Policy research is part of a gradual process of gaining knowledge, skills and policy experience in Internet governance. By immersing our policy research in the local dynamics of developing countries, we have recognised the risk inherent in this lack of synchronisation between academic research and local policy dynamics. Policy research needs to take into consideration local political, economic, cultural, and professional contexts. The same Internet services trigger different policy issues in different countries. Although participants have started addressing local concerns, their research is anchored in broader regional and global contexts. They have identified common patterns between their own countries and other countries in addressing Internet policy issues.
- FULL TEXT: Book of Abstracts
- Sandra Bart, Guyana – Electronic government equals sustainable development for Guyana
- Alexandra Vasile, Romania – Introducing child safety in Romanian Schools: Does the existing primary and secondary curriculum address online safety?
- Alexandre Hannud Abdo, Brazil – How effective is direct remote interaction in EuroDIG?
- Natalia Enciso Benitez, Paraguay – Data protection on the Internet and its lack of regulation in Paraguay: adequate regulation for call centres
- Fahd Batayneh, Jordan – International domain names from a multilingualism and security perspective
- Rumbidzayi Gadhula, Zimbabwe – Internet governance and service provision in Zimbabwe
- Eliot Nsega, Uganda – The use of ICT in human rights promotion: A case study of the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights
- Felix Samakande, Zimbabwe – Exploring the need for speed in deploying information and communications technology for international development and bridging the digital divide
- Fitahiana Zoniaina Rakotomalala, Madagascar – For an effective taxation of electronic commerce in Madagascar
- Sam Goundar, Fiji – Cloud computing: Opportunities and issues for developing countries
- Shareeni Kala, Fiji – E-learning at Fiji National University
- Keisha Taylor, Trinidad and Tobago – Inter-governmental organisations sharing and linking open and real-time data for inclusive governance: development effectiveness and protection of privacy and security
- Arzak Khan, Pakistan – Factors influencing broadband adoption and digital content consumption in developing countries: A case from Pakistan
- Tiwonge Davis Manda, Malawi – Maturity of cybersecurity initiatives in Malawi: A comparison with the drive for fast and ubiquitous Internet connectivity
- Rajendra Prasad Poudel, Nepal – Access of ICT benefits for underserved rural communities in developing countries: A case study from Nepal
- Karim Attoumani Mohamed, Comoros – Evaluation of the status of the e-government in Comoros, French version: Evaluation du statut de l’E-Gouvernement en Union des Comores
- Nnenna Nwakanma, Cote dʼIvoire – Social media and networks: what potential is there for policy engagement by citizens in West Africa?
- Maduka Kingsley Attamah, Nigeria – Bandwidth management: the public policy approach in a university campus network
- Masa Kojic, Serbia – How safe are we? Security risks of the social networks
- Benson Ncube, Botswana – Adoption and adaptation of e-health systems for developing nations: The case of Botswana
- Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro, Fiji – Cybersecurity in the Republic of Fiji
- Alimata Belemou, Burkina Faso – Comment adapter le code du travail burkinab pour qu’il rponde aux exigences du travail distance
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Improving the practice of cyber diplomacy: Training, tools, and other resources – Phase I
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The EU’s New Commission: Digital Policy in the Limelight (Briefing Paper #13)
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Twitter for Diplomats
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China’s Soft Power in the Information Age: Think Again
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Digital diplomacy: Conversations on Innovations in Foreign Policy
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EU’s Council Conclusions on digital diplomacy
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Mapping e-Diplomacy
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Wikileaks and the Future of Diplomacy: Summary and Reflections
In 2011, Diplo have held a series of meetings discussing the impact of WikiLeaks on diplomacy. This paper summarises the main conclusions of our discussions and research. It is close enough in time (3+ months) to understand the emotions, dynamics, and concerns raised by WikiLeaks. It is also far enough – in particular since the media hype has died down – in order to be discussed objectively with a necessary distance.
Data Diplomacy: Mapping the Field
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Foreign Ministries and the Information Revolution: Going Virtual?
