As ChatGPT turns one, can Geneva help reconcile tech and ethics?
Diplo in the MediasDr. Jovan Kurbalija reflects on the importance of compromise and Geneva's role in aligning technological advancements with ethical considerations, coinciding with both World International Negotiations Day and ChatGPT's first anniversary.
Kenya can use open-source solutions for ‘bottom-up AI’
Dr. Jovan Kurbalija suggests Kenya could employ bottom-up AI using open-source solutions to safeguard global knowledge for future generations.
Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Commission trains West African diplomats on cyber diplomacy
The ECOWAS Commission collaborates with various organizations to provide cyber diplomacy training for West African diplomats, as highlighted in various news outlets.
Global Cybersecurity Forum Set to Commence in Riyadh
Dr Jovan Kurbalija from DiploFoundation and Geneva Internet Platform will be a key speaker at the global cybersecurity forum in Riyadh.
La gouvernance du numérique et Genève (Digital governance and Geneva)
Diplo in the MediasThe article discusses digital governance in Geneva, highlighting the role of initiatives like Diplo and the Geneva Digital Atlas as examples of efforts in the field.
The case for bottom up AI
Diplo in the MediasDr. Jovan Kurbalija argues for the feasibility and ethical benefits of bottom-up AI in an article on Al Jazeera's website. He suggests that this approach can be achieved through open-source methods emphasizing the importance of high-quality data.
Les «diplomates de la tech» se bousculent à San Francisco, cette autre capitale des Etats-Unis
Diplo in the MediasA report on Tech diplomacy in San Francisco was launched at an event, highlighting the city's role as a hub for tech diplomats in the U.S.
Why Are Crypto Fugitives Hiding Out in the Balkans?
Arvin Kamberi, a crypto expert at Diplos, explores Balkan countries' increasing interest in cryptocurrencies in the latest crypto news.
Malta shares its United Nations Security Council experiences with Switzerland
Diplo in the MediasMalta and Switzerland discuss their commitment to strengthening DiploFoundation for foreign policy design.
Governing The Digital Optimism
Dr. Jovan Kurbalija delivered a lecture in February 2023 at a summit of Swiss University experts.