Data governance


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Governments vs ChatGPT: Investigations around the world

Stephanie Borg Psaila

ChatGPT, the AI-powered tool that allows you to chat and get answers to almost any question, has taken the world by storm. Now, governments around the world are starting to take notice of these t...

Addressing discrimination in data-driven advertising: Regulatory opportunities and failures within the EU

Ana Maria Corrêa

The marketing industry has become a data-driven realm. It uses data to predict consumer preferences, to anticipate their needs, convince them about the utility of a new product, shape their shopping habits, and to ...

Schrems II – The judgement and initial reflections

Pavlina Ittelson

Anyone that shops online, uses social media, or even sends an email has most likely had their personal data sent around the world. Data, including your personal details, is transferred over the global network without ...

Digital health

Nagisa Miyachi

Just as other aspects of our everyday lives have benefited significantly from the advancement of technology, so has our health. These advancements in technology not only provide us with tools to encourage us to monito...

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UNCTAD Digital Economy Report 2021

The Digital Economy report 2021 provides a review of studies dealing with cross-border data flows and analyses the inequalities in the data-driven digital economy. The Report looks at existing governance approaches at national, regional and multilateral levels, with a ... Read more...

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The EU’s New Commission: Digital Policy in the Limelight (Briefing Paper #13)

In this briefing paper, Dr Stephanie Borg Psaila analyses Ursula von der Leyen's new EU Commission's emphasis on digital policy for 2019–2024.... Read more...

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Updating International Geneva to the Data-driven Era (Briefing Paper #12)

In this briefing paper, Ms Rafaela Marinho and Mr Avi Krish Bedi outline their research on how international organisations (IOs) in Geneva address and use big data in their work.... Read more...

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Connecting Asia and Europe | ASEF Outlook Report 2016/2017 | Volume I: Data on Connectivity

The ASEF Outlook Report 2016/2017 Volume I delves into data on various dimensions of Asia-Europe connectivity including digital, economics, sustainable development, culture, media, education, and governance.... Read more...

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Leaving No One Behind in the Data Revolution (Briefing Paper #5)

The text offers policy recommendations and insights on cybersecurity, focusing on building resilience, fostering cooperation, and addressing challenges in the digital domain.... Read more...

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Data Diplomacy: Mapping the Field

The adoption of open data policies and the standardization of data collection were among the recommendations made during DiploFoundation's Data Diplomacy Roundtable: Mapping the Field, a brainstorming event that took place on 5 April 2017 – on the role of (big) data ... Read more...

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The Hypocrisy Threatening the Future of the Internet

The message highlights the threat of hypocrisy to the future of the internet, raising concerns about the negative impact of inconsistent actions and standards on the digital landscape.... Read more...


Intergovernmental organisations sharing and linking open and real-time data for inclusive governance

The rapid rise of the Internet has encouraged the use of open, real-time, and linked data to help understand and improve development processes.The advancement of data use for development without an Internet governance framework, however, raises the importance of inclu... Read more...

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