WRC-19: How will we regulate the global multi-trillion-dollar wireless ecosystem?
Diplo in the MediasSummary: The text discusses the World Radiocommunication Conference, specifically exploring future regulations for the vast global wireless industry.
Dank ihm surfen wir ohne Blockaden
Diplo in the MediasJovan Kurbalija, founder of DiploFoundation and the Geneva Internet Platform, enables smooth surfing without obstacles.
La politique numérique à la croisée des chemins: le rôle clé de Genève
Diplo in the MediasThe article discusses Geneva's crucial role in Internet governance as highlighted by Stephanie Borg Psaila for Digital Dialog, an initiative of the Swiss Federal Office of Communications, in a June 11, 2019 piece in French.
Jovan Kurbalija à Genève, ce carrefour où la technologie rencontre l’humanité
Diplo in the MediasJovan Kurbalija's work at the intersection of technology and humanity in Geneva is highlighted by Stéphane Bussard for Le Temps.
AI and Diplomacy: Interview with Katharina Höne
Diplo in the MediasThe text is an interview conducted by Kendrick Foster for the Harvard Political Review with Katharina Höne.
The Psychology of Diplomacy
Diplo in the MediasAn interview with Jovan Kurbalija in Danish conducted by Ditte Darkó for P Psykologernes fagmagasin in 2018.
Diplo in the MediasA DiploFoundation Director is appointed to the United Nations High-Level Panel on Digital Cooperation as announced by the Government of Malta in a press release on August 2, 2018.
RI lauded for digital economy policy
Diplo in the MediasThe message highlights Jovan Kurbalija's comments on Indonesia's digital policy in an article by Riza Roidila Mufti for the Jakarta Post on July 19, 2018.
Foreign Ministry promotes digital diplomacy
Diplo in the MediasThe Foreign Ministry in Indonesia engages in digital diplomacy through initiatives such as the Safe Travel App and the International Seminar on Digital Diplomacy in Jakarta.
Safe Travel App Launched for Guiding Indonesians Traveling Abroad
Diplo in the MediasDiploFoundations discusses the Safe Travel App and digital technology's role in guiding Indonesian travelers abroad.