Data Governance in the Digital Economy online course

Data Governance in the Digital Economy online course

The Data Governance in the Digital Economy online course helps students grasp the complexity of data governance in a holistic manner by covering the technical, economic, legal, policy, and geopolitical aspects of this topic. Particular emphasis is given to the economic importance of data for development strategies.

The course is specifically designed for diplomats, government officials, and business leaders

Participants will gain an understanding of the main challenges related to data governance in the context of the digital economy. They will also acquire the skills to outline the main elements that should be included in data strategies, and learn how to formulate their national positions in negotiations involving data flows.

This course adopts a ‘just-in-time’ approach, meaning it focuses on the ongoing policy initiatives and follows digital trade negotiations that are currently taking place in International Geneva.


Data Governance in the Digital Economy

Text – Violeta Fonseca

Violeta Fonseca - Diplo AlumnaI am grateful to have participated in the course, as it undoubtedly covers a highly complex subject. It was presented and decoded in a clear and assertive manner, through a methodology that combined the traditional purposes of diplomacy with new technological trends. I invite all diplomats, particularly from developing countries, to immerse themselves in this experience, with the certainty that they will master important skills to better carry out their work, expand their networks, and grow as professionals.

– Ms Violeta Fonseca, Minister Counsellor, Permanent Mission of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Geneva, Switzerland

Text – Talkmore Chidede

Talkmore ChidedeThe course exceeded my expectations in many regards, especially the depth of the information provided, the interaction with other students, and the inputs from the course coordinator and lecturers which enriched the learning environment. I learned the key principles of data governance in the digital economy that I can implement immediately in my work.

– Mr Talkmore Chidede, Digital Trade Expert, African Continental Free Trade Area Secretariat, Ghana

Text – Katrin Ohlmer

Katrin Ohlmer - Diplo AlumnaThe course provided me with a great introduction to data governance fundamentals. The lectures delivered by experienced scientists and practitioners and the readings were extremely useful, especially the background material and links. However, what I appreciated the most was the variety of views from other students.

– Ms Katrin Ohlmer, Co-Founder & CEO, Dotzon GmbH, Germany

Text – Million Hailemichale Tolessa

Million Hailemichale Tolessa - Diplo AlumnusThe course provided me with a comprehensive understanding of data governance by addressing technical, economic, legal, policy, and geopolitical issues. The course exceeded my expectations in many ways, particularly the depth of the study notes and the platform on which the course was delivered.

– Mr Million Hailemichale Tolessa, Digital Trade Expert, African Continental Free Trade Area Secretariat, Ethiopia

Text – Veronica Bogarin Closs

Veronica Borgarin Closs - Diplo AlumnaThe course has been brilliant in the way it presented the current challenges of regulating the digital domain and the possible implications on the economy, social behaviour, human rights, privacy, and development. As a trade delegate from a landlocked developing country, the course has contributed with relevant input on digital policies and data governance issues that will support my day-to-day work relating to e-commerce negotiations.

– Ms Veronica Bogarin Closs, First Secretary, Delegate Permanent Mission of Paraguay in Geneva, Delegate to the WTO, UNCTAD, and WIPO, Switzerland

How will you learn?

The Data Governance in the Digital Economy course will be conducted entirely online, and students will interact intensively in discussions with classmates and lecturers from around the world. Personalised guidance and feedback will be provided by the course team.

What will you learn?

  • WHY data governance matters: The geopolitics and geoeconomics of data
  • WHAT types of data are tackled by data governance: Personal, public, and private
  • WHAT the main policy areas of data governance are: Economic, legal, security, and development
  • WHAT the main national and international legal instruments and initiatives are (e.g. General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), data free flow with trust (DFFT), Global Initiative on Data Security)
  • WHO the main actors in data governance are: Governments, tech platforms, and international organisations
  • HOW data governance may be achieved: Self-regulation, national regulation, and international treaties
  • HOW small and developing countries can protect and promote their interest in data-related negotiations
  • HOW to manage the interplay between data regulation and AI frameworks
  • WHERE data governance is performed: Local, national, and international levels

Course lecturers

Thomas Schneider

Director of International Affairs, Swiss Federal Office of Communications (OFCOM)

Jovan Kurbalija

Executive Director, Diplo

Lee Hibbard

Administrator, Bioethics Unit, Council of Europe

 Adult, Female, Person, Woman, Furniture, Table, Indoors, Male, Man, Electronics, Headphones, Desk, Computer Hardware, Hardware, Monitor, Screen, Face, Head, Speaker

Lorrayne Porciuncula

Guest lecturer; Executive​ Director, Datasphere Initiative

Marília Maciel

Head of Digital Commerce & Internet Policy, Diplo

 Face, Head, Person, Photography, Portrait, Body Part, Neck, Adult, Male, Man, Clothing, Shirt, Frown, Sad

Parminder Jeet Singh

Guest lecturer; Executive Director, IT for Change

 Face, Head, Person, Photography, Portrait, Happy, Smile, Body Part, Neck, Adult, Female, Woman, Blonde, Hair, Lady, Clothing, T-Shirt

Susan Aaronson

Guest lecturer; Director, Digital Trade and Data Governance Hub

Who should apply

The course is specifically designed for diplomats, government officials, and business leaders interested in data governance in the context of the digital economy.


Topics addressed in the course:

  • The main characteristics and value of data
  • Data access and sharing mechanisms
  • Data and information security
  • Cross-border data flows, data localisation, and the protection of privacy
  • Data in the context of development strategies
  • The interplay between data and standards

Need more info:

DiploFoundation (attn Tanja Nikolic)

Anutruf, Ground Floor, Hriereb Street
Msida, MSD 1675, Malta

+356 21 333 323;


The Data Governance in the Digital Economy course uses a collaborative learning approach where the course participants read the materials uploaded in the online classroom and interact with lecturers and other participants using various tools.

In addition to this asynchronous interaction, the course also includes two live Zoom meetings per week, during which the course faculty and guest lecturers will clarify questions and discuss ongoing policy processes with participants. 

Participants who successfully complete the course receive a certificate issued by Diplo, which can be printed or shared electronically.


Applicants must have:

  • Sufficient English language skills to undertake postgraduate-level studies.
  • Regular internet access; dial-up connections are sufficient, broadband is preferable.
  • On average, 3 hours of commitment per week, including participation in two live Zoom webinars a week at specified times.

Fees and scholarships

The course fee is 500 CHF per participant, due upon acceptance into the course.

A limited number of partial scholarships are available for applicants from small and developing countries

Note: Diplo alumni can benefit from a 15% discount on the fee for this course.


How to apply

Fill out the short form to start your application process for this course. You will receive an instruction email on how to continue.

If you are applying for financial assistance, please upload your CV and a motivation letter that should include:

    • Details of your relevant professional and educational background
    • Reasons for your interest in the course
    • Why you feel you should have the opportunity to participate in this course: How will your participation benefit you, your institution and/or your country?

Cancellation Policy

Diplo reserves the right to cancel this course if enrolment is insufficient. In case of cancellation, Diplo will notify applicants shortly after the application deadline.