lighting, Diplomacy

Diplo & GIP at WSIS Forum 2018

19 March 2018 - 23 March 2018

Geneva, Switzerland

DiploFoundation and the Geneva Internet Platform will be actively engaged at WSIS Forum 2018. Join us for the following events and sessions, visit us at the booth, and read our just-in-time session reports and newsletter.

WSIS Forum 2018 just-in-time reporting

The GIP Digital Watch observatory is providing just-in-time session reports from most sessions on digital policy, with the aim of enabling the community to keep track of discussions happening simultaneously. Session reports are available within a few hours from each session. Read the reports at or follow us on @genevagip for links to reports. In addition, we will summarise the main themes in a final report, out on Monday, 26th March, 2018.

The GIP’s just-in-time reporting initiative from WSIS Forum 2018 is supported by ICANN and the Internet Society. The GIP is an initiative supported by the Swiss authorities and operated by DiploFoundation.

Diplo / GIP booth

Visit us at the booth throughout the week, for news and updates on major Diplo projects and capacity development activities. A limited number of publications will be available. The booth will also serve as an informal – and traditional – meeting place for alumni and friends. We’d love for you to stop by!

Workshops and other sessions

Join us for the following sessions and events:

(Last updated: 18 March 2018. Times are in CET)