
Bogdan Stojanović
Dr Bogdan Stojanović is a Research Fellow at Institute of International Politics and
Economics in Belgrade. He graduated from Department for International Relations,
completed MA studies in International Security and earned PhD from the Faculty of
Political Sciences, University of Belgrade. His academic focus includes IR theories,
diplomacy, modern warfare, nuclear proliferation, space operations and intelligence
studies. He is the author of three scientific books: The Balance of Nuclear Power
between USA and Russia (USSR)Â (co-author, 2012); The Theory of Denuclearization:
Why States Abandon Nuclear Weapons Programs? (2021); A Soul on the Edge: The
Mystery Called Homo Destructor (2024). Some of his books are included as textbooks
at several universities. He has written numerous scientific articles and participated in a
dozen national and international scientific conferences. Regardless of his academic
career, he is a co-owner of one of the most famous public opinion research and
campaign agencies in Serbia.