DiploNews – Issue 188 – 1 September 2011
Upcoming study opportunities
Online course – Migration and Development. Last call for applications.
The Instituto MatÃas Romero of the Mexican Ministry of Foreign Affairs and DiploFoundation offer an online course on Migration and Development in English and Spanish, starting 19
September 2011. See the course webpage to apply.
As a Foreign Service Officer within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Guyana, the knowledge I have gained during this course will prove vital in the execution of my duties in this field, especially as it relates to informing government policy on development and proving that strengthening the protection and well-being of migrants and their families can contribute greatly to home country development.
Nnke Garnette – Foreign Service Officer, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Guyana
Autumn courses in diplomacy
Start the academic year with one of our interactive online courses this autumn:
Courses start the week of 10 October 2011. Apply by 5 September for Diplo Certificate Courses. For further information or to apply, click on the titles of the courses above, or visit our courses website. Register now to reserve your place.
2012 Master/Postgraduate Diploma in Contemporary Diplomacy
You are invited to apply for the popular Master/Postgraduate Diploma in Contemporary Diplomacy, offered through the University of Malta. This blended learning programme offers a valuable opportunity for diplomats and other international relations professionals to continue studies without leaving work. The application deadline is 30 September 2011. For more information and to apply please see the course webpage.Â
Diplo’s growing climate change community
Last week, Diplo launched its 2011 Climate Change Diplomacy online course; 42 participants were selected from over 160 highly qualified applicants. Course tutors prepared a special video message as a new way of introducing the course and welcoming participants:

Originally developed in 2008, Diplo’s Climate Change Diplomacy course is in its fourth year of delivery. Over 150 participants have attended the course over the last three years. Funding for course development and scholarships has been provided by the Maltese Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Diplo has also started to experiment with new ways of communicating concepts related to climate change diplomacy, for example, this pilot version of an animation explaining the concept of common but differentiated responsibility:

Diplo is looking to expand activities and programmes in the field of climate change diplomacy, and welcomes inquiries from potential funders and partners (please e-mail climate@diplomacy.edu).
If you want to keep updated about Diplo’s activities in the area of climate change, you may join our online community.
Books on Diplomacy – Public Diplomacy and Islam
Angelic Alihusain-del Castilho, The Positive Branding of Islam: A Case Study of Islamic Countries – Their Public Diplomacy Efforts and Effectiveness. Lambert Academic Publishing, 2011.
This month we are pleased to share a new publication by Diplo/University of Malta Master in Contemporary Diplomacy graduate Angelic Alihusain-del Castilho. Ms Alihusain-del Castilho is currently policy advisor to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Suriname, following several years as Ambassador to Indonesia.
This book, based on the author’s dissertation research, examines attempts made by Islamic countries to improve the image of Islam using Public Diplomacy. The events of 09/11 resulted in a tremendous blow to the image of Islam and Islamic countries. Right-wing politicians worldwide have taken advantage of this negative image to strengthen support for their anti-immigrant policies and hate against Islam. The book analyses and compares the foreign policy and public diplomacy efforts of Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, and Malaysia, focusing on the impact of these activities on the existing image in the West. Even though quality public diplomacy has improved the image of Islam, the success and impact of current efforts are hampered by domestic and international circumstances. The study highlights an important and pioneering role for public diplomacy in improving the image of Islam, assisting in bringing about deeper understanding and tolerance on a global level. This book should be useful to students and professionals in the field of diplomacy or international relations, or anyone else interested in improved relations between the West and Islam. The book is available from Amazon.com.