Freedom of expression

From our blog

Countering terrorist narratives online: A balancing act

Barbara Rosen Jacobson

Terrorists are using the Internet for a wide-range of purposes. On the operational side, terrorist organisations use ICTs for internal communication and fundraising, while on the public relations side, the Internet ha...

Build a legacy for future generations, connect bridges: some suggestions for future action


The CONNECTing the Dots conference at UNESCO’s headquarters in Paris, on 3-4 March, concluded with the adoption of an outcome document, paving the way forward in each of the four main fields of digital policy (acces...

Privacy issues discussed at CONNECTing the Dots


UNESCO’s CONNECTing the Dots conference continued yesterday afternoon with eight break-out sessions on access, privacy, freedom of expression and ethics. We followed the second break-out session on privacy (break-o...

High-level government perspectives at CONNECTing the Dots


[Update] The Rapporteur\'s summary of the panel discussion, including the speakers\' complete interventions, is available. UNESCO’s CONNECTing the Dots conference is currently under way in Paris (3-4 March). Its ai...

Training and courses



Freedom on the Net 2015

The Freedom on the Net 2015 report assesses global internet freedom, highlighting increasing government censorship and surveillance. Internet freedom is in decline due to various restrictive measures taken by governments, impacting users' rights and privacy. The report... Read more...

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