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The Role of Regional Cooperation in Eradicating Poverty and Aid Dependency in East Africa
The hypothesis of this thesis is that regional cooperation and integration are effective tools in alleviating poverty within nations and reducing their dependency on foreign or development aid.
Strengthening the region’s participation
‘Witnessing the open community policy development process at the AfriNIC community led me to further appreciate the importance of the Policy Research Phase of the Diplo IGCBP. AfriNIC-13 was an eye opener...’ - Maduka Attamah from Nigeria
The MIKTA Way Forward (Briefing Paper #2)
Ms Rosen Jacobson assesses the potential, risk, and future of MIKTA, a cooperation scheme comprising Mexico, Indonesia, the Republic of Korea, Turkey, and Australia, which was officially launched in September 2013.
The Role of Diplomacy in the Challenges to Maritime Security Cooperation in the Gulf of Guinea: Case Study of Nigeria
There is presently a pervading feeling that the West and Central African states are long overdue to take control of their maritime environment. However, these expectations show no indication of materialising in the short term.
Towards a secure cyberspace via regional co-operation
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Declaration of the Global African Diaspora Summit
The text describes the Global African Diaspora Summit as a significant platform for discussing issues affecting people of African descent worldwide, fostering unity, and promoting economic development and social inclusion within the diaspora.
Digital Diplomacy as a foreign policy statecraft to achieving regional cooperation and integration in the Polynesian Leaders Group
Established in 2011, the Polynesian Leaders Groups serves to fulfill a vision of cooperation, strengthening integration on issues pertinent to the region and to the future of the PLG. Its nine – American Samoa, French Polynesia, Niue, Cook Islands, Tokelau, Tuvalu, Tonga and Wallis Futuna, is argued to have strength in numbers, resources and diversity, and a positive addition to the growing regional diplomacies in the South Pacific.
Framework of operational guidelines on United Nations support to South-South and triangular cooperation
The message provides a framework of operational guidelines for United Nations support to South-South and triangular cooperation.
Strengthening Regional Management: A Review of the Architecture for Regional Co-operation in the Pacific
The review focuses on the architecture for regional co-operation in the Pacific and aims to strengthen regional management in the area.
Facing the challenges of an Africa-wide ICT strategy
'There is a need to address these challenges to enhance the capacity of the AU organs, institutions and member states to better respond to instances of ICT policy in Africa. As part of the evolving African governance architecture, there is a need to formulate an ICT strategy...' - Eliot Nsega from Uganda
Perspectives on Africa’s Integration and Cooperation from OAU to AU
The text provides insights on Africa's integration and cooperation from the OAU to the AU.
The study of regional integration
The study of regional integration involves examining the process of countries coming together to form agreements, policies, and institutions to promote cooperation and economic growth within a specific geographic area. This can involve various levels of integration, such as free trade agreements, customs unions, and common markets, with the ultimate goal of fostering closer relationships between nations to achieve mutual benefits and common goals.
Regional water cooperation in the Arab – Israeli Conflict: A case study of the West Bank
The conflict between Israel and Arab countries, with several devastating wars, is about territory and land, and maybe just as crucially on the water that flows through that land. This dissertation, an analysis of the management of water in the West Bank, as a case study, seeks to underline the possibility of using soft power diplomacy, in addition to mediation and water cooperation, for a more collaborative kind of approach to the conflict.
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Diplo is a non-profit foundation established by the governments of Malta and Switzerland. Diplo works to increase the role of small and developing states, and to improve global governance and international policy development.