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Conference photos – Swiss Touch photos –
Panel 2, full video – with Jovan Kurbalija:

Can you put a Red Cross emblem on a Wi-Fi tower in a refugee camp? How can the life and dignity of crisis-affected populations be protected from cyber-attacks and unintended harm in cyberspace? How should humanitarian agencies and tech partners work together to safely and responsibly meet information and communication needs in crisis? Targeted workshops and panel discussions will address these questions over a two-day conference at swissnex San Francisco at Pier 17, Switzerland’s Living Lab for Diplomacy.
The Consulate General of Switzerland in San Francisco and swissnex San Francisco, together with US, Swiss, and international partners, will hold the ‘Crisis Code: Humanitarian Protection in the Digital Age’ conference, on 27–28 September, with the aim to collectively examine international humanitarian and human rights laws, standards, and norms in light of new cyber-realities.
The programme will provide a neutral platform to develop a better understanding of the relationship between cyber-threats and humanitarian protection, and identify a possible agenda for mitigating the digital vulnerabilities of populations in crisis. The event will bring together researchers, practitioners, and policy makers to map out new territories of vulnerability in cyberspace, assess existing practice around humanitarian data, and build consensus for action.
Core partners in this initiative include the Policy Lab, Harvard Humanitarian Initiative, the Geneva Internet Platform, the World Affairs Council, and the University of Geneva.
For more information, visit the event webpage.