Politiker und Programmierer nähern sich an: Der neue Hotspot der Diplomatie
Diplo in the MediasPoliticians and programmers are merging in a new diplomatic hotspot, as highlighted in a report on the rise of TechPlomacy in the Bay Area.
Tviter diplomatija
Diplo in the MediasSummary: A discussion on Twitter diplomacy featuring Jovan Kurbalija on the Serbian Radio Television program Beogradska hronika Jutarnji.
Les deux facettes de Facebook
Diplo in the MediasThe article discusses different perspectives on Facebook presented by Diplos Stephanie Borg Psaila, as part of a publication by the Swiss Confederation's Directorate for Development and Cooperation, Un Seul Monde, in April 2018.
L’avenir de la voiture autonome se décidera à Genève
Diplo in the MediasThe future of autonomous vehicles will be determined in Geneva by a forthcoming event.
DiploFoundation de Malte décerne des certificats à trois ivoiriens pour la diplomatie humanitaire
Diplo in the MediasDiploFoundation in Malta awards certificates in Humanitarian Diplomacy to three individuals from Ivory Coast.
Die unerträgliche Langsamkeit des Verhandelns
Diplo in the MediasSummary: A radio documentary discussing the slow pace of negotiations, featuring an interview with Prof. Jovan Kurbalija.
Knjiga Jovana Kurbalije izabrana za naslov meseca biblioteke Ujedinjenih nacija
Diplo in the MediasJovan Kurbalija's book has been selected as the book of the month by the United Nations library, as reported by Politika newspaper in December 2017.
Uvod u upravljanje Internetom – knjiga meseca Biblioteke Ujedinjenih nacija
Diplo in the MediasIntroduction to Internet Governance is the book of the month at the United Nations Library.
Genève, future capitale de la cybersécurité
Diplo in the MediasThe article discusses Geneva's potential as the future capital of cybersecurity.
Osam zemalja Evropske unije zahteva suzbijanje ruske propagande. Šta je informisanje, a šta propaganda? Da li se u medijima već vodi rat između Zapada i Rusije? U čemu se razlikuje propaganda dve strane?
Diplo in the MediasEight EU countries advocate curbing Russian propaganda. Discussion on distinguishing information from propaganda and whether a media war between the West and Russia exists. Vladimir Radunović appeared on a Serbian radio show, Sednica in November 2017.