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German Strategy for International Digital Policy
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Understanding the Digital Divide
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Book of Abstracts (Internet Governance)
This collection of abstracts comes from from research projects conducted during the 2010/2011 Internet Governance Capacity Building Programme (IGCBP).
Twiplomacy Study 2015
The Twiplomacy Study 2015 analyzed the Twitter accounts of 669 heads of state and government, revealing that 86 percent have a presence on the platform. With a combined total of over 300 million followers, these leaders use Twitter for diplomatic relations and communication with citizens and other world leaders. Key findings include the most followed leaders, the most interactive accounts, and the most effective tweets. Twitter is considered an essential tool for modern diplomacy, allowing leaders to connect directly with citizens and shape public opinion on a global scale.
2021: The emergence of digital foreign policy
While digital tools, in particular social media, have been gradually introduced to the practice of diplomacy, many open questions remain regarding the impact of digitisation on foreign policy and the environment in which diplomacy is practised. This is where digital foreign policy becomes important. The report is available for download. The summary and recordings of the online conference 2021: The emergence of digital foreign policy are also available.
Emerging Leaders for the Digital World
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Promoting e-Commerce in developing countries
This study examines the advantages and possibilities for the use of digital signatures to carry out electronic transactions. It focuses on developing and transition countries that have not fully implemented the use of digital signatures in their economic, commercial and productive processes. An important aim of this research is to create awareness on the likely effects for enforcing the use of digital signatures to carry out e-commerce transactions on the economies of developing and transition countries. The study also proposes key issues to be considered for policy-makers in countries in orde...
Review of the Use of Social Media by the Department of State
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International cyber security diplomatic negotiations: Role of Africa in inter-regional cooperation for a global approach on the security and stability of cyberspace
This research paper examines African countries cybersecurity readiness and how Africa can play a role in shaping international negotiations and discussions on global cybersecurity governance.
Revolution @State: The Spread of E-diplomacy
The text text explores the phenomenon of e-diplomacy, analysing its impact on modern diplomacy and the ways in which digital technologies are reshaping diplomatic practices and communication strategies at the state level.
Futures for diplomacy: Integrative Diplomacy in the 21st Century
The text discusses Integrative Diplomacy in the 21st century, emphasizing the importance of adapting traditional diplomacy to current global challenges and opportunities. Diplomacy is viewed as a tool for addressing complex issues through collaboration and integration, fostering mutual understanding and sustainable solutions. The changing dynamics of international relations require a more inclusive and interconnected approach, focusing on partnerships and cooperation in order to navigate the complexities of the contemporary world. Diplomacy is seen as essential in shaping the future of global ...
Une introduction à la gouvernance d’Internet
La gouvernance d’Internet n’est pas un sujet simple. Bien qu’elle traite d’une notion qui se veut être un symbole représentatif majeur du monde numérique, elle ne peut pas être abordée avec une simple logique numérique binaire qui ne reconnait que le vrai et le faux, le bon et le mauvais.
Humanitarian public diplomacy: International calls to action in the digital era
This dissertation examines IOs (IOs) as emerging stars in the constellation of diplomatic actors, as extra-state and supra-state entities that do not replace, but rather complement, align with and encourage states. Specifically focusing on humanitarian - those attentive to the needs of people - international organisations, the paper explores their use of calls to action as a public diplomacy tool that both activates the public and reflects the needs and desires of individuals and their communities, translated to policy context. Calls to action should be strategic, well-researched, authoritive,...
A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace
A declaration of independence for cyberspace, asserting that traditional governments have no authority over this virtual realm. Barlow believes that cyberspace should be free from external regulation and should be governed by the individuals who inhabit it.
Enterprise Data Strategy: Empowering Data Informed Diplomacy (U.S. State Departement)
The Enterprise Data Strategy (EDS) aims to ensure that State Department’s workforce is equipped with the timely and relevant data necessary to make informed management decisions.
Mediation and artificial intelligence: Notes on the future of international conflict resolution
Over the last years AI has emerged as a hot topic with regard to its impact on our political, social, and economic lives.
