On 26 March 2025, DiploFoundation, together with the Permanent Missions of Kenya, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Pakistan, the Republic of Korea, and Switzerland to the United Nations in Geneva, and the Permanent Representation of France to the Conference on Disarmament, will host a diplomatic dialogue on AI and international peace and security.
Artificial intelligence (AI) and its implications for international peace and security have become increasingly prominent on the global diplomatic agenda. Beyond discussions on lethal autonomous weapons systems, held within the framework of a dedicated group of governmental experts since 2017, broader debates have emerged on the impact of AI on the international security environment.
AI’s role in the military domain has become an increasingly important area of focus, as technology advances and military strategies evolve. Its impact in conflict dynamics, its benefits and risks in military applications, and the principles necessary for its responsible uses remain key concerns for the international community.
In 2024, the global conversation on AI and international peace and security has gained momentum with several major milestones. At the UN level, the Pact for the Future outlined a commitment by member states to assess the risks associated with the military applications of AI and the possible opportunities throughout their life cycle. Furthermore, the 79th session of the UN General Assembly adopted the first resolution on AI in the military domain, which also encouraged member states to convene exchanges on the responsible application of AI in the military field.
Outside of the UN system, multistakeholder initiatives such as the Responsible AI in the Military domain (REAIM) conference look at ensuring that military AI applications are developed, deployed, and used responsibly. The second REAIM Summit in 2024, for instance, saw the adoption of a Blueprint for Action signed by 63 countries. Looking ahead, the UN Secretary-General will prepare a report on AI’s opportunities and challenges for international peace and security, and international initiatives such as the UNIDIR Global Conference on AI, Security, and Ethics (March 2025) and the third REAIM Summit in Spain later in the year will further shape discussions.
10:00 – 10:15 | Welcoming remarks
10:15 – 11:15 | Setting the scene
Overview of recent and ongoing processes, including UNGA resolutions, the Pact for the Future, the REAIM Blueprint for Action, and upcoming initiatives.
11:15 – 11:30 | Break
11:30 – 13:00 | International cooperation on responsible AI in the military domain
An exchange of views on the role of member states, the UN, and other stakeholders in advancing international cooperation on the responsible application of AI in the military domain. Discussion on challenges, opportunities, and Geneva’s potential role.
This is an invitation-only event.
It is part of a Diplomatic dialogues on AI series launched in January 2025 with the goal to provide a space for Geneva-based diplomats to engage in open and informal debates on AI governance issues.
AI Assistant on AI in the military domain
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Sources used by AI Assistant
The following resolutions, reports, and publications by various UN entities are used by the AI assistant. Also included here are additional resources such as outcomes of REAIM summits.
Title: AI Beyond Weapons: Application and Impact of AI in the Military Domain
Description: This report explores the diverse applications of artificial intelligence in the military, beyond autonomous weapons, including logistics, intelligence gathering, and decision-making support. It assesses the implications and potential impacts on military operations and global security.
URL: https://unidir.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/UNIDIR_AI_Beyond_Weapons_Application_Impact_AI_in_the_Military_Domain.pdf
Title: AI in the Military Domain: A Briefing Note for States
Description: This briefing note offers a concise overview of critical issues related to military AI, targeting state representatives and policymakers. It addresses the current technological landscape, ethical concerns, and challenges in international governance.
URL: https://unidir.org/wp-content/uploads/2025/03/UNIDIR_AI_in_the_Military_Domain_A_briefing_note_for_States.pdf
Title: The Global Kaleidoscope of Military AI Governance
Description: This document examines the varied and evolving governance frameworks for military AI worldwide, showcasing different national and international approaches. It discusses the complexities of achieving unified global governance in this field.
URL: https://unidir.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/UNIDIR_The_Global_Kaleidoscope_of_Military_AI_Governance.pdf
Title: Background on LAWS in the CCW
Description: This webpage details the Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons (CCW) and its discussions on lethal autonomous weapons systems (LAWS), providing historical context, key debates, and the current state of international law.
URL: https://disarmament.unoda.org/the-convention-on-certain-conventional-weapons/background-on-laws-in-the-ccw/
Title: Joint Call for Prohibitions and Restrictions on Autonomous Weapons Systems
Description: A joint UN SG and ICRC appeal urging global leaders to establish norms and regulations for autonomous weapons systems, stressing the urgency of protecting humanity from their risks.
