
 Body Part, Face, Head, Neck, Person, Happy, Smile, Black Hair, Hair, Photography, Adult, Male, Man, Accessories, Glasses, Female, Woman, Portrait, Shoulder, People, Clothing, Coat, Jacket

Ruichuan Yu

Research and Knowledge Management Specialist, UNICEF Office of Research-Innocenti

Ruichuan supports the Research Facilitation and Knowledge Management unit at the UNICEF Office of Research – Innocenti. He is working on the development and population of the Children and COVID-19 Research Library and the COVID-19 Library Quarterly Thematic Digests; development of Evidence Synthesis products; quality assurance of the Evidence Initiative for Systems Integration (EISI) database; and other research and knowledge management activities. Ruichuan holds a postgraduate degree in Political Science from Central European University and a double-bachelor degree in Public Administration and International Political Economy from Shanghai Jiao Tong University and Waseda University.

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