lighting, Diplomacy

Partnership for a secure cyberspace

12 June 2017 -

Belgrade, Serbia

The conference “Partnership for a secure cyberspace” is organized by the OSCE Mission to Serbia, in partnership with the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications of Republic of Serbia, Microsoft, and the DiploFoundation.

The conference aims to discuss cybersecurity from a geo-political and geo-economic angle, and look into strategic multistakeholder approaches that can address both the cybersecurity risks and economic benefits.

It will gather high-level representatives of Ministries, agencies and security services, private sector and civil society, and create an opportunity to hear the experiences of some of the lead global experts in cybersecurity, including Melissa Hathaway of Harvard Kennedy School’s Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Carmen Gonsalves, Head of International Cyber Policy at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands and a co-chair of the Global Forum on Cyber Expertise (GFCE), Laura Galante, Founder of Galante Strategies and a former Director at FireEye, Rami Efrati, Founder and President of FIRMITAS Cyber Solutions and Former Head of the Civilian Sector Division – Israel National Cyber Bureau Prime Minister’s Office, and George Randelov, Public Sector Director, CEE Multi Country Europe, Microsoft.

Diplo’s Director dr Jovan Kurbalija will deliver a keynote speach, during which he will also launch the Serbian Cybersecurity Nexus, a platform that enables the collaboration of stakeholders from Serbian institutions, companies and society, which comes as the result of institutionalization efforts to develop a national cybersecurity framework in Serbia through public-private partnership (PPP).

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