Geneva Internet Platform: 10 focus areas for 2021
Diplomatic theory and practice, Gender rights online, Internet governance and digital policy BlogsThe Geneva Internet Platform focuses on Internet governance and digital policy by providing accessible information and analysis. Their 10 focus areas for 2021 include digital governance, cybersecurity, data cooperation, human rights online, and capacity development for managing tech and diplomacy interactions. They aim to enhance understanding and involvement in digital issues through initiatives like the Geneva Digital Atlas, cybersecurity dialogues, and tech attaché support. The platform acts as a hub for knowledge exchange and capacity building in Geneva, supported by multiple stakeholders and providing vital insights for diplomats, organizations, and civil society in navigating the complex digital landscape.
[WebDebate #44 summary] Diplomacy in times of COVID-19: The experience of developing countries
COVID-19 diplomacy, Diplomatic theory and practice BlogsThe text discusses the challenges faced by diplomats in 2020 due to COVID-19, focusing on adaptation and resilience. Diplomats had to shift to digital tools, face Zoom fatigue, and find creative solutions. Developing countries faced additional economic impacts and connectivity issues. The importance of face-to-face diplomacy and informal spaces for negotiation was emphasized. Looking ahead to 2021, uncertainty remains, emphasizing the need for adaptability, trust-building, inclusivity, and addressing technological limitations. Diplomats must navigate security concerns while keeping communication channels open. Collaboration, dialogue, and learning from each other will be crucial moving forward.
Establishing standards for IoT devices: Recent examples
Diplo Wisdom Circle Cybersecurity, Diplomatic theory and practice, Gender rights online, Internet of things BlogsThe text discusses the importance of establishing privacy and security standards for IoT devices due to concerns surrounding their use. Examples include Finland's cybersecurity label, Singapore's Cybersecurity Labeling Scheme, and the recent Internet of Things Cybersecurity Improvement bill in the United States. The message emphasizes the role of governmental regulation in defining IoT standards, particularly within the federal government. However, it notes that different approaches are being taken globally, leaving uncertainty about potential impacts on consumer IoT devices.
Online community engagement as a strategic tool: Mission possible
Diplomatic theory and practice, E-tools, Online education BlogsThe blog post discusses the strategic value of online community engagement, particularly focusing on the success factors of the alumni community of the College of Europe. It emphasizes the importance of data, security, and stakeholder engagement in building a vibrant virtual community. By sharing insights from the College of Europe alumni community's journey, the post highlights the benefits of a dynamic online platform in expanding engagement and resources. Additionally, it stresses the need for a clear business case, stakeholder analysis, and value proposition when launching a virtual community. Successful online communities require strategic curation, regular communication, and smart engagement strategies to flourish.
Nature and digital: A historical view from Geneva
Earth diplomacy, Environmental diplomacy, Gender rights online, Geneva diplomacy, Internet governance and digital policy BlogsThie blog draws connections between Geneva's natural beauty and its significance as a hub for digital policy and governance. This perspective offers insights into how the city's environmental and digital domains influence each other, underscoring Geneva's role in shaping the digital future.
Cybersecurity requires governments to step in
Cybersecurity, Gender rights online, Internet governance and digital policy BlogsGovernments are needed in cybersecurity to create incentives for companies to invest in secure products. Regulations and policies guided by the government can help address the lack of cybersecurity investments by companies, complexity in regulatory approaches, and ensure transparency in handling vulnerabilities. Collaborative efforts between governments and the private sector are crucial in establishing standards, certification processes, and enhancing accountability in cybersecurity practices. With the increasing complexity of technology and the need for secure behavior, industry alone cannot ensure cyber-resilience, underscoring the importance of government involvement in shaping a secure-by-design digital ecosystem.
Diplomats at US intelligence hub in UK lose immunities
Diplo Wisdom Circle BlogsDiplomats at a US intelligence hub in the UK are losing immunities, as agreements are revised following the controversial Sacoolas affair. The legal background surrounding diplomatic status and immunity for this hub at Croughton Airbase in England is under scrutiny, revealing changes in immunities granted to both staff and their families. The revised agreement signifies a significant shift in diplomatic privileges and protections, prompting questions about potential consequences for similar diplomatic posts around the world.
Report of ‘The Potential of Virtual Reality for Peace Mediation’ roundtable
Cybermediation, Digital diplomacy, Diplomatic theory and practice BlogsRoundtable on the potential of virtual reality for peace mediation was held on 5th November 2020. The discussion focused on the definition, applications, advantages, and limitations of virtual reality in peacebuilding efforts. It was noted that while virtual reality can enhance empathy and understanding, caution is needed due to its immersive nature and potential divisive results. Various resources were shared to further explore the topic. Virtual reality is seen as a tool that can support peace processes but is not a stand-alone solution, requiring careful integration into broader practices.
Internet protocols and human rights: Interplay or interdependence?
Alumni Digital diplomacy, Diplomatic theory and practice, Gender rights online, Privacy and data protection BlogsThe evolution of the Internet from an elite platform to a tool for the general public has had significant impacts on human rights. Recent issues like data breaches and surveillance programs have implications for privacy and freedom of expression. Internet protocols and human rights are interconnected, with privacy protection within protocols being crucial for maintaining fundamental rights online. The relationship between Internet protocols and human rights is not just an interplay but rather an interdependence that is vital for the Internet to continue serving its democratic potential.
[WebDebate #43 summary] IGF+: What’s next?
Diplomatic theory and practice BlogsThe text discusses the importance of Internet governance, the role of the Internet Governance Forum (IGF), and ongoing discussions about its reform. Key points include the potential of the IGF+ model, concerns about inclusivity and decision-making processes, and the need for legitimacy and broad participation in reform discussions. Additionally, there is a focus on the challenges faced by developing countries regarding internet governance and the role of the IGF in promoting dialogue and collaboration. Overall, the future of internet governance requires addressing fragmentation, promoting transnational cooperation, and reinvigorating the original spirit of multistakeholder engagement.