We invite you to continue our walk along timeline of Evolution of diplomacy and technology. In May, our next stop is Renaissance diplomacy and the impact of the invention of the printing press on diplomacy in the Reformation period. [Note: the webinar has been rescheduled for Wednesday, 4th June, at 13:00 GMT]
Renaissance diplomacy developed between Italian city-states. Relationships between these states were influenced by two key elements: no hegemonic power and a strong interest in cooperating and solving problems through peaceful means.
In the Renaissance era, the first full diplomatic system, consisting of permanent diplomatic missions, diplomatic reporting, and diplomatic privileges, was established.
Another important development, linked mainly to the Reformation, was the invention of the printing press. This invention had a considerable impact on all functions of society, including diplomacy. The Church’s dominance through parchment-based writing was challenged.
Join us for the May webinar ‘Renaissance diplomacy, invention of printing press and early ‘social media’ by Dr Jovan Kurbalija. Webinar will be held on Wednesday, 4th June, at 13:00 GMT (rescheduled from Thursday, 29 May at 13:00 GMT).
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