lighting, Diplomacy

DiploFoundation at 17th European Diplomatic Programme

17 May 2017 - 19 May 2017


DiploFoundation will deliver training during the Training Directors’ Meeting programme of the 17th European Diplomatic Programme – IV Module, in Malta, on 19 May. The fourth module, which runs on 17-19 May, includes a training programme for diplomats on various themes. Diplo’s programme for the informal Training Directors’ Meeting will focus on three areas: (a) online diplomatic training, (b) the use of social media in diplomacy, and (c) data diplomacy.

[Update] View the photo gallery from the event.

The European Diplomatic Programme is a training programme, organised yearly by the European External Action Service, that promotes the idea of common European diplomacy. It is a common project between the EU member states and EU institutions, and is part of the EU Common Foreign and Security Policy. This year’s programme is the 17th edition.

Participants are young diplomats from the foreign services of member states and officials of the European Commission and the Council Secretariat. In parallel, Training Directors from the ministries hold infomal meetings on aspects related to the training of diplomats. Each programme consists of four modules.

The fourth module is taking place in Malta, which currently holds the Presidency of the European Council of the European Union. Diplo’s programme for Training Directors will be delivered by Dr Jovan Kurbalija with Dr Katharina Hoene (online learning), Dr Stephanie Borg Psaila (social media), and Ms Barbara Rosen Jacobson (data diplomacy).


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