URL: https://www.icrc.org/en/document/joint-call-un-and-icrc-establish-prohibitions-and-restrictions-autonomous-weapons-systems
Title: State Positions on Autonomous Weapons Negotiations
Description: This webpage compiles various countries’ official stances on negotiating international agreements for autonomous weapons systems, offering insights into diverse perspectives in ongoing talks.
URL: https://automatedresearch.org/state-positions/?_state_position_negotiation=yes
Title: Revised Rolling Text on LAWS (November 2024)
Description: This document presents the latest draft from the Group of Governmental Experts on Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems as of November 2024, reflecting current negotiations and areas of consensus or contention.
URL: https://docs-library.unoda.org/Convention_on_Certain_Conventional_Weapons_-Group_of_Governmental_Experts_on_Lethal_Autonomous_Weapons_Systems_(2024)/Revised_rolling_text_as_of_8_November_2024_final.pdf
Title: UN General Assembly Resolution 79/62
Description: This resolution text from the UN General Assembly addresses disarmament issues, potentially including autonomous weapons or military AI, detailing decisions and recommendations adopted.
URL: https://docs.un.org/en/A/RES/79/62
Title: Our Common Agenda: A New Agenda for Peace
Description: This UN policy brief outlines a vision for peace, tackling global challenges like AI in conflict and security contexts, and proposing strategies for international cooperation and governance.
URL: https://www.un.org/sites/un2.un.org/files/our-common-agenda-policy-brief-new-agenda-for-peace-en.pdf
Title: Pact for the Future
Description: Adopted at the UN Summit of the Future, this document outlines commitments to address global challenges, possibly including AI governance in military contexts, with actionable plans.
URL: https://www.un.org/sites/un2.un.org/files/sotf-pact_for_the_future_adopted.pdf
Title: Governing AI for Humanity: Final Report
Description: This report provides a thorough analysis and recommendations for AI governance to benefit humanity, covering ethics, policy, and international cooperation, with relevance to military uses.
URL: https://www.un.org/sites/un2.un.org/files/governing_ai_for_humanity_final_report_en.pdf
Title: UN Security Council Meeting on Artificial Intelligence
Description: This page details a UN Security Council meeting exploring AI’s implications for peace and security, including the agenda, participants, and key discussion points.
URL: https://dig.watch/event/unlocking-un-security-council-meetings-with-ai/unsc-meeting-artificial-intelligence
Title: Press Release: Security Council Meeting on AI (2023)
Description: This press release summarizes a 2023 UN Security Council meeting on AI’s global security impact, highlighting key statements and positions from member states.
URL: https://press.un.org/en/2023/sc15359.doc.htm
Title: Verbatim Record of Security Council Meeting 9381
Description: This official transcript records the 9381st UN Security Council meeting, discussing AI’s role in international peace and security.
URL: https://docs.un.org/en/S/PV.9381
Title: 9821st Security Council Meeting on AI
Description: This page covers the 9821st UN Security Council meeting focused on AI in security, with summaries and links to related documents.
URL: https://dig.watch/event/artificial-intelligence-ai-security-council/9821st-meeting
Title: Security Council, 79th year : 9821st meeting
Description: This is a record of a UN Security Council session on AI and security, detailing proceedings and statements made.
URL: https://digitallibrary.un.org/record/4070651?ln=en&v=pdf
Title: Press Release: Security Council Meeting on AI (2024)
Description: This 2024 press release recaps a UN Security Council meeting on AI, summarizing key points, outcomes, and any issued statements.
URL: https://press.un.org/en/2024/sc15946.doc.htm
Title: UNGA resolution 79/239: Artificial intelligence in the military domain and its implications for international peace and security
Description: This is the first resolution adopted by UNGA on AI in the military domain.
URL: https://digitallibrary.un.org/record/4071348?ln=en&v=pdf
Title: Chair’s Summary of UNDC Working Group II | April 2024 session
Description: This summary from the April 2024 discussions of Working Group II of the UN Disarmament Commission captures key discussions and outcomes on disarmament topics, including AI and autonomous weapons.
URL: https://docs-library.unoda.org/United_Nations_Disarmament_Commission_-_(2024)/Final_Chair’s_summary_dated_2024-04-18.pdf
Title: UN General Assembly Resolution 79/23
Description: This UN General Assembly resolution covers issues related to the role of science and technology in the context of international security and disarmament.
