India, Brazil, South Africa can play vital role in reforming digital governance, says DiploFoundation report
Diplo in the MediasDiploFoundation report highlights how India, Brazil, and South Africa can contribute significantly to reforming digital governance.
Can IBSA countries inspire reform in global digital governance?
Diplo in the MediasIn the opinion piece, Jovan Kurbalija and Asoke Mukerji explore how India, Brazil, and South Africa can lead digital governance reform globally, integrating development, democracy, and diplomacy effectively.
Koliko smo daleko od Digitalnog Dinara? (How far are we from digital dinars?)
Diplo in the MediasThe article discusses central banks' plans to introduce Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) and provides updates on virtual currency development, as highlighted by Diplos Arvin Kamberi.
Can Regulation Redefine the Image of the Crypto Industry?
Diplo in the MediasThe article discusses regulatory measures implemented to curb cryptocurrency misuse.
Internet i kriptovalute: Kriptoprevare sve češće na Balkanu – veliko hapšenje u Beogradu (Cryptocurrency scams. Big arrest in Belgrade)
Diplo in the MediasArvin Kamberi, a cryptocurrency expert, discusses cryptocurrency scams, security breaches, and theft of digital assets in the Balkans.
Cybersecurity Expert: It’s Good to Have a Healthy Amount of Paranoia [Video Interview]
Diplo in the MediasThe article discusses cybersecurity, diplomacy, digital policy, and regulatory frameworks based on an interview with Vladimir Radunović from Diplo. The full video interview is in Serbian and English versions.
Da li će nas veštačka inteligencija zameniti? (Can AI replace us?)
Jovan Njegic, from Diplos and Data Lab, talks about the influence of Chat on future advancements in a Serbian interview.
Did Huawei Really Delete User’s Videos of Protests in China?
Diplo in the MediasThe article features insights from Vladimir Radunović, Director of Cybersecurity and E-diplomacy at Diplo.
Internet Governance Discussions – Opening a 6G Cash Register?
Marília Maciel's comments during 2022 internet governance discussions are highlighted in the article.
We need to build digital diplomacy for a sustainable and inclusive future
Diplo in the MediasOlga Algayerova, Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Europe, discusses the importance of digital diplomacy for a sustainable and inclusive future, based on discussions from the Summit on Digital Diplomacy and Governance.