lighting, Diplomacy

IG training workshop in Burundi

28 June 2011 - 29 June 2011

Bujumbura, Burundi

The Burundi Youth Training Centre (BYTC) is currently organising the 'Internet Governance Training Workshop’. It will take place in Bujumbura, Burundi, on 28-29 June 2011. Diplo is helping out by supporting the event through its Capacity Development Programme in ICT Policy and IG for ACP countries. The Centre Africain de Complmentarit Scolaire, Universitaire et de Promotion (CACSUP), from the Republic of Congo, is also helping BYTC with the delivery of training.

The workshop aims at raising awareness on IG issues, focusing on issues of particular local and regional importance. This is also one of BYTC's main aims, which helps young people in Burundi become competitive in the labour market by training them in ICT and Internet use, and by educating young people on aspects related to the information society. 
Diplo's Capacity Development Programme in ICT Policy and IG for ACP countries is supported by the European Commission and the ACP Secretariat. Visit the programme website for more info.

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