Internet ukida tajnu diplomatiju
Diplo in the MediasThe internet abolishes secret diplomacy.
Increasing our participation in the global conversation
Diplo in the MediasMichelle Marius, a former participant in Diplo's program, discusses e-participation in the Caribbean.
Embassy buildings: fortresses or bazaars?
Diplo in the MediasThe message provides the title and author of an article in the Global Journal from Geneva dated September 19, 2011, written by Dr. Jovan Kurbalija.
5 Questions to Jovan Kurbalija
Diplo in the MediasInterview with Jovan Kurbalija featured in The Global Journal on September 14, 2011.
Svetski krvotok
Diplo in the MediasSummary: Jovan Kurbalija discusses politics in an article published on June 16, 2011.
Održana konferencija o upravljanju internetom – EuroDIG 2011
Diplo in the MediasSummary: Conference on Internet governance, EuroDIG 2011, took place on June 1, 2011.
Održana konferencija o upravljanju vebom
Diplo in the MediasA conference on web management was held by b92net on June 1, 2011.
DiploFoundation and EuroDig 2011
Diplo in the MediasJovan Kurbalija was interviewed on Oko Magazin by Radio Telelvision Serbia on May 31, 2011.
People in the Know: E-diplomacy
Diplo in the MediasAn interview with Jovan Kurbalija on China Radio International in May 2011 discusses E-diplomacy.
Internet Governance and EuroDIG 2011
Diplo in the MediasIn May 2011, Nikola Bozic participated in interviews with Avala and Radio Index, discussing Internet Governance and EuroDIG 2011 in Serbian.