URL: https://docs.un.org/en/A/RES/79/23
Title: UN SG report on science, technology and international security
Description: This report by the UN Secretary-General explores current developments in science and technology and their potential impact on international security and disarmament efforts.
URL: https://docs.un.org/en/A/79/224
Title: Human Rights Council Advisory Committee Session 32
Description: This page outlines the thirty-second session of the UN Human Rights Council Advisory Committee, including a Draft report on human rights implications of new and emerging technologies in the military domain.
URL: https://www.ohchr.org/en/hr-bodies/hrc/advisory-committee/session32/index
Title: UNIDIR Focus Area: Artificial Intelligence
Description: This UNIDIR section researches AI’s impact on disarmament, security, and arms control, offering publications and resources on AI governance.
URL: https://unidir.org/focus-area/artificial-intelligence/
Title: UNIDIR Work on AI and Autonomy
Description: This UNIDIR page examines AI and autonomy in weapons systems, addressing technical, ethical, and legal challenges in the military domain.
URL: https://unidir.org/work/ai-autonomy/
Title: UNIDIR 2024 ABDM Report
Description: This 2024 UNIDIR report analyzes AI’s role in disarmament and arms control, exploring trends, challenges, and opportunities for global cooperation.
URL: https://unidir.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/UNIDIR_2024_ABDM_Report.pdf
Title: REAIM 2023 Call to Action
Description: Issued at the 2023 REAIM conference, this document outlines commitments and recommendations for ethical military AI use.
URL: https://www.government.nl/documents/publications/2023/02/16/reaim-2023-call-to-action
Title: REAIM 2024 Conference Detail
Description: This REAIM 2024 conference page details a specific event segment, like a panel on responsible military AI, with agendas and outcomes.
URL: https://www.reaim2024.kr/home/reaimeng/board/bbsDetail.do?shareBbsNo=163&shareBbsMngNo=10264&shareMenuId=11613&shareTabMenuId=
Title: Global Commission on Responsible AI in the Military Domain
Description: This page introduces a commission developing ethical guidelines for military AI, detailing its mandate, members, and activities.
URL: https://hcss.nl/gcreaim/
Title: Political Declaration on Responsible Military Use of AI and Autonomy
Description: This declaration sets principles for responsible military AI and autonomy use, reflecting its stance on ethical and legal standards.
URL: https://www.state.gov/bureau-of-arms-control-deterrence-and-stability/political-declaration-on-responsible-military-use-of-artificial-intelligence-and-autonomy
Title: UNIDIR RAISE Initiative
Description: UNIDIR’s RAISE initiative promotes responsible AI in security contexts through research, dialogue, and capacity-building to address governance challenges.
URL: https://unidir.org/raise/
Title: Global Conference on AI, Security, and Ethics 2025
Description: This UNIDIR-hosted 2025 conference page details themes, objectives, and participation info, focusing on AI, security, and ethics intersections.
URL: https://unidir.org/event/global-conference-on-ai-security-and-ethics-2025/
Title: AI Action Summit Military Talks
Description: This site for the AI Action Summit Military Talks offers details about the event.
URL: https://aiactionsummitmilitarytalks.eu/en/
The following ICRC reports are used by the AI assistant:
Title: 2024 ICRC Report on IHL Challenges
Description: This report examines the challenges posed by artificial intelligence and other emerging technologies to international humanitarian law (IHL). It explores the ethical, legal, and operational implications of these technologies in armed conflict, emphasizing the need for updated regulations and compliance mechanisms.
URL: https://www.icrc.org/en/report/2024-icrc-report-ihl-challenges
Title: Expert Consultation Report on AI and Related Technologies in the Military
Description: This report compiles insights from a diverse group of experts on the use of AI and related technologies in military contexts. It addresses technical, ethical, and policy considerations, offering recommendations for the responsible development and deployment of these technologies.
URL: https://www.icrc.org/en/publication/expert-consultation-report-artificial-intelligence-and-related-technologies-military
Title: ICRC Position on Autonomous Weapon Systems
Description: This document presents the ICRC’s official stance on autonomous weapon systems. It stresses the necessity of maintaining human control over the use of force in warfare and advocates for strict regulations to ensure compliance with international humanitarian law.
