Intellectual property rights

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Generative AI models – a fun game that can easily get out of hand? 

Anja Đajić

All your friends have replaced their social media profile pictures with AI-generated avatars, but you do not know where they got them from? Or are you wondering what exactly people are talking ab...

IPR regime: a barrier to innovation?


The correlations between the IPR protection regime on one side, and innovation and growth on the other, were the main topics explored on 19 March at a roundtable on Open Innovation in the Proprietary World. The event ...

Webinar digest: (Un)knowns in digital politics in 2014

Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers

Internet governance (IG) developments in 2013 confirmed vividly the old saying that it is difficult to make predictions, especially about the future. Who could have predicted the Snowden revelations that have substant...

IGF Bali: Day 2


Life continues unabated in Bali with busy schedules all round and lots of interesting sessions to attend. Many of today’s IGF sessions focused on multistakeholder(ism). One item in focus was the selection process in...

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