Lee Tuthill
Ms. Lee Tuthill, a senior staff member, has worked at the WTO since 1990. She is responsible for the complementary and interlinked topics of telecommunications, ICT and ICT-enabled services, electronic commerce and mode 1 (cross border supply). In these areas, she follows policy, regulatory practices, and trends in technology and business models. She covers the WTO e-commerce discussions and keeps abreast on how  ICT and e-commerce developments relate to the GATS and other WTO agreements. She conducts WTO-sponsored technical assistance in the form of multi-stakeholder national and regional capacity building workshops on E-commerce and on trade in services. She also provides training to telecommunications/ICT ministries and regulators on implementation of WTO principles related to the sector. Finally, when called upon to do so, she assists governments with technical aspects of drafting their services schedules for the market access commitments they may wish to make.
Before joining the WTO, Ms. Tuthill worked for seven years at the U.S. International Trade Commission, in its Office of Economics, covering all aspects of what was, at that time, the  GATT. While there, she conducted studies of, for example, trade with Mexico, the Caribbean Basin, and ASEAN economies and one on the functioning of the GATT dispute settlement system. Prior to that, she worked with a Washington, DC–based consulting firm that specialized in promoting U.S.- African business and economic relations and at the U.S. Department of State covering Latin American economic affairs. She holds a Master’s in International Affairs degree from Columbia University in New York City.
Ms. Lee Tuthill, a senior staff member, has worked at the WTO since 1990. She is responsible for the complementary and interlinked topics of telecommunications, ICT and ICT-enabled services, electronic commerce and mode 1 (cross border supply). In these areas, she follows policy, regulatory practices, and trends in technology and business models. She covers the WTO e-commerce discussions and keeps abreast on how  ICT and e-commerce developments relate to the GATS and other WTO agreements. She conducts WTO-sponsored technical assistance in the form of multi-stakeholder national and regional capacity building workshops on E-commerce and on trade in services. She also provides training to telecommunications/ICT ministries and regulators on implementation of WTO principles related to the sector. Finally, when called upon to do so, she assists governments with technical aspects of drafting their services schedules for the market access commitments they may wish to make.
Before joining the WTO, Ms. Tuthill worked for seven years at the U.S. International Trade Commission, in its Office of Economics, covering all aspects of what was, at that time, the  GATT. While there, she conducted studies of, for example, trade with Mexico, the Caribbean Basin, and ASEAN economies and one on the functioning of the GATT dispute settlement system. Prior to that, she worked with a Washington, DC–based consulting firm that specialized in promoting U.S.- African business and economic relations and at the U.S. Department of State covering Latin American economic affairs. She holds a Master’s in International Affairs degree from Columbia University in New York City.