DiploNews – Issue 407 – 16 November 2020
Diplo and the GIP at IGF 2020
As in previous years, DiploFoundation and the Geneva Internet Platform (GIP) are providing just-in-time reports from this year’s Internet Governance Forum (IGF). On Friday, we published a mid-IGF report, and at the end of this annual meeting, we will be publishing a summary of IGF 2020.
Read more on the dedicated IGF 2020 page.
Check out the video below for a list of projects and tools we have prepared in light of IGF 2020.

- ConfTech: Support on how to organise virtual events.
- humAInism Speech Generator: Draft statements and speeches on cybersecurity here.
- Countries-Companies Comparison tool: Compare the GDP of countries with the revenues of tech companies here.
- Data Sandbox tool: Identify patterns in country rankings across different datasets (COVID-19, economy, governance) here.
- Free mobile app: Download our ‘DW Just-In-Time Reporting’ app from the App Store or Google Play and read conference reports on the go.
Upcoming study opportunities
◆ Applications open! Master/Postgraduate Diploma in Contemporary Diplomacy
We are accepting applications for the 2021 online Master/Postgraduate Diploma in Contemporary Diplomacy and the Master/Postgraduate Diploma in Contemporary Diplomacy with a specialisation in Internet Governance, run in cooperation with the University of Malta Department of International Relations.
During 16 to 20 months of online study, the programmes guide working diplomats, international relations professionals, and Internet policymakers through the theoretical and practical building blocks of diplomacy, with a focus on contemporary issues and challenges.
In response to the current global pandemic, the introductory workshop – traditionally offered in Malta – will be run online in 2021, eliminating the need for travel and reducing expenses for participants.
Scholarships covering 20%–50% of the Postgraduate Diploma fee are available for applicants from small and developing states. The programme starts on 25 January 2021.
For further information and to apply, please visit the Master in Contemporary Diplomacy webpage.
◆ Apply now! February 2021 online diplomacy courses
Start the new year with one of our most popular online courses:
- Artificial Intelligence: Technology, Governance, and Policy Frameworks
- Capacity Development
- Diplomatic Theory and Practice
- Humanitarian Diplomacy
- Introduction to Internet Governance
- Public Diplomacy
Courses start on 22 February 2021. Apply by 21 December 2020 for University of Malta accredited courses, and by 18 January 2021 for Diplo certificate courses. For further information or to apply, click on the titles of the courses listed, or visit our courses webpage. Register now to reserve your place.
◆ Need financial assistance? Scholarships are available.
Thanks to support from the government of Malta, partial scholarships are available for applicants from developing countries to attend upcoming Diplo online courses. These scholarships cover 30%–60% of course fees and can be applied to most online courses in 2021. Browse our course catalogue and contact us at admissions@diplomacy.edu for further information.
Sign up for our courses mailing list to stay informed about upcoming courses.
Death of Diplo Senior Fellow, Laurence E. Pope – Obituary by G.R. Berridge
Larry Pope joined the US Foreign Service in 1969, trained as an Arabist, and spent most of his diplomatic career at posts dealing with the Middle East and North Africa, whether in the Department of State, at missions abroad, or on attachment as a political advisor to the military. In the year 2000 his presidential nomination as ambassador to Kuwait was blocked by Jesse Helms’s Senate Foreign Relations Committee and he took what proved to be a nominal retirement. The pinnacle of this was his offer in 2012 – which was quickly accepted by the Obama administration – to go out as chargé d’affaires in Libya, where the ambassador had been murdered. Before departing, he went to see Robert Mueller, then Director of the FBI and a man he much admired. ‘I … made a small joke, very small, about having made the mistake of volunteering for the job. “Oh no”, he said with a completely straight face, “always volunteer” — and it was plain that he meant it.’ Privately contemptuous of a diplomatic mission surviving only as what had become a military outpost (one dry swimming pool contained anti-tank weapons), he remained at Tripoli until early January 2013. Larry subsequently devoted much of his time to historical research, with a special interest in ancien régime France and its most famous diplomat-writer, François de Callières; it was in the course of this work that I came to know him.
In June 2014, following my suggestion, Larry was made a Senior Fellow of DiploFoundation. It is fair to say that in this capacity he made little impact, largely because of other demands on his time, not least from grandchildren; but also because he was the kind of old school diplomat who recoiled at any activity carrying the prefix ‘e-‘. He was, therefore, never able to enthuse at the main thrust of Diplo’s activities – not because he regarded them as unimportant but because they were just not to his taste. He preferred to lecture face-to-face, and did much of this on what in an op-ed in The New York Times he called the ‘Second Arab Awakening’. Still, I like to think that he added some lustre to Diplo’s masthead while he was with us and he was always ready with advice and contacts. He was most helpful to my younger daughter – also an Arabist – during a research visit to Washington. Following a short illness, Larry died on 31 October 2020. He was a great diplomat, brave man, fine scholar, and good friend. I have posted a full obituary here.
Upcoming events
◆ AI Policy Conference (16–17 Nov)
Artificial intelligence (AI) is a force for the good, yet it poses many challenges. Policy is a tool to build trust and create a better future for all.
The AI Policy Conference aims to provide a unique opportunity to co-create and stress-test new AI policy ideas alongside high level business leaders, regulators, and academia. DiploFoundation is a partner in this event. More information / Register for this event.
◆ Briefing #70: Internet governance in November 2020 (24 Nov)
With the 15th Internet Governance Forum behind us, we will discuss the main Internet governance updates in November, and how these will affect us in the upcoming months. Register for this event.
Main takeaways from our recent events
◆ WebDebate #43 summary: ‘IGF+: What’s next?’
With the 15th IGF already underway, this timely WebDebate discussed the future of this international forum, from the perspective of the International Forum on Diplomatic Training (IFDT). Speakers in the WebDebate discussed the concerns that have been expressed, existing proposals, and ways in which reform can be framed. Read the summary.
◆ GIP Digital Watch Newsletter – October 2020
The October issue of the GIP Digital Watch monthly newsletter covers top digital policy trends such as: central bank digital currencies, content policy discussions, governance of advanced technologies, cyber norms, antitrust, and much more. Get your free copy: English version | French version