Crossing the Executive Digital Divide
Information and communications technologies (ICT) have become critical in business, government, manufacturing, critical infrastructures, academia, and, literally, everywhere else, and yet, despite the large sums of money involved, ICT remains the least well understood function in an organization.
Digital Opportunities for All: Meeting the Challenge
The text is about embracing digital opportunities to overcome challenges and ensure access for all.
Virtual Diplomacy: Diplomacy of the Digital Age
Olesya Grech investigates the impact of information and communication technologies on the conduct of modern diplomacy.
Cybersecurity in the Republic of Fiji
This paper discusses cybersecurity in Fiji and offers recommendations to challenges such as the vulnerability of systems due to lack of a cybersecurity framework. The poorly framed laws and lack of appropriate policies.
Hands on digital diplomacy
The text "Hands on digital diplomacy" suggests a practical approach to engaging in diplomatic efforts using digital tools and platforms.
Internet governance (IG) as a diplomatic priority
This dissertation demonstrates that IG is a significant, emerging diplomatic process that should be studied and addressed seriously by diplomats to prepare them to manage the implications it has for future impact on global governance of the Internet.
Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems: Mapping the GGE Debate (Briefing Paper #8)
The paper discusses the ongoing debate in the Group of Governmental Experts (GGE) on Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems (LAWS) and the varying perspectives on the need for regulation and control of these weapons.
Data-driven Public Diplomacy: Progress Towards Measuring the Impact of Public Diplomacy and International Broadcasting Activities
The text discusses the progress made in measuring the impact of public diplomacy and international broadcasting activities.
Digital diplomacy in the theory and practice of 21st century diplomacy
The book explores how digital diplomacy has transformed international relations by enabling real-time communication, fostering global engagement, and presenting both unprecedented opportunities and critical challenges for states and organizations alike.
Intergovernmental organisations sharing and linking open and real-time data for inclusive governance
The rapid rise of the Internet has encouraged the use of open, real-time, and linked data to help understand and improve development processes.The advancement of data use for development without an Internet governance framework, however, raises the importance of inclusion of the most marginalized, as well as privacy and security. This paper will examine such issues, as well as the role inter-governmental organisations can play in helping to encourage the use of data while supporting the protection of privacy and security.
The era of digital foreign policy: Comprehensive approaches to digitalisation
As the theme of this issue, ‘foreign policy for the 4th industrial revolution’, suggests, diplomats and foreign ministries are faced with tremendous changes brought about by digitalisation. The ability to respond to these changes appropriately and effectively determines the future prosperity of countries. Foreign policy is already digital in many ways - including its tools and the topics on bilateral and multilateral agendas. In this article, we introduce the idea of ‘digital foreign policy’ as a comprehensive way of responding to the challenges of digitalisation and the 4th industr...
Information and communications technologies for development
The text discusses the role of information and communications technologies (ICTs) in development.
Introducción a la Gobernanza de Internet
Aunque la gobernanza de Internet trata de los fundamentos del mundo digital, la gobernanza no puede manejarse con la lógica digital binaria de lo verdadero o lo falso, lo bueno o lo malo. En cambio, el sujeto exige muchas sutilezas y sombras de significado y percepción, requiriendo un enfoque analógico, cubriendo un continuo de opciones y compromisos. El objetivo del libro Introducción a la Gobernanza de Internet, del Dr Jovan Kurbalija, es proporcionar una visión general de los principales temas y actores en el campo a través de un marco práctico para el análisis, discusión, y resolu...
Namibia’s Digital Foreign Policy and Diplomacy (Briefing Paper #3)
This briefing paper emerged from Diplo's participation in Namibia's Foreign Policy Review Conference (July 2016). In this paper, Dr Katharina E. Höne suggests a three-pronged approach to Namibia's digital foreign policy and diplomacy, and looks at the discourse on information and communications technology (ICT) and development.
