Event recording

For the press release, methodology, and the new tool Digital Footprint of International Geneva, visit the dedicated page.
The annual Geneva Engage Awards recognise International Geneva actors in their social media outreach and online engagement. Geneva Engage examines Geneva’s global footprint by looking at social media engagement of Geneva-based organisations, and Geneva’s web relevance and online meetings.
Ultimately, Geneva Engage examines the links between International Geneva and communities from around the world that are affected by the policies discussed and negotiated in Geneva in areas such as development, human rights, and digital issues.
The three categories of the Geneva Engage Awards are:
- International Organisations
- Non-Governmental Organisations and Associations
- Permanent Representations to the UN in Geneva
The 2022 Geneva Engage award for Non-Governmental Organisations and Associations will be dedicated to the memory of internet pioneer Ian Peter (1948–2021). This is particularly relevant and important in recognition of Ian’s lifelong commitment to civil society engagement in use of the internet for communication in support of marginalised and vulnerable groups. For more information about Ian, see:
In Memoriam: Ian Peter (9/6/1948 – 26/12/2021)
In memory of Ian Peter, internet pioneer and visionary thinker…
Farewell to visionary, Ian Peter
In 2020, a new award was introduced for online meetings.
Join us on Tuesday, 1st February 2022, 13:00–14:30 CET (12:00–13:30 UTC).
For more information, visit the dedicated page.