A Sao Paulo, le choc des Internets
Diplo in the MediasSummary: Medhi Atmani from Le Temps in Geneva, Switzerland, discusses the impact of the internet in Sao Paulo.
Geneva Internet Platform Launches: Neutral Ground For Net Governance
Diplo in the MediasThe Geneva Internet Platform has been launched, serving as a neutral space for discussions on internet governance.
Genève se renforce dans la gouvernance d’Internet
Diplo in the MediasGeneva strengthens its role in Internet governance according to Tribune de Geneve.
Genève inaugure la Geneva Internet Platform
Diplo in the MediasGeneva launches the Geneva Internet Platform.
Launch of the Geneva Internet Platform
Diplo in the MediasSummary: The Geneva Internet Platform was launched featuring an interview with Dr. Jovan Kurbalija on April 8, 2014.
IOM to analyze influx of immigrants to Malta
Diplo in the MediasMinister Coleiro Preca highlights Diplo's valuable humanitarian diplomacy approach, vital in regions like northern Africa during challenging times.
Modern Diplomacy for Small States workshop – Malta 2014
Diplo in the MediasSummary: Announcement of an event named Modern Diplomacy for Small States workshop held in Malta in 2014.
‘Compromise’ deal may secure Internet’s future
Diplo in the MediasInterview with Jovan Kurbalija on the future of Internet governance, conducted by Simon Bradley in March 2014.
Virtual Sovereignty: Governments, Stakeholders and Internet Governance Â
Diplo in the MediasJovan Kurbalija's analysis in a special report discusses the current challenges and potential future scenarios of Internet governance, focusing on issues related to sovereignty and trade regimes. The report was published on March 11, 2014.
The truth about summits
Diplo in the MediasThe text is about an article written by Kishan Rana, a former Indian ambassador and Senior Fellow at DiploFoundation, published in Business Standard, New Delhi in March 2014.