Event recording

Connectivity, Competition, Collaboration: The 3Cs of Digital Trade – What policies for post-COVID success?
Tuesday, 22nd June, 15:00–16:30
The event is part of the World Trade Organization’s (WTO) Simply Services — A Trade in Services Speaker Series .
The session Connectivity, Competition, Collaboration: The 3Cs of Digital Trade – What policies for post-COVID success? will discuss issues related to connectivity, competition and collaboration in digital trade and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on online services.
Ms Marilia Maciel (Digital Policy Senior Researcher, Diplo) will be one of the panellists in this discussion.
For more information, and to register, please visit the official page.
This seminar features academics and experts who have researched and written highly informative studies on the digital landscape.
One of the panellists has explored the features of regulatory frameworks that enhance connectivity to communications infrastructures, so as to raise e-readiness and narrow the digital divide. Another has examined how the internet is organised so as to move data and content across the globe. Other panellists are actively engaged in fostering capacity building and collaborative mechanisms to enhance internet governance and communication within and among governments and other stakeholders.
- Raul Katz, Director of Business Strategy Research, Columbia Institute for Tele-Information
- Shane Greenstein, The Martin Marshall Professor of Business Administration, Harvard Business School
- Lorrayne Porciuncula, Director, Data & Jurisdiction Program, Internet & Jurisdiction Policy Network
- Marilia Maciel, Digital Policy Senior Researcher, Diplo