Diplomatic law
July 2021 online courses
26 Jul 21 - 10 Sep 21Online
July 2020 online courses
20 Jul 20 - online
July 2017 online courses
22 Jul 19 - online
July 2019 online courses
- online
July 2018 online courses
- online
Seminar: Diplomatic immunities in the digital era
29 Nov 17 - Geneva, Switzerland
Summer online courses
21 Jul 14 - online
[Webinar] Does diplomatic law really protect?
20 May 14 - Online
[Webinar] International law for diplomats
10 Dec 13 - Online
Data embassies: Protecting nations in the cloud
In an era where cyber threats, natural disasters, and geopolitical instability pose risks to digital infrastructure, data embassies offer nations a secure way to protect critical information beyond th[...]
06 Mar, 2025
Global Affairs Canada: What are the lessons?
Global Affairs Canada's latest report reveals serious misconduct by diplomatic staff. With robust whistle-blower protections and strict disciplinary actions, will this change diplomatic behaviour? Les[...]
28 Jun, 2024
Reaffirming the foundations of diplomacy: The brighter side of the Mexican embassy incident
The blog discusses the breach of diplomatic premises at the Mexican Embassy in Quito involving the protection of Jorge Glas, former vice president of Ecuador. This incident challenges the long-standin[...]
08 Apr, 2024
Diplomatic immunity law and jus cogens: Can the relationship result in invalidating the VCDR or the VCCR?
Some argue that diplomatic immunity may conflict with international human rights laws, specifically jus cogens norms. The Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties states that a treaty conflicting with[...]
04 Jul, 2022
State immunity: Germany revisits earlier ICJ decision and its potential ramifications for diplomatic immunity
Germany has revisited a 2012 ICJ decision regarding state immunity in relation to claims against it for WWII atrocities. The conflict arises as Italy allows claims against Germany based on its domesti[...]
04 Jul, 2022
Diplomatic immunity: The reality of the sources of the law
The sources of the law on diplomatic immunity predominantly stem from the Vienna Conventions. However, implementation of these conventions varies among common law and civil law states, leading to diff[...]
28 Jul, 2021
Are international immunities of heads of state and government officials undergoing a major change?
Heads of state and government officials' international immunities are facing potential significant changes. Recent actions by Western states, including the US and Canada, show a shift towards holding [...]
18 Jul, 2021
COVID-19 and international investment issues for diplomats
Lockdowns amid COVID-19 have led to disputes between foreign investors and host states, with claims that state actions violate international law protections. States may use the 'necessity' defense to [...]
02 Jun, 2020
The Khashoggi affair and consular law
The writer clarifies that diplomatic and consular premises are not sovereign territory and not meant for heinous acts like the Khashoggi case. Consular buildings can be entered by authorities in case [...]
22 Oct, 2018
New perspectives on the immunity of international organisations
The text discusses sovereign immunity in international law, highlighting cases involving international organizations like the World Bank and the United Nations. It mentions a recent case against the I[...]
17 Aug, 2018
Diplomats and ‘immunity’ from the sending state
The text discusses diplomats' immunity from the sending state, exemplified by diplomats seeking refugee status in their receiving country due to fears of persecution upon returning home. Instances in [...]
24 Jul, 2018
Law of the Sea – Law of the Internet: Inspiring Analogy?
A discussion exploring the potential analogy between the law of the sea and a possible law of the Internet, considering if the Internet could be viewed as common heritage of mankind, was led by Dr. Al[...]
23 Jun, 2015
Diplomatic Law: Privileges and Immunities online course
21 July 2025
Multilateral Diplomacy online course
16 February 2026
Bilateral Diplomacy online course
21 July 2025
Diplomatic Theory and Practice online course
5 May 2025
Master in Contemporary Diplomacy
E-diplomacy and Diplomatic Law in the Internet Era
Peacetime Regime for State Activities in Cyberspace (ed by Katharine Ziolkowski) covers in a multi-disciplinary approach the technical, legal, policy... Read more
Carry on, Excellencies!
The latest piece of EU legislation on air transport security seems at first sight to contradict a wellestablished principle of diplomatic law, the fre... Read more
Satow’s Diplomatic Practice, 6th ed
Satow's Diplomatic Practice, 6th ed., is a vital resource for diplomats with updated information on diplomacy history, diplomatic and international la... Read more
Diplomatic Privileges and Immunities
The text discusses the distinctions between privileges, immunities, and facilities in the context of diplomatic relations. It explains how privileges ... Read more
The Diplomatic Corps as an Institution of International Society
The Diplomatic Corps is an institution that plays a crucial role in international society by facilitating communication and negotiation between differ... Read more
Diplomatic Law: Commentary on the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, 3rd ed
The Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations is a crucial treaty that governs diplomatic relations between states. It outlines the privileges and imm... Read more
Consular Law and Practice, 3rd ed
First published in 1961, Consular Law and Practice is a classic work of great interest and practical use to diplomats, consuls, and international lawy... Read more
The system of privileges and immunities applicable to the international organisations in Switzerland and to the permanent foreign delegations in Geneva
Amadeo Perez is Legal Adviser to the Permanent Mission of Switzerland to the International Organisations in Geneva, and this booklet is therefore auth... Read more
Did diplomatic immunity exist in the ancient Near East?
The text discusses the concept of diplomatic immunity in the ancient Near East.... Read more
The History of Diplomatic Immunity
This is a massive book in more than one sense. It is over 700 pages long, including an invaluable bibliography which itself stretches over 70 pages. W... Read more
The History of Diplomatic Immunity
A thorough and extensive book on diplomatic immunity covering Western tradition, the Ottoman Empire, and the Far East. It provides a comprehensive his... Read more
The International Law Commission 1949-1998. Vol. One: The Treaties, Part I
This first volume of a three-volume set is - price apart - a marvellous text for any student of diplomatic and consular law. Four of its seven chapter... Read more
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Diplo is a non-profit foundation established by the governments of Malta and Switzerland. Diplo works to increase the role of small and developing states, and to improve global governance and international policy development.