lighting, Diplomacy

Why is Internet governance important?

02 November 2016 -


Foraus – the Swiss think tank on foreign policy – is organising a lecture with Dr Jovan Kurbalija, Founding Director of DiploFoundation, on Switzerland’s role and approach to Internet governance. 

Why is Internet governance important?


2 November | 18.30-20.00

University of Geneva – UniMail – room M1170


The Internet is a critical infrastructure for Swiss society. On the risk side, the cost of a security failure would be very high – over half a billion CHF for a day of Internet outage. On the opportunity side, most economic and societal growth is Internet-driven.

The strategy Switzerland will develop, and the role Switzerland will play in the elaboration of future Internet norms and institutions, are therefore essential. At stake are the performance of the Swiss economy, the rights of its citizens, and Swiss national security. The core of the Swiss brand and reputation – a country that is safe, strong, neutral, and smart – might be endangered if these Internetrelated vulnerabilities and opportunities are not addressed.

These topics will be addressed in an evening lecture by Dr Jovan Kurbalija, organised by Foraus – the Swiss think tank on foreign policy. For registration and further information, please consult Foraus’ website.