Diplo in the MediasArvin Kamberi was a guest on the Serbian show NetContext on N1 on April 15, 2017.
Dialogue Asie-Europe (ASEM) : une journée pour s’essayer aux relations diplomatiques entre l’Europe et l’Asie
Diplo in the MediasMonique Bolli, assistante-doctorante, présente des informations basées sur le communiqué du Magazine 07 d'avril 2017 en français, lors d'une journée visant à expérimenter les relations diplomatiques entre l'Europe et l'Asie.
Vault7: Wikileaks’ disclosures on the CIA, and espionage in the digital age
Diplo in the MediasSummary: An interview with Vladimir Radunovic on Pink, discussing Vault7, Wikileaks' revelations about the CIA and modern digital espionage.
Vault7: Wikileaks’ disclosures on the CIA, and espionage in the digital age
Diplo in the MediasVladimir Radunovic appeared on a 150-minute episode of the Daily Show on Prva on March 10, 2017.
Vault7: Wikileaks’ disclosures on the CIA, and espionage in the digital age
Diplo in the MediasA Serbian interview with Vladimir Radunovic on March 10, 2017, for B92.
Vault7: Wikileaks’ disclosures on the CIA, and espionage in the digital age
Diplo in the MediasVladimir Radunovic discusses CIA espionage in the digital age on a morning show in Serbian.
A digital rEUnion for Europe
Diplo in the MediasDr Jovan Kurbalija writes about digital reunion for Europe in The Sunday Times of Malta.
Srbija ništa sigurnija od sajber napada nego druge zemlje
Diplo in the MediasAn interview with Vladimir Radunovic on N1 television in 2016 discussed how Serbia is not more secure from cyber attacks compared to other countries.
Training on Public Diplomacy
Diplo in the MediasTraining on Public Diplomacy.
Q&A: Dr. Katharina Hone, trainer and lecturer at DiploFoundation
Diplo in the MediasDr. Katharina Hone, a trainer and lecturer at DiploFoundation, was featured in Orange Magazine in July 2016.