Diplomats get virtual training
Diplo in the MediasNamibian diplomats receive virtual training in digital diplomacy from the Government of Malta, facilitated by DiploFoundation in a 10-day program.
Local diplomats receive digital diplomacy virtual training from Malta
Diplo in the MediasDiplomats from Namibia participated in a 10-day virtual training conducted by DiploFoundation from Malta to enhance their digital diplomacy skills.
Capacity Development Programme for Namibia’s Diplomacy
Diplo in the MediasThe Maltese Ministry for Foreign and European Affairs has announced a virtual course by Diplo on digital diplomacy for Namibian diplomats and officials.
Studie: Chinas wachsendes Interesse an Normen und Standards ist bedenklich (Study: China’s growing interest in norms and standards is a cause for concern)
Diplo in the MediasA report commissioned by the Konrad Adenauer Foundation highlights concerns over China's increasing involvement in setting digital standards, as discussed in a German article.
Von sechs auf 79 Sekretariate: Stiftungen warnen vor Chinas Dominanz bei der Normung (From six to 79 secretariats: Foundations warn against China’s dominance in standardisation)
Diplo in the MediasFoundations warn of China's growing influence in standardization, highlighted in a report commissioned by the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, Diplo, and the Geneva Internet Platform.
«Schlimmer als im Kalten Krieg» – China fordert auch bei technischen Standards die USA und Europa heraus (“Worse than the Cold War” – China also challenges the USA and Europe on technical standards)
Diplo in the MediasDr. Jovan Kurbalija discusses geopolitical tensions in technical standardization, highlighting China's challenge to the USA and Europe.
Geneva’s role in Internet Governance (in French)
Diplo in the MediasUn extrait d'un reportage en français sur le rôle de Genève dans la gouvernance de l'Internet, avec Marco Lotti de Diplo.
Malta’s global ‘hidden gem’ – Evarist Bartolo
Diplo in the MediasEvarist Bartolo highlights Diplo's role in global digitalization and international relations, emphasizing its upcoming 20th anniversary as a significant milestone.
Kaspersky, diplomatlar ve teknoloji uzmanı olmayan siber uzmanlar için eğitim başlattı (Kaspersky launches training for diplomats and non-tech cyber experts)
Diplo in the MediasKaspersky and Diplo have initiated a training program for diplomats and non-tech cyber experts to enhance understanding of cyberattacks and improve international response capabilities.
Kaspersky developed a game to teach diplomats how cyberattacks happen
Diplo in the MediasKaspersky and Diplo collaborated to create an online simulation game for training diplomats and professionals about cyberattacks.