Les îles du Pacifique menacées par le climat jouent leur sort à Genève
Diplo in the MediasThe Pacific Policy Immersion program in Geneva, as detailed by Richard Werly in Le Temps, discusses the vulnerability of Pacific islands to climate change and their negotiations in Geneva.
Pacific Diplomacy Students in Geneva
Diplo in the MediasDiplos Pacific Programme is currently in Geneva for a policy immersion phase, as of June 20, 2014.
Cooks’ trio learning diplomacy
Diplo in the MediasCooks' trio in Geneva learning diplomacy as part of Diplos Pacific Programme.
Geneval has the potential to become a prominent hub for the digital debate
Diplo in the MediasAn interview with Dr. Jovan Kurbalija from Geneva International Cooperation discusses the potential for Geneva to become a significant hub for digital debates.
Putin and European Elections
Diplo in the MediasRichard Werly, a correspondent for Le Temps and an associate fellow of the Centre in Singapore, shares insights on Europe's election dynamics.
Magna Carta of the Internet
Diplo in the MediasAn interview conducted by Marija Vidic with Dr. Jovan Kurbalija for Vreme in May 2014 is discussed.
Cyber disarmament talks
Diplo in the MediasThe message simply states the date and location of "Le News Geneva" as May 15, 2014.
Wir müssen für das Internetzeitalter einen neuen Gesellschaftsvertrag aushandeln
Diplo in the MediasIm Internetzeitalter müssen wir einen neuen Gesellschaftsvertrag aushandeln, so in Bern, Schweiz, im April 2014.
Internet a son ambassadeur
Diplo in the MediasMedhi Atmani from Le Temps in Geneva, Switzerland, discusses the Internet as its ambassador.
Genève prête à s’imposer en capital de l’internet
Diplo in the MediasThe city of Geneva is ready to establish itself as a leading internet capital according to Alain Jourdan in the Tribune de Geneve.