Diplomacy as poetry
The message explores the similarities and differences between poetry and diplomacy, highlighting how the two fields intersect in terms of values, redress, ambiguity, and ambivalence. It suggests that [...]
17 Jul, 2022
[WebDebate #10 summary]Diplomats as Writers – Marrying the Arts and Diplomacy
The WebDebate #10 focused on diplomats as writers and the marriage of arts and diplomacy. The discussion highlighted the similarities between diplomats and poets, emphasizing the importance of languag[...]
14 Mar, 2017
Is ambiguity an effective diplomatic tool?
The blog post looks into the strategic use of ambiguous language in diplomacy, weighing its potential for flexibility against the risks of misinterpretation. It illustrates how ambiguity can be a doub[...]
29 Jun, 2002
Ambiguity: Clause on aborition (1994 Cairo Conference on Population)
The author examines the careful wording of the abortion clause at the Cairo Conference, showcasing how ambiguity allowed for a consensus among differing views. This case highlights ambiguity's role in[...]
29 Jun, 2002
To Begin the World Anew: The Genius and Ambiguities of the American Founders
When I feel dispirited about the current crop of political leaders in Switzerland or around the world, I like to take refuge in one of the most uplift... Read more
Misunderstood: The IT manager’s lament
Communication between information technologists and their clients – including diplomats - does not work as well as it should. We know that informati... Read more
Ambiguity versus precision: The changing role of terminology in conference diplomacy
Part of Language and Diplomacy (2001): Of central concern in the field of negotiation is the use of ambiguity to find formulations acceptable to all p... Read more
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Diplo is a non-profit foundation established by the governments of Malta and Switzerland. Diplo works to increase the role of small and developing states, and to improve global governance and international policy development.