Hands of a guy on laptop keyboard

Diplo in November 2024

03 October 2024
 City, Metropolis, Urban, Architecture, Building, High Rise, Skyscraper, Person

Dear colleagues,

In November, Diplo maintained its autumn momentum in training, research, and international engagement.

Training: DiploAcademy was highly interactive and engaging, with hundreds of students contributing 4,535 comments and questions, including 1,947 dialogue comments over 30 days. The AI apprenticeships programme was in full swing, with 20 participants developing their chatbots through a ‘learning by doing’ pedagogy.

Research: Diplo’s research was both reflective and action-oriented. Just 47 days after the adoption of the Global Digital Compact, Sorina Teleau wrote a book, Unpacking Global Digital Compact, with an in-depth analysis of the GDC, which has quickly become a reference resource for anyone following GDC processes.

International engagement: Last month, Diplo had two significant visits to the United Arab Emirates and Hungary. In the UAE, Diplo delivered leadership training, a masterclass session, and signed a memorandum of understanding with Anwar Gargash Diplomatic Academy (AGDA). In Budapest, the Diplo team conducted training for European junior diplomats. It held an awareness-building session on AI in diplomatic training for directors of the EU’s diplomatic training institutions and academies.

Additionally, Diplo’s website received a new look and content reorganisation. This momentum will continue in December with a few highlights:

  • Geneva: The event How to prepare diplomats for the AI era will mark the 15th anniversary of the diplomatic training initiative by Malta, Mexico, and Switzerland and will brainstorm about preparing diplomacy for the forthcoming AI transformation.
  • Riyadh: Diplo will actively participate in the IGF sessions and discussions and present activities in three major projects: CADE, Geneva Dialogue, and IGF knowledge ecology. Diplo will provide traditional just-in-time reporting from the IGF and participate in the workshop The future of cyber diplomacy, hosted by the Prince Saud Al Faisal Institute of Diplomatic Studies.
  • New York: Diplomacy and cybersecurity training for diplomats at the United Nations.

Best regards,


Courses in November

Diplo’s classrooms were busy with vibrant discussions. As an numeric illustration, students made…



annotations (comments and questions).

Each annotation is akin to asking questions or commenting in a traditional classroom. In Novemer alone, students “raised their hands” 1947 times contributed nearly 267 times daily, fostering active engagement.

 Person, Head

In November, our AI Apprenticeship programme got a new swing with 20 particpants developing their chatbots and learning on newural networks and other underlying AI technologies.

Events in November

Over the past month, Diplo hosted several events and actively participated in events organised by others.

geneva human rights platform

Balancing AI, technology, and governance in smart cities 2024 Annual conference of Geneva Human Rights Platform Jovan Kurbalija spoke at the panel focusing on human rights, AI, and smart cities.…

7 November | Geneva

Diplo and the Geneva Internet Platform delivered a briefing on AI and diplomacy for Geneva-based permanent missions of GRULAC countries. The following topics were covered: AI as a topic on…

Diplo publication Unpacking Global Digital Compact Sorina Teleanu front III
8 November | Online

Sorina Teleanu presented her book in an

online webinar. She focused on analysingthe main segments of the GDC, the implementation process, and the interplay with the Word Summit on Information Society and other digital processes at the United Nations.
wedIi7oe Diplo Event Digital Trade for Africa s
13 November | Online

Digital trade is becoming a key driver of global economic growth, reshaping how goods and services are produced, traded, and consumed. With increasing internet penetration and the adoption…

wmo building 320x220 1
14 November | Abu Dhabi

Under the Digital Policy Leadership Program (DPLP) framework, a joint initiative between Insper Brazil and the University of St. Gallen, a group of students visited Diplo and…

anwar gargash diplomatic academy uae shape architecture practice plus research 3
18-20 November | Abu Dhabi

From November 18-20, 2024, Diplo delivered leadership training on AI and diplomacy at the Anwar Gargash Diplomatic Academy (AGDA). This engagement aims to deepen Diplo’s strategic relationship with AGDA and…

