Hands of a guy on laptop keyboard

Dear colleagues,

This week, we marked ChatGPT’s first anniversary and World Negotiation Day. It was an occasion to reflect on technology and diplomacy, two key pillars of Diplo’s work (see: blog posts below).

Next week, during UNCTAD’s eWeek, we will continue exploring the interplay between AI, diplomacy, and governance. We invite you to join various sessions and discussions with Diplo’s lecturers and experts as per the programme below.

You can also follow our AI-powered reporting from eWeek sessions.

Join us also for a relaxing get-together during Diplo Evening on 7 November. We are aware several events are happening this evening, but we trust you can join us for a while, anytime between 17:00 and 20:00 at the WMO Building (7bis Avenue de la Paix)

With best regards,



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(4-8 December 2023)

You can find more information on Diplo Days.

Diplo @ UNCTAD eWeek | 4-8 December
Diplo will participate in the 2023 edition of UNCTAD’s eWeek ‘Shaping the future of the digital economy.’ Diplo’s main focus will be on AI, digital governance, and development… Read more.
Diplo @ UNCTAD eWeek | 4-8 December
Diplo will participate in the 2023 edition of UNCTAD’s eWeek ‘Shaping the future of the digital economy.’ Diplo’s main focus will be on AI, digital governance, and development… Read more.
Diplo Evening Reception | 7 December (17.00 – 20.00) 
Diplo Evening will be an occasion to meet Diplo’s lecturers, developers, and experts. In an informal setting, you can visit 6 corners featuring Diplo’s activities and projects… Read more.
Diplo Evening Reception | 7 December (17.00 – 20.00) 
Diplo Evening will be an occasion to meet Diplo’s lecturers, developers, and experts. In an informal setting, you can visit 6 corners featuring Diplo’s activities and projects… Read more.
Strengthening Africa’s digital diplomacy | 8 December (14.00 – 15.30)
African voices need to be stronger in digital and AI governance. As negotiations on the Global Digital Compact, AI governance, and other tech issues accelerate, the need to amplify African perspectives has never been more critical. Join us for an insightful conversation with an esteemed panel of thought leaders and practitioners on the future directions of African digital diplomacy.… Read more.
Strengthening Africa’s digital diplomacy | 8 December (14.00 – 15.30)
African voices need to be stronger in digital and AI governance. As negotiations on the Global Digital Compact, AI governance, and other tech issues accelerate, the need to amplify African perspectives has never been more critical. Join us for an insightful conversation with an esteemed panel of thought leaders and practitioners on the future directions of African digital diplomacy.… Read more.

Update on ChatGPT and Negotiation Day

OpenAi Birthday
ChatGPT: A year in review | Digital Watch Observatory
Within two months of its launch, ChatGPT amassed 100 million monthly users. Fast forward a year, and the user base has surged to an impressive 200 million.… Read more.
OpenAi Birthday
ChatGPT: A year in review | Digital Watch Observatory
Within two months of its launch, ChatGPT amassed 100 million monthly users. Fast forward a year, and the user base has surged to an impressive 200 million.… Read more.
As ChatGPT turns one, can Geneva help reconcile tech and ethics?
Today marks the commemoration of World International Negotiations Day and the first anniversary of ChatGPT. At first glance, these two events do not have much in common. Yet, they… Read more.
As ChatGPT turns one, can Geneva help reconcile tech and ethics?
Today marks the commemoration of World International Negotiations Day and the first anniversary of ChatGPT. At first glance, these two events do not have much in common. Yet, they… Read more.
Four seasons of AI: From excitement to clarity in the first year of ChatGPT
Since the launch of ChatGPT, AI has evolved from a winter of excitement via a spring of metaphors and a summer of reflections to an autumn of clarity… Read more.
Four seasons of AI: From excitement to clarity in the first year of ChatGPT
Since the launch of ChatGPT, AI has evolved from a winter of excitement via a spring of metaphors and a summer of reflections to an autumn of clarity… Read more.

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