Intellectual property rights
Diplo director at international trademarks conference
01 Dec 16 - 02 Dec 16Brussels, Belgium
MAPPING Second General Assembly
31 Oct 16 - 02 Nov 16Prague, Czech Republic
Introduction to Digital Politics 2015: online course for Geneva-based diplomats
27 Apr 15 - 22 Jun 15Online
Round table on Open Innovation in the Proprietary World
18 Mar 15 - Geneva and online
Advanced courses in Internet governance 2012
11 Jun 12 - 03 Aug 12Online
Serbian Internet Dialogue this week
19 Apr 12 - Belgrade, Serbia
[Webinar] Copyright infringement: from SOPA/PIPA to Megaupload
31 Jan 12 - Online
Internet governance in 2012: What can we expect?
12 Jan 12 - Online
Internet governance and ICT policy 2011 online courses
14 Jun 11 - 24 Aug 11online
AI-generated content and IP rights: Challenges and policy considerations
AI is reshaping content creation, but who owns the rights? Diplo alumnus Kelvin Nkai explores the legal and ethical challenges of AI-generated work, from copyright to inventorship. [...]
07 Feb, 2025
Generative AI models – a fun game that can easily get out of hand?
The text discusses the growing popularity and potential risks of generative AI models like Chat and Lensa, exploring technical, legal, and ethical aspects. It touches upon issues surrounding the creat[...]
22 Dec, 2022
IPR regime: a barrier to innovation?
The text discusses the relationship between Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) regimes and innovation, highlighting how copyright and patents can both incentivize creativity and stifle innovation. The[...]
27 Mar, 2015
Webinar digest: (Un)knowns in digital politics in 2014
The text discusses the uncertainties and developments in digital politics in 2014, focusing on the impact of the Snowden revelations. It highlights the known knowns, known unknowns, and unknown unknow[...]
23 Jan, 2014
IGF Bali: Day 2
Day 2 at IGF Bali featured discussions on multistakeholder processes and challenges in selecting non-governmental stakeholders fairly. Sessions covered topics like online trade, the lack of innovation[...]
23 Oct, 2013
Can “Six Strikes” solve internet piracy?
The text discusses the ongoing issue of online piracy and the attempts made by content providers to combat it, including the latest initiative known as the Copyright Alert System, which implements a t[...]
08 Mar, 2013
EuroDIG 2012 Remote Hub Belgrade
At the EuroDIG 2012 Remote Hub Belgrade, a session on intellectual property rights in the digital environment was held in Serbia, emphasizing the need for new business models and community activism. P[...]
21 Jun, 2012
I share therefore we are
The text discusses the societal implications of sharing through social media platforms like Instagram. It explores the concept of human nature driving the urge to share, often triggered by arousal res[...]
16 Apr, 2012
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Diplo: Effective and inclusive diplomacy
Diplo is a non-profit foundation established by the governments of Malta and Switzerland. Diplo works to increase the role of small and developing states, and to improve global governance and international policy development.