lighting, Diplomacy

Asia Cyber Diplomacy Workshop

28 August 2015 - 29 August 2015


How should diplomats respond to today’s cyber challenges? What topics are on the international digital agenda? What is the interplay between international, regional, and national digital policy processes?

Asia Cyber Diplomacy Workshop

Diplomacy: Between Tradition and Innovation

Date: 28–29 August 2015
Venue: Bangkok, Pullman Bangkok Hotel G

Organised by DiploFoundation in partnership with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands and Devawongse Varopakarn Institute of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Thailand

New: See photos, download the report



This dynamic workshop will address evolving cyber issues for modern diplomacy. Diplomatic services worldwide face the challenge of developing capacity and approaches to cover the growing relevance of the Internet for economic and societal development. Internet policy is emerging on global diplomatic agendas at global and regional levels. The Bangkok workshop will address cyber diplomacy from both conceptual and practical aspects. Participants will be immersed in simulation exercises and other activities aimed at demonstrating the specificities of cyber diplomacy.

Who should attend?

The workshop is designed for diplomats and government officials dealing with the international aspects of digital developments, including trade and investment, security, and culture. In particular focus will be international legal developments of relevance for promoting digital growth and innovation.


This training workshop will give participants an overview of the multidisciplinary field of cyber diplomacy (including technical, legal, economic, sociocultural, and developmental aspects). Particular emphasis will be put on cybersecurity and promoting cooperative and comprehensive approaches for today’s cyber challenges. The programme combines presentations, a dynamic policy dialogue, practical demonstrations in the CyberLab, a case study, and simulation exercises.

Draft programme

Day 1 (Friday 28th August)


Welcome coffee with CyberLab presentation: The future is now – the Internet of Things, 3D printing, and Bitcoin


Welcome remarks

  • Ambassador Dhiravat Bhumichitr, Devawongse Varopakarn Institute of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Thailand
  • Mr Bernhard Kelkes, Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Bangkok
  • Dr Jovan Kurbalija, DiploFoundation


WHAT are the main cyber diplomacy issues? (Mapping cyber challenges for modern diplomacy)

  • Understanding how the Internet works and how the Internet functionality impacts cyber diplomacy
    By Eng. Vladimir Radunovic, director of cybersecurity at DiploFoundation

  • Summarising the main cyber policy challenges for diplomats
    By H.E. Dr Alex Sceberras Trigona, Special Envoy of the Prime Minister of Malta and Former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Malta 


Coffee break & CyberLab


Applicability of international law to cyber challenges
by  H.E. Dr. Kriangsak Kittichaisaree, Ambassador, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Thailand and Member of the International Law Commission of the United Nations


Lunch break


WHERE is cyber diplomacy performed?

  • Survey of the main cyber diplomacy processes and legal and policy instruments (including confidence building measures and activities of UNGGE)
    By Dr Jovan Kurbalija, Director of DiploFoundation and head of the Geneva Internet Platform 

  • Survey of regional cyber initiatives in the Asia-Pacific region
    By Ms Jessica Woodall, Analyst, International Cyber Policy Centre, Australian Strategic Policy Institute

  • Regional Digital Diplomacy
    By Mr Sameer Sharma, Senior Advisor, Regional Office for Asia-Pacific, International Telecommunication Union

14.30 – 15.00

HOW: Bringing together technical, diplomatic and security aspects of digital policy

Mr Wanawit Ahkuputra, Deputy Executive Director, Electronic Transactions Development Agency, Thailand & Member of the Government Advisory Council at ICANN


Coffee break with CyberLab presentation: a peek into the Dark Web and tools for cyber attacks


WHO are the main actors in cyber diplomacy?

  • Overview of the main actors

  • Roles of stakeholders and models of public-private partnership

By Mr Moedjiono Sardjoeni Matdullah, the Senior Advisor for International Relations and Digital Divide, Minister of Communication and Information Technology of the Republic of Indonesia


Simulation exercise: Negotiating an international cyber declaration

  • Skills and techniques for diplomatic negotiations 
    By Ambassador Kishan Rana, former Indian diplomat
  • Distribution of simulation roles
  • Simulation exercise – first round
18.15-18.30 Summary of the day
20.00 Workshop dinner


After the introductory remarks, participants will engage in a full immersion simulation exercise on cyber diplomacy – negotiating an international cyber policy document. Participants will be assigned tasks to prepare for the second part of the exercise. The simulation exercise will continue on Day 2.

Day 2 (Saturday, 29th August)


Simulation exercise (continuation)

Participants complete the simulated negotiations, and discuss the lessons learned, during a debriefing session with experts


Coffee break & CyberLab


How can national governments address the challenges of cyber diplomacy?

  • Benchmarking countries in cyber issues & the Global Cybersecurity Index
    By Aaron Boyd, Chief Strategy Officer, ABI Research

  • National diplomatic services and their coverage of cyber issues (case studies)
    Panel discussion moderated by Dr Jovan Kurbalija, director of DiploFoundation and head of the Geneva Internet Platform


Certificate ceremony and lunch reception


Registration: Due to high interest and limited capacity, registrations are now closed. 

For additional information, contact Barbara Rosen Jacobson

This workshop is free of charge. Please note that the organiser cannot cover any travel or accommodation costs – these are the responsibility of the participants.


Previous events: June 2015 – Vienna Cyber Diplomacy Day