Conflict and crisis
The Ukraine crisis may shape the future of the internet
We examine how the Ukraine conflict could shape the internet's future, considering geopolitical, security, and governance aspects. This situation underlines the internet's role in modern conflicts and[...]
15 Apr, 2022
Cyber road from Ukraine: where will it take us?
The message highlights concerns about the potential for devastating cyberattacks in conflicts like the one in Ukraine. Despite numerous severe cyber incidents globally, high-impact attacks didn't occu[...]
08 Mar, 2022
Who’s behind a cyberattack?
A simulation game by Kaspersky and Diplo aims to educate diplomats and professionals on technical attribution in cyberattacks. Players become diplomats facing cyber threats against the First Committee[...]
26 Oct, 2021
[WebDebate #37 summary] Multilateral diplomacy in times of COVID-19
The WebDebate delved into the importance of multilateral diplomacy during the COVID-19 crisis, emphasizing the need for global solidarity and cooperation. Key points included the role of the United Na[...]
09 Apr, 2020
[WebDebate #23 summary] #Cybermediation: New skills and tools for mediation
The #CyberMediation WebDebate discussed the need for new skills and tools in mediation due to the impact of digital technology in conflict environments. Mediators were advised on the importance of adj[...]
09 Jul, 2018
[Brussels e-briefings] The Eurozone ‘time bomb’: Can the single currency be rescued for good?
The Eurozone is facing challenges with high market speculation and financial vulnerability in countries like Spain, Portugal, and Italy. The second Greek rescue plan aims to prevent a hard landing. Co[...]
28 Jul, 2011
Virtual Reality and the Future of Peacemaking (Briefing Paper #14)
The briefing paper discusses the potential of virtual reality in fostering peacebuilding efforts worldwide. Through VR technology, individuals can dev... Read more
Barriers to conflict resolution in Africa: Mediating beyond power and ethnicity in the EAC and SADC countries through a Kenyan case study
This paper assesses the relevance of ethnicity and power in conflicts occurring in the EAC and SADC regions through a case study of Kenya. It engages ... Read more
The Embassy: A story of war and diplomacy
This book tells the story of the vital role played by the US Embassy in Monrovia in helping to mediate an end to the brutal, 14-year civil war in Libe... Read more
The Demilitarization of American Diplomacy: Two cheers for striped pants
The trenchant contribution to this subject of the outstanding American scholar-diplomat Laurence Pope is published in Palgrave’s ‘Pivot’ series ... Read more
Regional water cooperation in the Arab – Israeli Conflict: A case study of the West Bank
The conflict between Israel and Arab countries, with several devastating wars, is about territory and land, and maybe just as crucially on the water t... Read more
The Mediation Process: Practical Strategies for Resolving Conflict
The Mediation Process: Practical Strategies for Resolving Conflict offers guidance on effectively resolving conflicts through mediation.... Read more
Female leadership in conflict prevention, diplomacy and UN peacekeeping initiatives
The importance of female leadership in conflict prevention, diplomacy, and UN peacekeeping initiatives is highlighted in the following text.... Read more
FDR’s Ambassadors and the Diplomacy of Crisis: From the rise of Hitler to the end of World War II
What effect did personality and circumstance have on US foreign policy during World War II? This incisive account of US envoys residing in the major b... Read more
Intractable Syria? Insights from the Scholarly Literature on the Failure of Mediation
The article discusses the challenges and reasons behind the failure of mediation efforts in Syria based on scholarly literature.... Read more
The Revenge of Geography: What the Map Tells Us About Coming Conflicts and the Battle Against Fate
The Revenge of Geography discusses how the physical and political landscapes influence global conflicts and shape our destinies.... Read more
Peace Negotiations and Time: Deadline Diplomacy in Territorial Disputes
The text discusses the importance of time in peace negotiations for territorial disputes, emphasizing how deadlines can impact diplomacy and the need ... Read more
Embassies in Armed Conflict
Apologies for the oversight, please provide the content that you would like summarized.... Read more
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Diplo: Effective and inclusive diplomacy
Diplo is a non-profit foundation established by the governments of Malta and Switzerland. Diplo works to increase the role of small and developing states, and to improve global governance and international policy development.