Diplo Knowledge Ecology: Where human wisdom meets AI power

In 2024, Diplo brought its approach to the future of technology and governance to a new level by developing 201 cutting-edge AI applications. By seamlessly blending Diplo’s decades of expert knowledge in diplomacy and global governance with the latest advancements in AI, we reinforced our firm belief that teaching and researching the governance of technology requires more than just theoretical understanding—it demands a deep, hands-on grasp of the technologies shaping our world, such as AI.

In 2024 alone, DiploAI applications delivered an impressive 19,656 answers, addressing critical questions and challenges across various domains. Among these, a few standout applications emerged as the busiest, reflecting their indispensable role in shaping the future of governance and technology:

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Our experience in developing 201 AI applications is that the the more they cover specific issuea area, the higher quality and relevance they provide.

Join us as we explore how DiploAI is transforming the way we understand, govern, and interact with technology—one intelligent solution at a time.

On this page you can find selection of AI applications organised in the following segments:

1. Writers, philosophers, and theologians

These AI assistants are crafted to delve into enduring questions about human existence and foresight, while also tackling modern-day challenges. They offer insights into how classic works intersect with contemporary issues, such as the influence of AI on free will, creativity, and consciousness.

By drawing on original texts from books and poems, these assistants are enhanced by Jovan Kurbalija’s reflections, which are inspired by his engagement with the ideas of influential thinkers. This growing ‘library’ of AI assistants evolves steadily, relying on a careful balance of human wisdom and advanced AI technologies.

2. Schools and groups of thinkers

These AI agents bring together a diverse group of thinkers connected by their association with Geneva, their professions as diplomats and writers, and their shared Islamic cultural traditions. By combining their insights, the AI provides answers to your questions.

Looking ahead, we plan to develop AI agents that will facilitate conversations among groups of thinkers, enabling deeper dialogue and exchange of ideas. This approach aims to blend historical wisdom with modern technology, creating a platform for meaningful engagement.

3. Diplo people

Diplo has long been a hub for engaging with unique thinkers who often challenge mainstream ideas and perspectives. The late Aldo Matteucci, known as Diplo’s “chief contrarian officer,” brought a bold and questioning spirit to the table. Teddy Winkler has been challenger of mainstream thinking the field of geopolitics and security. Meanwhile, Jovan Kurbalija, Diplo’s founder, has been at the forefront of pioneering ideas on AI and digitalization for over three decades.

In this segment, we aim to preserve the knowledge and contributions of Diplo’s past and present thinkers, ensuring their insights remain accessible for future generations. By capturing their ideas, we hope to continue inspiring innovation and critical thinking in the years to come.

4. Diplo knowledge ecosystem

The DiploAI application on the homepage serves as your gateway to the wealth of knowledge and insights developed by Diplo over decades of research, teaching, and policy work. Whether you’re looking for answers, inspiration, or a deeper understanding of complex topics, this rich ecosystem of ideas is just a click away. Start a conversation with Diplo’s AI assistant and dive deeper into hundreds of policy issues covered by Diplo.

 File, Webpage, Person, Face, Head, Text, Wang Ying, Bill Bergey

You can also find the following specialised AI assistants…

5. Governance and policy

Much of Diplo’s work centeres on governance of AI, internet, and overall tech developmetns. This group of AI assistants can help you to engage with issues such as Global Digital Compact, World Summit of Information Society, and more.

6. AI and event reporting

Diplo has been reporting from conferences and events by blending human expertise and AI analysis. Below is a lost of events we repored from in 2024 in reverse chronological order. To explore detailed reports, simply click on ‘consult report’.

internet governance forum IGF 2024 AI governance Global South MENA
15-19 December 2024 | Riyadh
final summit promo en
20-23 September 2024 | New York
EuroDIG 2024
17-19 June 2024 | Vilnius
netmundial image
29-30 April 2024 | Sao Paolo
diplomacy forum Antalya
1-3 March 2024 | Antalya
WEF 2024 DAY 4
15-19 January 2024 | Davos

7. National AI and digital profiles

As part of its initiative to create AI and digital profiles for countries worldwide, Diplo develops national AI assistants. These assistants are built on the foundation of each country’s AI, digital, and cybersecurity strategies and policies, offering tailored insights and guidance.

Saint Kitts and Nevishttps://dig.watch/countries/saint-kitts-and-nevis
Saint Luciahttps://dig.watch/countries/saint-lucia
Saint Vincent & the Grenadineshttps://dig.watch/countries/saint-vincent-the-grenadines
San Marinohttps://dig.watch/countries/san-marino
Sao Tome and Principehttps://dig.watch/countries/sao-tome-and-principe
Saudi Arabiahttps://dig.watch/countries/saudi-arabia
Sierra Leonehttps://dig.watch/countries/sierra-leone
Solomon Islandshttps://dig.watch/countries/solomon-islands
South Africahttps://dig.watch/countries/south-africa
South Koreahttps://dig.watch/countries/south-korea
South Sudanhttps://dig.watch/countries/south-sudan
Sri Lankahttps://dig.watch/countries/sri-lanka
Trinidad and Tobagohttps://dig.watch/countries/trinidad-and-tobago
United Arab Emirateshttps://dig.watch/countries/united-arab-emirates
United Kingdomhttps://dig.watch/countries/united-kingdom
United States of Americahttps://dig.watch/countries/united-states-of-america

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