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Author: Hannah Slavik

Intercultural Communication and Diplomacy


Intercultural Communication and Diplomacy is a collection of papers presented at two conferences: the 2003 Conference on Intercultural Communication and Diplomacy, and the 2004 Conference on Organisational and Professional Cultures and Diplomacy.

Topics covered include basic theory, intercultural communication in practice in diplomacy, negotiation and conflict resolution, professional and organisational cultures, and training for diplomats. The papers in this volume approach the topic of intercultural communication and diplomacy from a wide range of cultural perspectives, as the authors originate from 17 different countries and a variety of professional sectors, including foreign services, universities, businesses, and non-governmental organisations.


  1. Introduction – Hannah Slavik
  2. Diplomats as Cultural Bridge Builders – Geert Hofstede
  3. Lessons from Two Fields: A Diplomat and an Interculturalist Converse – Lewis R. Macfarlane and Heather Robinson
  4. Language, Culture and the Globalisation of Discourse – Diana M. Lewis
  5. Portraying the Religions of the Mediterranean – Peter Serracino Inglott
  6. The Impact of Cultural Diversity on Multilateral Diplomacy and Relations – Dietrich Kappeler
  7. On the Importance and Essence of Foreign Cultural Policy of States: The Interplay between Diplomacy and Intercultural Communication – Heinrich Reimann
  8. Cultural Content on the Websites of Diplomatic Systems – Valentin Katrandzhiev
  9. Diplomacy on a South-South Dimension: The Legacy of Mao’s Three-Worlds Theory and the Evolution of Sino-African Relations – Sandra Gillespie
  10. Asymmetry of Cultural Styles and the Unintended Consequences of Crisis Public Diplomacy – R. S. Zaharna
  11. Multiculturalism for the Masses: Social Advertising and Public Diplomacy Post-9/11 – Biljana Scott
  12. Making the “Other” Human: The Role of Personal Stories to Bridge Deep Differences – Nike Carstarphen
  13. Intercultural Communication in Macedonia: Different People, Different Stories – Marina Tuneva-Jovanovska
  14. Communication Barriers to Negotiation: Encountering Chinese in Cross-Cultural Business Meetings – Yunxia Zhu and Sun Zhu
  15. Jargon, Protocols and Uniforms as Barriers to Effective Communication – Stefano Baldi and Eduardo Gelbstein
  16. Organisational Culture of UN Agencies: The Need for Diplomats to Manage Porous Boundary Phenomena – Raymond Saner and Lichia Yiu
  17. Challenges Facing Women in Overseas Diplomatic Positions – Caroline Linse
  18. Roma Rights Activists and the Political Establishment: Communication Problems and Barriers – Valeriu Nicolae
  19. A Clash of Professional Cultures: The David Kelly Affair – Biljana Scott
  20. Misunderstood: The IT Manager’s Lament – A Case Study in Inter-Professional Miscommunication – Eduardo Gelbstein
  21. Diplomacy, International Intervention and Post-War Reconstruction: Interactions between States, International Organisations and Local Authorities in the Implementation of the Dayton Accords for Bosnia and Herzegovina – Nadia Boyadjieva and Kostadin Grozev
  22. The Birth and Evolution of a Diplomatic Culture – Dietrich Kappeler
  23. The Idea of Diplomatic Culture and its Sources – Paul Sharp
  24. Diplomatic Culture and its Domestic Context – Kishan S. Rana
  25. ‘Control Yourself, Sir!’: A Call For Research into Emotion Cultures in Diplomacy – Wynne Elizabeth Russell
  26. On Intercultural Training of Diplomats – Alena Korshuk
  27. An Intercultural Model for Diplomacy Training in New Zealand – Yunxia Zhu
  28. Intercultural Competence and its Relevance for International Diplomacy – Daniel J. Kealey, Doug MacDonald and Thomas Vulpe
  29. European Challenges to Cross Cultural Borders – Elena A. A. Garcea

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Intercultural Communication and Diplomacy

Intercultural Communication and Diplomacy is a collection of papers presented at two conferences: the 2003 Conference on Intercultural Communication and Diplomacy, and the 2004 Conference on Organisational and Professional Cultures and Diplomacy.

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