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DiploNews – Issue 122 – 27 June 2008

DiploNews – Issue 122 – June 27, 2008

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Upcoming Courses

Now Accepting Applications: 2009 Master Degree/PGD in Contemporary Diplomacy

You are invited to apply for the popular Master/Postgraduate Diploma in Contemporary Diplomacy, offered through the University of Malta. This blended learning programme offers a valuable opportunity for diplomats and other international relations professionals to continue studies while remaining on the job.

Please note the application deadline: 15 October 2008.

Summer Session Courses: Application Deadline Extended

We are still accepting applications, until July 3, for the following online courses beginning at the end of July 2008:

These three course are available as Diplo Certificate Courses (application deadline: July 3).

Autumn 2008 Courses

In the autumn, Diplo is offering the following online courses, beginning the week of October 13:

  • 21st Century Diplomacy
  • Development Diplomacy  NEW!
  • Diplomacy of Small States
  • Diplomatic Law: Privileges and Immunities

These courses are available as University of Malta accredited courses (application deadline: August 11) and Diplo Certificate Courses (application deadline: September 8).

For further information, click on the titles of the courses above, or visit our courses website.

Closing Session of the IGCBP2008 in Second Life

Students in the fourth generation of the Internet Governance Capacity Building Programme will gather soon for a virtual closing ceremony at Diplomacy Island in Second Life. To enable participation of students with weak bandwidth, Diplo will provide a software bridge between Second Life and the Diplo classroom chat rooms. Besides the invited 135 students of the 2008 programme, officials of DiploFoundation, representatives of the organising committee of the forthcoming Internet Governance Forum meeting in India, and representatives of the Internet Governance Forum Secretariat and Advisory Group will attend. Members of the latter will address the meeting directly through avatars or via video link messages.

Why Not Try Diplomacy?

In a speech to the University Continuing Education Association in New Orleans on 28 March 2008, Charles Freeman, a retired career diplomat decries today’s military spending and over-reliance on force in American foreign policy. Instead, he calls for increased resort to diplomacy to face the challenges in international relations. He advocates strengthening US instruments of statecraft, but warns that to accomplish this will not be quick or easy, and further notes that it will be accompanied by better definition of US international objectives. For the full speech, see Why Not Try Diplomacy?

Brought to our attention by Valery Novoselsky

Part-Time Job Opening – Editor/Web Writer

Diplo is seeking an experienced, part-time editor/web writer willing to work flexible hours from home, wherever he or she is located. The editor/web writer will edit a variety of texts ranging from personal e-mails through project proposals to online course materials, correcting grammar and re-writing texts to improve clarity, proposing structural improvements, and pointing out problems with argumentation, if needed. The editor/web writer will also write short articles for the DiploFoundation website, review and re-write existing web texts to improve communication with the public.

For job details, and information on requirements and on how to apply, please see the DiploFoundation website.

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