URL: https://www.icrc.org/en/publication/455001-icrc-position-autonomous-weapon-systems
Title: Publication 4283: Autonomous Weapons Systems
Description: This comprehensive publication provides an in-depth overview of autonomous weapons systems, including their definitions, technical capabilities, and the ethical and legal challenges they pose. It serves as a valuable resource for understanding the ICRC’s perspective and the broader implications of these technologies.
URL: https://www.icrc.org/en/publication/4283-autonomous-weapons-systems
The following reports and studies by think-tanks and other entities are used by the AI assistant:
Title: Artificial Intelligence and National Security
Description: This RAND report offers an in-depth analysis of AI’s role in national security, addressing its potential to enhance military capabilities, the risks posed by adversarial AI, and the need for governance frameworks to balance innovation and security.
URL: https://www.rand.org/content/dam/rand/pubs/research_reports/RR3100/RR3139-1/RAND_RR3139-1.pdf
Title: Artificial Intelligence and National Security
Description: Published by the Belfer Center, this report examines AI’s strategic implications for national security, including its impact on military power, intelligence, and decision-making, while offering policy suggestions to address its dual-use challenges.
URL: https://www.belfercenter.org/publication/artificial-intelligence-and-national-security
Title: Killer Robots: UN Vote Should Spur Action on Treaty
Description: This news article covers a UN vote on autonomous weapons, dubbed “killer robots,” advocating for the vote to drive efforts toward an international treaty to regulate or ban them, emphasizing human rights concerns.
URL: https://www.hrw.org/news/2024/01/03/killer-robots-un-vote-should-spur-action-treaty
Title: A Guide for Policy Makers on Autonomous Weapons
Description: This guide targets policymakers, offering an overview of autonomous weapons systems and recommendations for addressing their ethical, legal, and security challenges through policy and international collaboration.
URL: https://www.stopkillerrobots.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/211123-A-Guide-for-Policy-Makers-WEB.pd
Title: How Modern Militaries Are Leveraging AI
Description: The Atlantic Council details how global militaries are adopting AI for logistics, surveillance, and autonomous weapons, highlighting key trends and ethical considerations influencing modern warfare.
URL: https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/in-depth-research-reports/report/how-modern-militaries-are-leveraging-ai/
Title: Political Declaration on Responsible Military Use of Artificial Intelligence and Autonomy
Description: This declaration outlines principles for ethical military AI use, emphasizing human accountability, transparency, and international collaboration to prevent misuse.
URL: https://www.state.gov/bureau-of-arms-control-deterrence-and-stability/political-declaration-on-responsible-military-use-of-artificial-intelligence-and-autonomy
Title: Ethics and Insights: The Ethics of AI in Warfare
Description: This Naval Postgraduate School document explores ethical challenges of AI in warfare, such as accountability and proportionality, proposing frameworks to align AI with humanitarian and military ethics.
URL: https://nps.edu/documents/110773463/135759179/Ethics+and+Insights+The+Ethics+of+AI+in+Warfare.pdf
Title: The Ethics of Autonomous Weapons
Description: This Stanford news article discusses ethical concerns about autonomous weapons, featuring expert views on accountability, morality, and the urgency of regulatory measures.
URL: https://news.stanford.edu/stories/2019/05/ethics-autonomous-weapons
Title: Artificial Intelligence and International Affairs
Description: Chatham House analyzes AI’s impact on global politics, security, and governance, stressing the need for multilateral efforts to manage its transformative effects on international relations.
URL: https://www.chathamhouse.org/2018/06/artificial-intelligence-and-international-affairs
Title: Artificial Intelligence and Security
Description: ETH Zurich’s analysis highlights AI-related security threats like cyber risks and autonomous weapons, proposing technical and normative solutions to mitigate these challenges.
URL: https://css.ethz.ch/content/dam/ethz/special-interest/gess/cis/center-for-securities-studies/pdfs/CSSAnalyse251-EN.pdf
Title: AI in UK Politics
Description: This BBC article covers UK political debates on AI, focusing on its defense and security applications, alongside government efforts to establish ethical and regulatory frameworks.
URL: https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-politics-68459210
Title: The Most Useful Military Applications of AI
Description: SDI’s blog post highlights practical AI uses in the military, including predictive maintenance and intelligence analysis, with examples of operational enhancements.
