lighting, Diplomacy

Internet governance workshop in Trinidad and Tobago

01 November 2010

The Internet governance workshop was organised by Diplo in November 2010 in Trinidad, in collaboration with the Caribbean Telecommunications Union (CTU). Over 20 participants representing government, civil society, business, academia, and international and regional organisations took part. Workshop guest speakers helped make the discussions more relevant to the region and for the participants. Sheba Mohammid, from ISOC Trinidad, talked about ICT policy in the Caribbean and the regional challenges; Shernon Osepa, ICANN regional manager, talked about the IPv4 – IPv6 transition, and related regional aspects; Tracy Hackshaw, from ISOC Trinidad, tackled a regional case study on Trinidad’s ICT strategy, while Rodney Taylor, CTU Business Development Manager, also talked about ICT policy in the Caribbean region.

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