Tech Diplomacy: Actors, Trends, and Controversies | Book launch

01 October 2024


Event description

The recent conflict between Elon Musk and the Brazilian government has sparked heated debate on freedom of expression. Many commentators failed to reflect on a strategic reconfiguration of global power between governments and powerful tech companies. As these companies increasingly wield economic and social influence, rivalling that of nation-states, the implications for global diplomacy are profound.

In his new book, Kurbalija offers a critical, informed, and impartial analysis of tech diplomacy, exploring how these dynamics challenge the traditional Westphalian system based on nation-states. He delves into the interactions between tech companies and national governments, from the Bay Area to capitals worldwide, providing a comprehensive understanding of this evolving landscape.

Don’t miss this opportunity to gain valuable insights, and participate in a thought-provoking discussion with Jovan Kurbalija.

The event will take place online on 1 October 2024, at 12:00 UTC | 14:00 CEST

In the preparation for the event you can consult…

Definitions of tech diplomacy

Addressing terminological confusion

Cloud of different terms tech, cyber, digital

The etymological and contextual meaning of tech diplomacy

Conceptual framing of tech diplomacy

What are the main topics covered by tech diplomacy?

  • Privacy and data protection
  • Antitrust and competition
  • Cybersecurity
  • Cybercrime
  • Content moderation and governance
  • Digital taxation
  • AI and digital governance
  • Labour and employment
  • Environment and climate
  • Intellectual property
  • Free flow of data and data localisation
  • Encryption
  • Telecommunication and spectrum allocation
  • Standardisation
  • Digital finance and cryptocurrencies
  • Development assistance



Power distribution

Soft power

Power of governments

  • Sovereignty
  • Monopoly of physical power
  • Legitimacy

Power of the tech sector

  • Economic power
  • Societal power
  • Political power

Compare companies and countries

In the example below, Amazon’s annual revenue is comparable to the GDP of Austria, Argentina, Israel, Ireland, Norway, and Thailand.

 File, Page, Text, Webpage


  • Diplomatic services
  • Economic ministries
  • Law-enforcement agencies
  • Education and culture ministries
  • Defense and security ministries

Tech companies

  • Public policy and government affairs
  • Legal and regulatory affairs
  • Corporate social responsibility (CSR) and sustainability
  • Communications and public relations
  • Security and privacy
  • Executives and policy teams

Other actors

  • International organisations
  • Academia and think tanks
  • Civil society

Mapping interplays between governmental ministries and corporate departments

What are the main instruments and interaction methods between governments and tech companies?

  • Lobbying and diplomacy
  • Public policy and advocacy
  • Corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives
  • Public-private partnerships
  • Research and development projects
  • International negotiations and forums
  • Consultations and advisory activities

Map of tech companies’ presence worldwide

United States

  • San Francisco Bay Area
  • Seattle
  • Washington, DC
  • Boston
  • New York


  • Beijing
  • Shanghai
  • Shenzhen


  • New Delhi
  • Bangalore

European Union

  • Brussels
  • Paris
  • Berlin

United Kingdom

  • London
  • Oxford


  • Geneva
  • Zurich


Other centres and hubs


 People, Person, Advertisement, Poster, Face, Head, Book, Comics, Publication, Crowd
 Landscape, Nature, Outdoors, Advertisement, Plant, Vegetation, Scenery, Poster, Bridge, Suspension Bridge, City