International multistakeholder cyber threat information sharing regimes: Policy considerations for scaling trust and active participation
This paper examines cybersecurity information sharing mechanisms. It looks at the research into public-private partnership (PPP) theory, their application for cybersecurity, and the burgeoning field of international cybersecurity collaboration, and draws conclusions on what policy elements are needed to foster success in architecting a platform for cybersecurity information sharing on a large scale. The paper surveys existing information sharing regimes and the policy objectives they attempt to reach, including capacity building, standardized languages for information sharing, liability prote...
Digital Diplomacy as a foreign policy statecraft to achieving regional cooperation and integration in the Polynesian Leaders Group
Established in 2011, the Polynesian Leaders Groups serves to fulfill a vision of cooperation, strengthening integration on issues pertinent to the region and to the future of the PLG. Its nine – American Samoa, French Polynesia, Niue, Cook Islands, Tokelau, Tuvalu, Tonga and Wallis Futuna, is argued to have strength in numbers, resources and diversity, and a positive addition to the growing regional diplomacies in the South Pacific.
New threats: the cyber-dimension
The text discusses emerging cyber threats and the need for increased cybersecurity measures to address these new challenges.
Peacetime Regime for State Activities in Cyberspace
The publication covers in a multi-disciplinary approach the technical, legal, policy and diplomacy aspects of State activities in cyberspace during peacetime. It consists of 23 chapters of academic nature, elaborated by 24 authors specialised in the respective areas of expertise. Diplo's Dr Jovan Kurbalija contributed the chapter on E-diplomacy and Diplomatic Law in the Internet Era.
World Summit on the Information Society and development of Internet diplomacy
The purpose of this paper is to identify new developments and innovations in diplomatic practice resultant from the WSIS and WGIG. First, the author describes the overall WSIS framework and specific aspects of the WGIG. Second, he identifies the new developments and innovation in diplomatic practice that are likely of lasting importance. The author does so by comparing WSIS diplomatic practice to the practices developed during other major UN summits held since the Rio Earth Summit in 1992.
Emerging Leaders for a Digital World (2011): Dalsie Greenrose Kalna Baniala from Vanuatu
‘With the number of training courses I have attended, including attending the Internet Governance Forum (IGF), I have learnt a lot.’
The waning of the state and the waxing of cyberworld
This paper discusses whether IT is functioning mainly as an instrument of states in their quest for power and wealth or is principally operating as a transformative agent by market forces and various sectors of civil society.
Net neutrality in Europe
The European Union upholds net neutrality, ensuring that all internet traffic is treated equally, without discrimination or interference from internet service providers. This regulation protects consumers' rights to access online content freely and without limitations set by providers.
Rapport: Des voix africaines plus fortes dans le numérique : construire une politique étrangère et une diplomatie africaines du numérique
À mesure que le dynamisme numérique de l'Afrique s'accroît, sa participation à la politique numérique mondiale doit augmenter. Dans cette transition, les pays africains doivent composer avec les réalités géopolitiques de notre époque.
The role of knowledge in the cyber-age of globalisation
In his paper, Richard Falk reflects on the application of information technology on diplomacy, and discusses the challenge of converting information technology to ‘knowledge technology’, and subsequently to ‘wisdom technology’. Yet, the ‘crossroads in human experience’ brings many challenges and dangers which the author analyses.
From a Safer Internet to a Better Internet for Kids
The text is about transitioning from a safer internet to a better internet for kids.
Broadening the diplomatic bandwidth
‘I believe whistle-blowing websites have a greater role to play in the future of the humankind. These are a few of the issues that I became aware of through DiploFoundation, on whose blogosphere these issues continue to be debated.’ - Felix Samakande from Zimbabwe
Challenges in Virtual Collaboration: Videoconferencing, Audioconferencing and Computer Mediated Communications
This report was developed as part of a larger project on aids to highlevel national-security decisionmaking. It discusses the effects of the medium of collaboration (face-to-face, videoconferencing, audioconferencing, or computer-mediated conferencing) on group processes and outcomes.
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Diplo: Effective and inclusive diplomacy
Diplo is a non-profit foundation established by the governments of Malta and Switzerland. Diplo works to increase the role of small and developing states, and to improve global governance and international policy development.