperation between nations. Overall Summary: The text explores the essential role visas play in diplomatic relations, highlighting their significance in shaping international interactions and fostering bilate...


21st Century Diplomacy: A Practitioner’s Guide

In the 21st century, new kinds of challenges resulting from interdependence among states and globalisation have had a determining impact of the conduct of diplomacy. Diplomacy has become multifaceted, pluri-directional, volatile and intensive, due to the increased complexity in terms of actors, dialogues subjects, modes of communication, and plurality of objectives. This unique text, written by a leading scholar and Foreign Service expert, examines all such factors to provide the definitive guide to diplomacy as it is practiced today. With a multitude of examples from around the world, includi...


Beyond diplomatic – the unravelling of history

In his paper, Robert Alston travels through time to rekindle an important highlight – as well as a personal highlight – in the history of knowledge management. His journey takes him back to the 1850s, which saw Antonio Panizzi’s efforts in creating a universal repository of knowledge in the British Museum; and to the 1990s, a time in which he acquired first-hand experience at the same museum, drawing conclusions on the various available ways of navigating large bibliographical and archival databases.


Diplomacy, Force & Leadership: Essays In Honor of Alexander L. George

The book "Diplomacy, Force & Leadership: Essays In Honor of Alexander L. George" is a collection of essays paying tribute to George's legacy in the field of international relations and national security studies. The essays focus on his work related to diplomacy, the use of force, and leadership in various contexts, showcasing the impact he had on shaping these areas of study.


Force and Statecraft: Diplomatic Problems of Our Time

In this classic text, an eminent historian of international affairs and a distinguished political scientist survey the evolution of the international system, from the emergence of the modern state in the 17th century to the present. Craig and George pay particular attention to the nineteenth century's "balance-of-power" system, the basic tenets of which still determine many applications of modern diplomacy. The authors also focus on the ways in which the 20th century diplomatic revolution--a complex of military, political, economic and ideological factors--has destroyed the homogeneity of th...


John le Carré: The Biography

I thought to review this book because I had enjoyed the spy novels of John le Carré and, having introduced a chapter on secret intelligence into the latest edition of my textbook and mentioned him in it (p. 155), was keen to see if Adam Sisman had turned up anything new about the novelist’s own short career as an intelligence officer in what was then West Germany.


Renaissance Diplomacy and the Reformation

We invite you to continue our walk along timeline of Evolution of diplomacy and technology. In May, our next stop is Renaissance diplomacy and the impact of the invention of the printing press on diplomacy in the Reformation period.


Diplomacy under a Foreign Flag: When nations break relations

The text is about diplomatic relations between countries and the implications of breaking these ties.


Cursed is the Peacemaker: The American Diplomat [Philip Habib] Versus the Israeli General, Beirut 1982

The text discusses the tense situation between American diplomat Philip Habib and Israeli General in Beirut in 1982.


Chinese Ambassadors: The rise of diplomatic professionalism since 1945

Xiaohong worked on Western European affairs in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Beijing from 1977 until 1989. At some point after this she entered the School of Advanced International Studies at Johns Hopkins University in the United States, and in 1997 was awarded a Ph.D. This book is her doctoral thesis, and - on the whole - a very good one it is. Chinese Ambassadors is based on many interviews with former diplomats and a variety of Chinese primary sources (including memoirs), and is clear, well organized, and - in its main thrust - tightly argued. As a result, it offers a rare insight int...


Managing the Cold War: A view from the front line

Michael Alexander, a Russian-speaking senior British diplomat who died in 2002, was a major behind-the-scenes figure in what he calls the ‘management’ of the cold war to a peaceful conclusion.


A Dictionary of Diplomacy

Like all professions, diplomacy has spawned its own specialized terminology, and it is this lexicon which provides A Dictionary of Diplomacy's thematic spine. However, the dictionary also includes entries on legal terms, political events, international organizations and major figures who have occupied the diplomatic scene or have written influentially about it over the last half millennium. All students of diplomacy and related subjects and especially junior members of the many diplomatic services of the world will find this book indispensable.

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