URL: https://sdi.ai/blog/the-most-useful-military-applications-of-ai/
Title: 15 Examples of AI in the Military and Defence Sector Industry in London, UK, Europe, and the USA 2024-2025
Description: IoT World Magazine lists 15 examples of AI in defense across key regions, showcasing innovative technologies and companies advancing military AI applications.
URL: https://iotworldmagazine.com/2024/09/16/2448/15-examples-of-ai-in-the-military-and-defence-sector-industry-in-london-uk-europe-and-the-usa-2024-2025
Title: Military Artificial Intelligence Can Be Easily and Dangerously Fooled
Description: Technology Review warns of military AI vulnerabilities, detailing how adversarial attacks can compromise systems and underscoring the need for stronger safeguards.
URL: https://www.technologyreview.com/2019/10/21/132277/military-artificial-intelligence-can-be-easily-and-dangerously-fooled/
Title: Chinese Perspectives on AI
Description: This CSET report examines China’s military AI strategy, ethical stance, and global governance approach, contrasting it with Western perspectives.
URL: https://cset.georgetown.edu/wp-content/uploads/CSET-Chinese-Perspectives.pdf
Title: Background on LAWS in the CCW
Description: The UNODA provides historical context on the Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons (CCW) and its discussions on lethal autonomous weapons systems (LAWS), outlining key developments and current status.
URL: https://disarmament.unoda.org/the-convention-on-certain-conventional-weapons/background-on-laws-in-the-ccw/
Title: Stop Killer Robots Campaign
Description: This advocacy site campaigns against autonomous weapons, arguing for human control in warfare and detailing ethical, legal, and security risks while calling for a global ban.
URL: https://www.stopkillerrobots.org/
Title: Trust but Verify: U.S. Troops, Artificial Intelligence, and an Uneasy Partnership
Description: Brookings explores challenges in integrating AI with U.S. troops, focusing on trust, verification, and maintaining human oversight to ensure accountability.
URL: https://www.brookings.edu/articles/trust-but-verify-u-s-troops-artificial-intelligence-and-an-uneasy-partnership/
Title: Regulating the Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on the Battlefield
Description: This Brookings article proposes legal and ethical frameworks for regulating battlefield AI, supported by case studies and principles for international law compliance.
URL: https://www.brookings.edu/articles/regulating-the-use-of-artificial-intelligence-ai-on-the-battlefield/
Title: Artificial Intelligence, International Security, and the Risk of War
Description: Brookings examines how AI influences global stability, potentially increasing conflict risks through miscalculation and deterrence challenges.
URL: https://www.brookings.edu/articles/artificial-intelligence-international-security-and-the-risk-of-war/
Title: The Global AI Race: Will U.S. Innovation Lead or Lag?
Description: This Brookings piece analyzes the global AI race, focusing on U.S. competitiveness, policy challenges, and strategic investments needed to counter rivals like China.
URL: https://www.brookings.edu/articles/the-global-ai-race-will-us-innovation-lead-or-lag/
Title: AI Rivalries Redefining Global Power Dynamics
Description: Trends Research explores how AI reshapes global power, detailing strategic rivalries, economic shifts, and geopolitical implications of AI dominance.
URL: https://trendsresearch.org/insight/ai-rivalries-redefining-global-power-dynamics/
Title: Artificial Intelligence and the Security Dilemma
Description: Brookings applies the security dilemma to AI, showing how state pursuits of AI capabilities heighten mistrust and strategic tensions, risking arms races.
URL: https://www.brookings.edu/articles/artificial-intelligence-and-the-security-dilemma/
Title: AI and Future Warfare
Description: This Brookings article predicts AI’s role in future warfare, from autonomous systems to decision-making tools, addressing strategic and ethical challenges.
URL: https://www.brookings.edu/articles/ai-and-future-warfare/
Title: Artificial Intelligence Arms Race
Description: Wikipedia provides an overview of the AI arms race, detailing historical milestones, key players, and the current global competition in military AI.
URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Artificial_intelligence_arms_race
Title: AI Action Summit Military Talks
Description: This summit website features discussions on AI in defense, with expert insights on ethical, strategic, and operational dimensions of military AI use.
URL: https://aiactionsummitmilitarytalks.eu/en/
Title: Global Commission on Responsible AI in the Military Domain
Description: This commission offers recommendations for ethical military AI use, focusing on governance, transparency, and international cooperation.
URL: https://hcss.nl/gcreaim/