MoU AGDA Diplo
19 November | Abu Dhabi

The Anwar Gargash Diplomatic Academy (AGDA) and DiploFoundation signed the MoU, which builds on 10 years of cooperation between the two organisations. The new MoU provides a framework for the new…

public lecture agda
19 November | Abu Dhabi, UAE

On 19th November, Jovan Kurbalija delivered a public lecture on ‘AI geopolitics and diplomacy’ at the Anwar Gargash Diplomatic Academy (AGDA) in Abu Dhabi, focusing on three main aspects: impact…

21-22 November | Budampest

Diplo will participate in the 25th European Diplomatic Programme in Budapest, Hungary, on 21–22 November 2024. Dragana Markovski and Stefan Lazic delivered training for junior diplomats from the EU member states on…

28 November | Geneva

Sorina Teleanu and Jovan Kurbalija run an expert-guided dialogue among Geneva-based diplomats. This event was co-sponsored by the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Kenya and the EU Delegation.

New web look

In November, Diplo launched a new home page and organisation of a website aiming to solve one of the main problems of having easy access to Diplo’s rich knowledge and data resources. In addition to the AI chatbot, a new organisation of the website provides easier structural access to our knowledge.

 File, Person, Text, Face, Head, Advertisement, Poster, Szymon Hołownia, La Parka, Bill Bergey

Sorina Telanu’s book is a comprehensive reference for anyone interested in the Global Digital Compact (GDC). It is published only 47 days after the adoption of the GDC on 22 September 2024 during the Summit of the Future, held at the United Nations in New York.

In addition to comprehensive coverage of the GDC, there are several reasons why this book is a go-to resource for understanding the GDC and broader digital governance.

Unpacking Global Digital Compact: Actors, Issues, and Processes - Book cover

Diplo INSTA Diplo Event Unpacking Global Digital

Jovan Kurbalija’s text focuses on the forthcoming publication ‘Unpacking Global Digital Compact’ by Sorina Teleanu. Kurbalija highlighted the unique way how Sorina turned her long research into an effective narrative…

blog Valencia flooding FI

Valencia, recognised as an

advanced smart city, failed to effectively warn residents of imminent floods, resulting in devastating consequences. Despite advanced technology, the local authorities sent emergency alerts eight hours late

blog Part 5 Is AI really that simple FI

How do AI’s cognitive mechanisms actually work? Just like human cognition, AI relies on schemas to process and interpret data – yet it lacks the depth and context that human…

blog How and why language is hardening in modern discourse FI

Language is shifting – words like ‘dialogue’ and ‘conversation’ are being replaced by ‘debate’ and ‘discussion’. Is this hardening of tone a sign of the times? Aldo Matteucci analyses.

BLOG featured image 04

Trump’s appointment of Elon Musk as an ‘efficiency tzar’ aims to modernize federal administration, amidst criticisms suggesting that it targets the ‘deep state.’ However, the focus should shift to the broader AI…

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What do string theory and AI chat models have in common? Both navigate complex, multidimensional webs – but of what? Dr Anita Lamprecht explains.

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Jovan Kurbalija summarises Diplo’s visit to the UAE in nine reflections on how the UAE deals with artificial intelligence…

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If morality were destroyed, could we rebuild it from its fragments? Aldo Matteucci examined Alasdair MacIntyre’s theory.

BLOG featured image 08

On 21-22 November, Diplo team addressed the 25th European Diplomatic Programme held in Budapest in the context of the Hungarian EU presidency. It is an annual gathering of around 100 junior diplomats

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Should we allow AI to develop its own language – one that humans can’t understand? While it may enhance efficiency, it raises serious concerns. Dr Anita Lamprecht explores.

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The major role that technology industry leaders might play in influencing the election outcome.

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Chinese tech giants reshape the global market amid US rivalry and domestic regulation challenges.

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We invite you not only to follow what we do, but also to observe how we conduct our activities with the help of AI. The practical use of AI can help us better understand the technology and enable a more informed discussion on its overall impact on our future.

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