lighting, Diplomacy

Diplo director at Polish-Swiss Innovation Day

23 May 2017 -

Warsaw, Poland

What is the relevance of digitalisation, and how can we shape a successful digital ecosystem which provides competitive advantages for the future? These will be the themes of the Polish-Swiss Innovation Day, an event organised by the Swiss Embassy in Poland, the Centre for Innovation and Technology Transfer Management in Warsaw, and the Swiss Chamber in Poland. DiploFoundation director Dr Jovan Kurbalija will be presenting a keynote speech on Mapping the opportunities and challenges of digital transformation.
New! Photos from the event. 
The Swiss-Polish Innovation Day provides guidance and insights about the relevance of digitalisation and shows ways how to shape a successful digital ecosystem. The event consists of two main parts:
  1. Polish and Swiss approaches: Both Switzerland and Poland undertake endeavours to shape a digital ecosystem, search for opportunities and assess the risks. It is therefore important compare approaches and to share experiences.
  2. Be prepared for digital transformation in business, Take advantage of the digital ecosystem: Challenging digital transformation is a strategic task for enterprises. The Polish-Swiss Innovation Day offers the opportunity to look closer into concrete business cases of companies belonging to the digital leaders in their industrial sectors and discuss the role of academia /education. Strategic approaches and inspiring insights will be presented to animate the discussion and to share experiences.

The event will be hosted at the Centre for Innovation and Technology Transfer Management in Warsaw.

For more details, download the event programme.

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