Jovan Kurbalija – Internet governance series
Diplo in the MediasJovan Kurbalija discusses Internet governance in international Geneva in a video interview for Geneva Solutions and the Fondation pour Genève, as of October 13, 2020.
Vladimir Radunović, DiploFoundation: Cyberspace is essentially very vulnerable
Diplo in the MediasVladimir Radunović from DiploFoundation discusses cyberspace vulnerability.
Digital transformation a hot topic at the UN General Assembly
Diplo in the MediasThe article discusses the focus on digital transformation during the 2020 UN General Assembly, as analyzed by the Geneva Internet Platforms.
Humanity needs a digital home
Diplo in the MediasThe text discusses the necessity for humanity to have a digital home, emphasizing the importance of an online space where individuals can connect, express themselves, and interact with others.
The challenging balance between AI, modernity and free will
Diplo in the MediasThe article is an interview with Jovan Kurbalija conducted by Zelda Chauvet for Geneva Solutions on September 23, 2020.
The Digital Watch observatory rebooted
Diplo in the MediasA new and updated version of the Digital Watch observatory has been launched, as reported by Zelda Chauvet for Geneva Solutions in September 2020.
Does cyber warfare break international law?
Diplo in the MediasThe article references the Geneva Internet Platforms as a useful resource in a piece by Ben Parker for Geneva Solutions.
Lockdowns und geschlossene Grenzen stellen die internationale Diplomatie vor Herausforderungen
Diplo in the MediasLockdowns and closed borders present obstacles for international diplomacy, as discussed by Jovan Kurbalija in an article by Patrick Zoll for Neue Zürcher Zeitung on July 26, 2020.
Pandemic Spurs Countries’ Action on Digital Divide
Diplo in the MediasCountries are taking steps to address the digital divide in response to the pandemic, as highlighted by Jovan Kurbalija in an article by Elliott Davis for U.S. News on July 15, 2020.
Free movement or privacy? Pandemic forces new trade-offs
Diplo in the MediasThe pandemic has led to new trade-offs between free movement and privacy, as highlighted by an article by Jovan Kurbalija, Eoin Carroll, Dominique Soguel, and Ann Scott Tyson for The Christian Science Monitor on May 7, 2020.