Geneva Digital Footprint 2023

Geneva Digital Footprint ranks Geneva’s websites
Ranking Name Domain Number of appeareances in search results Average position in search results Cumulative size (apperances x average position)
1 World Health Organisation - WHO 1282 4.738689548 8027
2 DiploFoundation 1053 4.060778727 7307
3 Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights - UNHCHR 1184 5.102195946 6983
4 World Economic Fourm - WEF 691 4.348769899 4596
5 United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees - UNHCR 457 3.291028446 3523
6 Digital Watch 468 4.153846154 3204
7 International Committee of the Red Cross - ICRC 449 5.53674833 2453
8 IPCC 351 5.108262108 2068
9 International Labour Organization - ILO 324 5.564814815 1761
10 Relief Web 312 6.163461538 1509
11 International Telecommunication Union - ITU 209 4.66507177 1324
12 United Nations Conference on Trade and Development - UNCTAD 265 6.143396226 1287
13 World Trade Organization - WTO 245 6.044897959 1214
14 International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies - IFRC 213 5.666666667 1136
15 International Organisation for Migration - IOM 185 5.124324324 1087
16 European Organization for Nuclear Research - CERN 132 3.416666667 1001
17 United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction - UNDRR 134 4.723880597 841
18 Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies - IHEID 126 4.634920635 802
19 International Organisation for Standardisation - ISO 139 5.230215827 802
20 Cyber Peace Institute 123 4.715447154 773
WP DataTables

If you want to see a ranking of other Geneva-based organisations please let us know:

based on where they show up in Google searches for 344 policy, governance, and diplomatic topics
WP DataTables

You can consult the footprint ranking for each of the 344 topics here.

conducted from 50 cities on all continents.
Abuja Busan Jericho New York Sydney
Addis Abeba Cairo Kampala Paris Tashkent
Amsterdam Capetown Kathmandu Port of Spain (Trinidad) Tokyo
Bangalore Caracas Lahore Roma Toronto
Bangkok Dakar London San Francisco Ulan Bator
Belgrade Doha Mexico City Santiago (Chile) Ushaia
Berlin Dublin Moscow Sao Paolo Vienna
Brazilia Geneva Msida Singapore Washington D.C.
Brussels Istanbul Nairobi Suva (Fiji) Windhoek
Buenos Aires Jakarta New Delhi Svalbard and Jan Mayen Ushuaia Zurich
WP DataTables

We use Google’s ranking to estimate the relevance of Geneva’s online resources for countries, communities, and people worldwide.

To learn more about the footprint, join Geneva Engage event on the 1st of February 2023.

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