DiploNews – Issue 311 – 2 November 2016
Upcoming study opportunities
2017 Master/Postgraduate Diploma in Contemporary Diplomacy
If you missed the deadline to apply for the Master in Contemporary Diplomacy and Master in Contemporary Diplomacy with Internet Governance specialization, we have good news! To accommodate late requests, we have extended the application deadline till 15 November 2016. These unique postgraduate programmes, offered in cooperation with the University of Malta, include a 10-day residential workshop in Malta followed by 16–20 months of online learning. Visit the Master in Contemporary Diplomacy webpage to read more and to apply. Scholarships covering 20–50% of the Postgraduate Diploma fee are available for applicants from small and developing states. The programme starts 1 February 2017.
4-week course on the basics of computer science (4-25 November)
On four consecutive Fridays in November, from 13.00 to 15.00, DiploFoundation and the Geneva Internet Platform are organising a 4-week face-to-face course on how computers really work. The course will provide participants with a practical understanding of the key concepts that enabled the development of computers and that are behind all digital devices we use today. It will be useful in developing digital policies and will provide an excellent basis for deepening participants’ general knowledge of computers and applications. Please contact Barbara Rosen Jacobson to apply.
February 2017 online diplomacy courses
Start the new year with one of our most popular online courses:
- Diplomatic Theory and Practice
- Public Diplomacy
- Introduction to Internet Governance
Apply by 19 December 2016 for University of Malta accredited courses and by 16 January 2017 for Diplo certificate courses. For further information or to apply, click on the titles of the courses listed, or visit our courses webpage. Register now to reserve your place.
Sign up for our courses mailing list to stay informed about upcoming courses.
Malta scholarships
Thanks to support from the government of Malta, partial scholarships are available for applicants from developing countries to attend upcoming Diplo online courses. These scholarships cover 50-70% of course fees and can be applied to most online courses in 2017. Browse our course catalogue and contact us at admissions@diplomacy.edu for further information.
Discussion: Competence building for cyberpeace
Cyberspace has become an essential component of modern society, yet its merits are accompanied by threats. Diplo and the Geneva Internet Platform are organising a Geneva Peace Week event on Competence building for cyberpeace, on Wednesday, 9th November. Diplo’s 2016 study Cybersecurity Competence Building Trends analysed experiences of several OECD member states that have systematically advanced cyber competence building, and underlined the importance of cross-professional collaboration and public-private partnerships. Next week’s discussion will look at cyber competence building trends, concrete efforts to advance cyberpeace, and challenges ahead for short- and long-term prospects. Learn more.
Education Diplomacy: Creating sustainable pathways to peace
Also in the context of the Geneva Peace Week, Diplo and the Center for Education Diplomacy – an initiative of the Association for Childhood Education International (ACEI) – are organising an event on education diplomacy on Wednesday, 9th November. The event will highlight the importance of education as a transformational driver for peace and the ways in which different stakeholders can contribute to this process. Join us in Geneva; learn more.
Diplo and the GIP at the 11th Internet Governance Forum
Diplo and the Geneva Internet Platform will be actively engaged at the 11th Internet Governance Forum in Mexico and online. The packed programme includes just-in-time reporting from sessions and IGF Daily reports, workshops, and sessions organised by Diplo and the GIP, the launch of the 7th edition of the book An Introduction to Internet Governance, and an informal get-together for Diplo alumni and friends. Learn more and stay tuned for regular updates to the programme.
Geneva Digital Watch newsletter: October developments
Issue 15 of the Geneva Digital Watch newsletter is out! The main highlights include an analysis of the top five trends in October, including cyberattacks using smart devices, and interruptions to Internet access; the implications of artificial intelligence on various digital policy areas; a review of the positions on digital policy by the two US Presidential candidates; and a look at the month’s events in Internet governance history. The newsletter also includes the main global developments in October, updates from Geneva International, and a look at the main global events in November. Download your copy.
October briefing on Internet governance; join us again in November
The October briefing on Internet governance looked at the digital policy highlights of the month, from cybersecurity and sustainable development, to privacy and legal issues. If you missed the briefing, the following resources are now available: the briefing recording:

including perspectives from local hubs; and regional updates and perspectives from hubs. Join us again for our next briefing on 29 November at 12 UTC (please note change in time). Registrations are now open.
What’s been happening in Diplo’s blogsphere
In her recent blog post, Diplo’s Sorina Teleanu reflects on the policy implications of artificial intelligence. After pointing to some recent policy documents such as the Report on Robotics and Artificial Intelligence by the UK parliamentary Committee on Science and Technology, she outlines, among others, economic, social, safety and security, privacy, ethics, developmental, and legal implications.